Chen Chu did not go back to MIT. He had already taken leave anyway, so why not take a few more days off and go back?

 So Chen Chu was on the domestic route with Chen Baijia and the others at this time, and he would go back home to rest first.

 And for some unknown reason, old Martinson also came to Dahua with Chen Chu.

 But Adams didn’t have so much time. He wasted too much time participating in the show, and the consortium and politicians couldn’t wait.

 After all, he had promised that the Holy Meeting would be held every week, and he had already broken the promise for more than a week.

 Fortunately, he had already said in advance that if he was absent, no matter how much he missed, he would make up for it in double the amount.

Now he urgently needs to go back and stabilize those restless old guys. He is not the old Martinson who has stabilized those old guys for so long.

 So, on the way, Adams had already returned early on a carrier aircraft escorted by several fighter jets.


 The cruise ship successfully sailed away from the high seas, and several submarines that had been submersing behind it and escorting it also came to a standstill.

 Because the sea area of ​​Dahua is in front of them, they dare not go in for fear of causing misunderstanding.

At this time, several ships were approaching from a distance, following the cruise ship at a distance that was not too far away.

 Neither communicate, nor leave, just follow silently.

 After all, there is a president of a free country on the cruise ship at this time, so he always needs to show some attention.

 So they took over the **** and followed.

 Finally, they arrived at the largest port in Guangdong Province, where they would disembark and take a car to City A.

 This is the most convenient mode of transportation.

After getting off the boat, I heard surprised voices one after another: "Chen Chu? Chen Baijia? Old Martinson?"

It turned out that tourists and passers-by at the port discovered the three of them, especially the old Martinson, whose features were too obvious.

Unexpectedly, the three of them returned to China after filming the show.

 Chen Chu nodded to the tourists and passers-by who were greeting him: "Well, it's us, thank you, we have to leave, please give way."

I don’t know when some people appeared next to me, forming a human wall to separate tourists and passers-by.

Although he was not wearing a showy black suit and black sunglasses, passers-by could tell at a glance that these were the three bodyguards.

  It's just that I keep a low profile and don't want to be public.

Tourists and passers-by also know that the three of them are not celebrities, and they do not rely on their fans to make a living, so they do not need to cooperate with the fans to do something.

 You can only get out of the way and let them go.

A few people nodded around and said, "Well, thank you."

 The three of them left the port under the **** of the people around them, got into the car, and went straight to City A.

 At this time, in City A, in the community where Chen Chu’s family is located.

 There were many guests at Chen Chu’s house.

Uncle and the others are also there, but there are also some guys who are a little less discerning and snobbish.

They come up to me shamelessly, so it’s very annoying.

 There is really no self-knowledge at all.

Today is the day that Chen Chu comes back. It’s understandable that people close to him come to greet him, but what’s the point of coming here with you guys who can’t even fight?

 But the visitors were guests, and Chen Guoqiang and his wife were not domineering people, and it was hard to say anything.

 But after all, the atmosphere at the scene was not very good, and it felt a bit awkward.

Some people are not thick-skinned enough and put down their gifts and leave when they sense that the atmosphere is not right.

 Some people are born with different skins than ordinary people. Not only do they not feel anything bad, but they also feel that others are gone.

The best thing is to just leave.

There are all kinds of people, including monsters, ghosts, monsters, ghosts and monsters. People have lived for a long time, but what kind of things have they never seen?

Anyway, my uncle and the others have seen a lot of people like this, they are thick-skinned.

It’s just that today is also the day when Chen Chu returns to China. Everyone is here as relatives to greet him and reminisce about the past.

What are you so-called distant relatives who have not been in contact with for eight hundred years doing here?

 They all look like rogues, with playful smiles on their faces. Do they really think this is someplace?

 The uncle and several uncles and uncles looked at each other, got up and walked towards those people.

It's hard for Chen Guoqiang and Yang Yumei to say anything. After all, they are guests, and they can only do this evil thing.

 I just hope these people are more sensible.

Chen Chu called and said that distinguished guests would come over later and asked the family to prepare sumptuous meals.

  When I heard this call, my uncle and the others wanted to leave. After all, there were distinguished guests coming to the door, and it was not appropriate for them to be there.

 But how could Chen Guoqiang let them go? What's wrong with this?

 Besides, uncle and the others were originally called by Chen Guoqiang.

