I’m From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

Chapter 720: Surprising scientific research institution

After sensing that the tigress seemed to have no ill intentions, Chen Chu pretended to take out a few pieces of meat from his body and feed it to her.

As for what the audience thought about the pieces of raw meat he carried with him, Chen Chu didn’t have to explain to the audience.

 All I can say is, think whatever you love.

  It doesn’t matter anyway.

 Why are some people afraid of exposing their special circumstances in public? Because they don't have the ability to protect their own specialness.

 Also because they know that many people are greedy for their specialness.

They are afraid of attracting the attention of higher-level people and accidentally waking up in a mysterious underground research institute.

 After all, personal power cannot compete with the country. To protect themselves, they should not show their specialness in front of the public.

 But for Chen Chu, all this is not a problem, because he is not afraid at all.

 It doesn’t matter.

After eating the piece of meat that Chen Chu fed, the tigress suddenly looked up at Chen Chu, then nudged her way to Chen Chu's side, turned over and leaned into Chen Chu's arms, and kept acting coquettishly to show her goodwill.

 Chen Chu was immediately happy, touched its head, and then fed it some meat: "Eat, eat, and go to sleep after eating."

 The tigress purred louder and rubbed her head against Chen Chu's hand. The tiger's pupils even looked very clear...


 As a furry lover, how could Chen Chu endure such a look? He directly fed the tigress meat again.

Then, the tigress completely ignored the cubs. After all, the two-legged beast next to her also took good care of her cubs.

It suddenly discovered a survival technique that was far more suitable for itself than hunting on its own.

If it can get enough and delicious food just by dawdling with some unbeatable Twolegs, then why does it go to all the trouble to hunt?

Every animal is actually lazy. As long as there is a way to harvest more food than hunting by itself, it can even behave lazier.

They will easily give up the hunting skills that have been passed down in their genes for countless years and quickly integrate into another identity...pets.

This is the case with today's Internet celebrity wolves, and this is the case with today's tigresses.

It nuzzled Chen Chu again, even exposing its belly, and hooked its head on Chen Chu's hand to beg for a touch.

Of course, it is not that it is not afraid of danger, but that it knows that it cannot defeat the person in front of it, so it can expose its belly with confidence.

  It is both a kind of flattery and a kind of surrender.

 Chen Chu was surprised: "Do you have such a high IQ? You can touch the meat as you please? Netizens are blessed."


  ‘Sorry, netizens don’t want to have this blessing. Those teeth feel longer than my brother’s. If I get bitten, there will be two **** holes? Don't dare to move, don't dare to move at all. ’

 ‘I have a question, why did Chen Chu put so much meat on his body? Where did his meat come from? How did you take it out?

I remember the rabbits, ducks and so on that he harvested before, haven’t they all been eaten? These don't look like fish. ’

   ‘Now that you said it, I also have this question, yes, where does the meat on his body come from? How did you take it out? ’

 The audience is very curious about this question, and they are quite willing to ask the question to the end. There are all kinds of speculations.

Some people have even jokingly speculated that Chen Chu has super powers, right?

 Many people agreed jokingly and said that if Chen Chu used this super power to do magic, he would definitely make money.

 Chen Chu didn't know what they were thinking, so he teased the big cat in front of him who was very coquettish as if nothing had happened. What Chen Chu had just done could be said to have opened the door to a new world for the big cat in front of him.

It seems to have understood something. It understands that you only need to act coquettishly to get food. You only need to act coquettishly to these strange two-legged beasts.

 But it doesn't matter, these two-legged beasts without hair but covered with strange things are very powerful. It can't even defeat one, let alone another one next to it.

 If we beat it together, then it shouldn’t be beaten into beef balls?

 So, it decided to surrender and exchange its body for food.

 Who is willing to risk injury or even death when hunting when there are easier ways to source food?

 Although the immunity and resistance of wild animals are super strong, even the most ferocious animals may become infected, inflamed and die if they are injured.

 So when the young deer came over, it quickly exposed its belly and purred in a flattering manner.

 Chen Youlu was very surprised and looked at Chen Chu, meaning how did you do it?

