Chapter 405: The Angry Joffrey

I’m honored for this!” Jason Liu was not surprised, and accepted Edmure’s thanks.

Edmure continued to say some words of gratitude before asking hesitantly, “Lord Jason, I don’t know what you’re going to do with the Frey family?”

Jason Liu subconsciously looked at the daughter of the Frey family next to Edmure who kept her head down and dared not look at him.

Edmure became nervous when he saw Jason Liu’s gaze, and said quickly, “Roselyn is my wife, she has nothing to do with the Frey family. During the time I was imprisoned, Roseball has been Stay with me and encourage me, she is totally different from those Freys,,,

Looking at Edmure who was so nervous that his body was trembling slightly, Jason Liu knew in his heart that the other party was worried that he would arrest his beautiful wife and lock him up with the people of the Frey family.

Jason Liu wouldn’t do that. Whether it was in Edmure’s face or Roselyn herself, she was innocent.

Edmure “Sir, rest assured, I have no ill will towards your wife.”

After comforting Edmure and Rose Tenlin who looked nervous, Jason Liu continued, “It’s just the rest of the Frey family, what to do with them, I plan to take them back to Winterfell, and the Bolton family. Together, they will be judged by the House of the North at Winterfell, and they will receive the punishment they deserve for conspiring to kill Robb and the lords of the North!”

“Oh, by the way, the Folei family in Li Hecheng is your vassal after all. If possible, I invite you and all the lords of Hejiandi to come to Winter City to participate in this sacred trial.”

After speaking, Jason Liu looked at Edmure with a smile.

Edmure nodded, with a look of resentment on his face, “You are right, the Frey family colluded with Roose Bolton to commit crimes that even the gods can’t forgive, and deserve to be judged! I will summon my vassals, Go to Winterfell for this trial.”

“That’s great, I’ll be waiting for you and your lords at Winterfell!!

Jason Liu politely said goodbye to Edmure Tully, and even sent a team of soldiers to escort Edmure and his wife back to Riverrun.

After collecting the spoils of Li Hecheng and bringing the sinners of the Frey family, Jason Liu led the army back to the north.

This time, he personally led an army to defeat Roose Bolton and the Frey family one after another, captured the murderer of Robb Stark, the king of the north, and the lords of the north, and not only raised his army in Westeros, but also let the north. The various families and the Tuli family, the masters of the river land, owe them a big favor.

This has great benefits for Jason Liu’s future plans.

King’s Landing Red Castle, Lannister family owners attended a family dinner hosted by King Joffrey.

Joffrey sat at one end of the long table, with the Queen Mother Cersei on the left and the former Prime Minister, Duke Tywin, on the right.

The king’s sister, Princess Myrcella, and her brother, Prince Tommen, sat down next to the mother.

Ser Kevan, Duke Tywin’s younger brother, sat next to him, followed by Jaime and Tyrion.

Since Stannis was defeated and retreated to Storm’s End, Tywin led the army of the west into King’s Landing, and through the marriage of Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell-, the Reach also stood on the side of the Iron Throne, and King’s Landing finally settled down, no need Fear of being affected by war.

However, Joffrey received a ticket from Varys, and the Stark family relied on the foreigner Jason East, not only defeated his new North Guardian Roose Bolton, but also captured the castle of the Frey family in River Lee City. , to reintegrate the rebels in the north and the riverlands.

This makes Joffrey extremely angry, he is the real king, and these rebels should be beheaded.

“Lord Tywin, I want you to lead your troops north immediately to capture the remnants of the Tully family and the Stark family, as well as the foreigner named Jason Easter, to King’s Landing, and I will cut them down in front of St. Baelor’s Cathedral. their heads!”

Joffrey is dressed in a gorgeous gold-red tiara, and with a young and handsome appearance, he has a hint of majesty of a king, “I want to stick these rebellious heads on the red castle wall, so that everyone in Westeros knows. , dare to rebel against the Iron Throne, what punishment will be suffered!”

Cersei lifted his chin, fully agreeing with his son’s words, “That’s right, father, you should take the armies of the West and the Reach as soon as possible to sweep away the rebellion in the Reach and the North. Well, and retreat into Storm’s End. Stannis, that traitor, arrest them all and behead them, so that no one will dare to question Joffrey’s throne again!”

Duke Tywin lowered his head, expressionless, and cut the roast meat on the plate with the knife and fork slowly, as if he did not hear the words of his grandson and daughter.

“Hey–” Tyrion took a sip of wine and sneered, looking mockingly at the young king and his brainless sister with one black and one green eyes.

James frowned slightly, looked at Joffrey and Cersei, and looked at his father, knowing that they were all stubborn people, and they wouldn’t pay attention to what he said, and he didn’t want to speak.

Myrcella and Tommen, who were still young, couldn’t understand the words of adults, and ate delicious food on their own.

With a glass in his hand, Joffrey looked at his grandfather, Duke Tywin, and waited for his answer.

It’s just that Tai Wen kept his head down and enjoyed the food unhurriedly, his face was calm, and he didn’t open his mouth to answer the King of Kingdom 230. This made the arrogant and pretentious young king so angry that Bai Zhe’s face swelled. flushed.

Smashing the wine glass in his hand on the table, Joffrey’s face was red as blood, staring at Tywin with wide eyes, wishing to smash the glass beside him.

However, Joffrey just thought about it, since he was a child, he was afraid of this grandfather with a calm face and extremely indifferent eyes. Joffrey would not dare to confront him directly with Tywin.

But as a king, being ignored by his servants made Joffrey feel disgraced, and the anger in his heart temporarily overwhelmed his fear of Tywin, “Lord Tywin, your king is talking to you, how dare you be a prime minister? Ignoring your king, do you want to be condemned?”

“Joffrey, what are you talking about?” Cersei’s face changed, and he scolded his son in a low voice, “Apologize to your grandfather, how can you talk to your grandfather like this!

Cersei knew very well that he and his son could sit firmly on the Iron Throne, relying on the support of his father and family. If there was no army in the West, they would have been captured and beheaded by Robb Stark or Stannis Baratheon.

“He’s my grandfather, but I’m his king, and he dares to ignore the king’s words, it’s disobedience, it’s a humiliation to the king–” Joffrey swept the glass off the table, angrily shouted.

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