What's going on with calling people here and away again?

 That doesn’t make sense.


 The uncle and others walked towards the so-called relatives.

“Hey, uncles, come and have a cigarette.” When they saw the uncle and others coming, they quickly stood up with a smile to greet them.

The rest of them are also in their forties or fifties, but among relatives, they usually call their mother's brother uncle.

 Honourific title.

Well, this is mainly for those relatives whose generations are too difficult to distinguish. They are all collectively called uncles.

The uncle took the cigarette, sat down and chatted with a smile: "It's really unlucky that you guys came here today. There were too many guests at home and we couldn't entertain them well."

A few people laughed and said: "This is nothing. We are all a family whether we entertain or not. Saying this is out of context."

Others cursed in their hearts, who is in your family? How disgusting.

 If there are relatives like you, it would be better for them to choose to break off the relationship.

Da's heart was also very tired, and hated this kind of person who was not too much.

But he didn’t say anything. After all, he was happy today and was too lazy to get angry with such a person.

The uncle calmed down and said with a smile: "Uh..."

 “I am Zhangtai.”

"Okay, Zhangtai, it's like this. There are a lot of people today. Otherwise, you go back first."

 Hand wait until you are free in a few days before you can come and entertain me properly. The current reception is really not good enough. "

 The people around Zhangtai looked at each other, as if they were trying to drive people away.

Zhang Tai knew very well that he was driving people away, but he was so thick-skinned that he pretended not to notice.

“Haha, we are all members of our own family, so what’s the point of not being well-received, or seeing someone outside? It’s okay, it’s okay.” Zhang Tai smiled very affectionately, but didn’t say a word about leaving.

 Only a fool leaves!

He is not stupid. He left today. If he comes to visit later, he may not even be allowed in.

  I will not leave even if I am beaten to death!

Your uncle’s face looks a little disgusted. He’s clearly trying to drive you away. Are you still hanging on?

He didn't believe that this man couldn't hear good things.

 It can only be said that he is shameless and invincible.

The smile on the uncle's face also faded: "I know what you guys mean, but you're not doing this right, are you?"

“Today is a good thing for my sister’s family. We are here to give our eldest nephew a clean break. It’s a family dinner.

Why are you guys here to join in the fun? "

Zhang Tai said with a smile: "Uncle, what you said is wrong. We are also a family. How can we be outsiders?" The uncle's face darkened: "While I am in a good mood now, don't let me say anything unpleasant. If your words come out, you should be wise and leave quickly."

If this was a serious relative, my uncle would not say such unpleasant things.

 But the problem is that these people are not good birds at first glance, let alone fun and playful.

 They are still relatives who are related to each other through unknown sources.

If they follow this method of kinship identification, then everyone in society will be relatives.

Facing these people, the uncle's face turned completely gloomy: "Do you think our family is easy to bully?"

“I feel like my family is a soft persimmon and can be manipulated by you, right?”

“Do you regard me, Chen and Yang, as honest people?”

 “Do you feel like my nephew is a coward and is just allowed to be made round and flat by you?”

“Do you think you can step on my nephew’s face and take advantage of my nephew?”

 “Is this what my nephew looks like to you?”

 “You…want to die, don’t you?”

 The more Zhang Tai and others listened, the more they felt that their uncle's words were filled with emotion, and they ended up sweating profusely.

 They regard Chen Chu as a soft persimmon? Take it at will?

 Do you really think that Chen Chu’s relationship and friends don’t exist? Do you really think that Chen Chu doesn't have the means to kill them?

 Not to mention anything else, just because Chen Chu wanted to teach them a lesson, a lot of people were willing to give Chen Chu a good deal...

They are just scoundrels who come to take advantage of them because they feel they have an advantage. If they really offend Chen Chu, they will have many ways to deal with them.

 Zhang Tai wiped his sweat and said, "By the way, I forgot that the gas was still on at home. I'll go home and turn off the gas."

When other people saw it, they also found various excuses and ran away.

 “My daughter fell in love prematurely, I have to go back and take a look.”

“I didn’t dry my clothes when I came out. I have to go back to dry them.”

 “I have a stomachache, I have to go home and poop.”

“My wife has given birth, and I have to go to the hospital to take care of her. Sit down slowly.”

The last person was left. The uncle and others looked at him, and he suddenly thought: "I, I, his wife has given birth, and I am also happy. I will go to the hospital with her to take care of her."