 Chen Chu shook his head, silently expressing that it was really not him who did it this time.

In Chen Youlu's case, Chen Chu's credit index has always been full, so she believed Chen Chu's words without hesitation. She was even more surprised. The big cat in front of her could really act coquettishly?

 This big cat, which is only slightly larger than a puma, is so smart. It’s really... so endearing.

Chen Chu took out some meat for her. Chen Youlu was not surprised that Chen Chu could take out things from his body from time to time that he didn't have before. It was just strange that Chen Chu didn't avoid the camera anymore.

But she didn’t care, just feeding the big cat in front of her.

 The tigress felt that her strategy was quite successful, so she started to act coquettishly and show her favor in front of the young deer even more vigorously.

 It seems that all mammals have belly turning to show affection and coquettishness. It feels like the tigress in front of me is quite skilled and hardworking in this.

 It’s really interesting.

 Chen Chu also looked at the tigress and cub in front of him and suddenly asked: "Sister Xiaolu, do you think it will be difficult for them to survive in the wild?"

“They are probably the only new species of tiger discovered so far. Their population is definitely not large, and their population must be quite fragile.

Wouldn’t it be a pity if some accident happened in the wild and their population was exterminated? "

“Come on, come on, as soon as Chen Chu raised his tail, I knew what he was about to fart. Are you worried about the extinction of some of his tribes?” That innocent body of yours is just for **** after others! Damn you, you rogue! ’

  ‘Can you still be more clear about your thoughts? ’

  ‘Good guy, it’s not enough to get back a horned eagle, but I also plan to get back this little saber-toothed tiger. Punishment, this is really punishment. ’

  ‘For ordinary people, this kind of shamelessness is too thick-skinned, but for Chen Chu, this kind of shamelessness is not enough. ’

  ‘Are you a college student? Just reach out and ask for it? Why don't you just take the island together? ’

 ‘Ahem, is there such a possibility? Is it completely possible to take the island together as you said? Buying and selling of islands in a free country is allowed.

Even if foreigners are not allowed to buy the island, the president is his friend, so if he really wants to buy it, it is only a matter of words. ’

 ‘Good guy, you don’t want him to take over this island in one go, do you? is it possible? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this island is extraordinary.

Two undiscovered new species have been discovered on this island. There must be other surprises on this island. If the president dares to sell this island to Chen Chu, he will probably be impeached and step down when he returns. . ’

  ‘This… too. ’

Chen Youlu cast a contemptuous look at him: "Can you be more obvious about your thoughts? This tiger has lived here for I don't know how many years. If something happens, it will happen long ago."       Chen Chu touched his nose in embarrassment : "Ahem, I'm just talking casually."

“I don’t even know what you want the tiger to take back.” Chen Youlu was speechless.

Even if Chen Chu is really adopted in the name of rescue, can Chen Chu really be allowed to take him back to the country? Can Chen Chu really be raised at home?

 I'm afraid those neighbors will be the first to refuse. It's too dangerous.

Although this tigress is only slightly larger than a puma, it is still the apex predator at the top of the food chain. If it were to be released into a big city, it would probably be scolded to death.

Chen Chu regretfully gave up this tempting idea. Forget it, it was a whimsical thing in the first place, so don’t think about it anymore.


The two of them originally didn’t want to bring the tigress and the tiger cubs back to the camp, but Chen Chu also gave up the idea of ​​adopting them, but...

 The tigress actually followed Chen Chu and her three cubs!

This, this, this…

 Chen Chu was very happy. If these tigers had been following him and not leaving, would it be possible to take these tigers with him openly on the grounds that the tigers could not leave him?

 I don’t know, but there should be some room for maneuver.

Several tigers followed behind them, and the prey was naturally scared away, so the two simply went back to the camp.

The tigress and her cubs also followed behind, swimming leisurely. The tigress would also teach the cubs hunting techniques along the way, making several cubs howl with excitement.

 When a butterfly passed by on the roadside, they all swooped over excitedly, and the camera in the live broadcast room was always on the little tigers.

 Seeing the crowd of spectators howling, they also wanted to take a few tiger cubs home.

When they returned to the camp, everyone was stunned when they looked at the tigers waiting behind Chen Chu, with confused expressions on their faces.


Good guy, if you go out for a while, can you bring back a tiger?

 In a word, awesome.


 The next day, early in the morning.

The cave was peaceful. To protect women’s privacy (and avoid suspicion), Rogers and other men took it upon themselves to build small shelters with some branches near the cave.

  Did not live in a cave with women.

Adams and other men also voluntarily withdrew. After discussion, the male team members decided to use the two requests owed by the program team to request a few tents.

It’s okay now, there’s no need to build a shelter, everyone can live in tents.

Old Martinson's tent was a bit special, but no one cared about it. After all, he was almost buried. Even the audience who abided by the rules of the show turned a blind eye.

 There were only a few women left in the cave, as well as the natives of the cave...the tigress and a few tiger cubs.

This cave was originally the cave of the tigress. She would leave the nest because she was about to give birth and look for a more secluded place to give birth to her cubs.

Now the tiger cubs are not ready to come back until they are old enough, but what happened during the day...

Today, they are going to see if they can find some suitable materials to build a simple compartment.

 The cave is large enough to be divided into two compartments with a partition in the middle.

 Coupled with the recent increase in population, the fish pits on the edge of the reef are no longer enough to eat, even for lunch.

Have to find some food that can serve as staple food.

Rogers was already sweating profusely at this and almost burned out for food.

 When he was surviving, he only had to take care of a few teammates. Now... it's not just a matter of having a few more teammates.

 That’s a few more drags! A bunch of gentlemen! There is also a Jiaojiao eldest lady.

"Hey, Rogers, you don't look very good." Chen Chu squatted beside the mountain stream to brush his teeth and asked casually.

Rogers showed a forced smile: "Captain, we don't have much food. Maybe we won't even have enough for lunch."

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment: "Are you worried about this?"

“Yes, there is a tigress with a child in the team now.” Rogers said, his facial features almost wrinkled.

 Chen Chu immediately laughed: "If that's the case with you, then it's better not to do it."

Rogers suddenly showed a puzzled look: "Huh?"

 Chen Chu said with a smile: "I seemed to have discovered an edible crop before, but I was a little unsure. Now I am sure."

Rogers: "Captain, what do you mean?"

“It should be a common crop, but I don’t know why it appears on this island.”


Just when a few people were being led by Chen Chu to dig crops, several speedboats also came from outside the island.

  Sitting on the speedboat were a group of people, all of whom were domestic and foreign scientific researchers.

At this time, they were looking at the island, their eyes full of enthusiasm. Unexpectedly, it was only one night, but the result gave them a deep surprise.

Such a surprise is really... great!

There is an undiscovered new species of big cat! And it looks very similar to a saber-toothed tiger!

 This is simply an incredible thing.

This island has now caused huge waves in the scientific research community. Countless scientists want to go to this island to explore the magic of this island.

There is even capital that has taken a fancy to the future value of this island and has begun to acquire it. The result is of course self-evident that it is impossible to sell it.

 Because it has been given to Chen Chu as a meeting gift by certain groups, it is naturally impossible to give it to others.

However, although many scientific research units have put pressure on the program team, the program team has resisted. Do you want to put pressure on it? Want to use the people behind me to suppress me?

Then you have to check to see if the person behind you is wearing titanium alloy shoes, lest he kicks the iron plate and breaks his foot.

Kicked the iron plate, this is a new word that Director Steve has recently learned.


Director Hu is on a speedboat at this time. In addition to completing their normal scientific research tasks, they also have the task of trying their best to cooperate and participate in the program.

Well, this may be a small attempt as mentioned above to see if scientific researchers can also have a star effect.

 Become a new-age idol.

 But it’s not reliable at first glance. I don’t know which leader came up with the idea as soon as his brain got hot, but he is definitely out of his mind.

 But there is actually some truth to it. After all, Director Fox is a clear example, which has aroused many people's interest in unknown animals and plants. (End of chapter)

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