 Not long after, almost everyone ran away.

 The uncle shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to these people.

 There are so many people in the family, so we definitely can’t make arrangements for eating at home.

 Chen Guoqiang immediately decided to go to Yunke Lai Restaurant!

Hmm, it’s Chen Youlu’s restaurant. There’s nothing wrong with entertaining the Chen family here.

 Besides, the sky-dome glass restaurant is so spacious. It can accommodate more than a hundred people, let alone just a few people.

When Chen Chu and others arrived at City A, they happened to receive this call and went directly to Yunke Lai Restaurant.


 Sky glass restaurant.

Nearly all of Chen Chu’s relatives who could be called came over, even some young people who worked out of town were called back.

At this time, everyone gathered together to welcome Chen Chu back to China and his friends.

When Chen Chu pushed old Martinson, Chen Baijia and Chen Youlu into the restaurant, this was what he saw.

 “Xiaochu, welcome back!”

 “Cousin, you’re back!”

“Cousin, I want to sign later! Sign ten!”

 “I want to sign a hundred!”

 “Cousin, I want to take a photo!”


The uncle and other elders shouted away the worried young people, but when they turned their heads, they had smiles on their faces: "The in-laws are here?"

Chen Baijia smiled and said, "Yes, here we come."

"Hahaha..." The uncle was a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to get along with Chen Baijia.

 I feel very embarrassed, the status gap is a bit big.

However, the momentum cannot be weakened. He is Chen Chu's uncle, how can he show his cowardice?

So he started handing out cigarettes to the male elders present. There was no man who couldn't get used to it after a few cigarettes. If so, it proved that the man definitely didn't smoke.

Sure enough, after giving out a round of cigarettes, the elders obviously became much closer.

Yang Yumei and Chen Youlu’s mother Xie Fang looked on, shaking their heads helplessly. The man was like this...

 I will take out a cigarette and smoke it on any occasion, regardless of whether other people don’t like the smell of cigarettes.

Xie Fang often came to Chen Chu’s house during this period, mainly to take Yang Yumei to go shopping.

 Doing skin care, shopping, doing hair…

 Xie Fang also came here early today.


 While smoking in a circle, Old Martinson declined politely: "No, thank you, I don't smoke now."

 It is no longer surprising that the old Martinson can speak Chinese, because they have known it before when he was on the show.

 Just after hearing old Martinson’s polite refusal, the uncle was still a little embarrassed.

 That’s right, he is already over a hundred years old, and he still gives out cigarettes to others. Is this because he is afraid that he will not leave early enough?

“Mom, dad, uncles and aunts... let me introduce to you, this is old Martinson, my friend.”

"Old Martinson, these are my parents, uncle and aunt..." Chen Chu introduced both parties one by one.

Hmm, I just don’t know if old Martinson’s soon-to-be-broken brain can still remember so many people...

You should be able to remember it, right?

  At any rate, he thought he could remember it.

 Old Martinson stretched out his hand towards Chen Guoqiang: "Hello, Mr. Chen, nice to meet you. I have heard of your name for a long time."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Foreigners are foreigners, and their Chinese is still not very good.

I still don’t have a deep understanding of the profound Chinese culture.

 Old Martinson smiled sheepishly: "Sorry, I only started learning Chinese this year, and I'm not very proficient yet."

When everyone heard this, they immediately stopped smiling. After all, if they were asked to learn a foreign language at such an old age, they might not be as good at speaking it as the old man in front of them!

Not to mention when they are a hundred or so years old, just asking them to learn English now is guaranteed to make them feel ecstatic.

 Everyone no longer mentioned the question of whether Old Martinson’s Chinese was good or not. He was ashamed of himself!

When facing old Martinson, everyone's eyes would always glance at his wheelchair from time to time, and they were very curious about it.

 It is difficult for ordinary people to meet disabled people in daily life. Even wheelchairs are only seen in hospitals.

 In reality, it is difficult to meet disabled people in wheelchairs.

 Old Martinson noticed the curious gazes of others and did not feel offended. Instead, he smiled and said: "I almost died once before, and that's it after rescuing him."

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces, and their curiosity was greatly satisfied.

 Chen Chu also glanced at Old Martinson's wheelchair, with a flash of thought in his eyes. (End of chapter)

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