Chapter 432 The Dilemma of Stannis

Hearing the words of the Earl of Old Town, several nearby nobles immediately gathered and expressed their concerns as well.

Duke Tywin is of course very clear about these news, even more than these nobles. “Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that the fact is just as Lord Haitar said, there are some unpleasant things in the north. A pleasant monster, even the once-disappeared dragon appeared in Essos,

These news were confirmed from Duke Tywin, which made the nobles in the southern border even more worried.

“However, please rest assured, my lords, as long as we form a strong alliance between the Western Frontier and the Reach, as strong as the marriage between Her Majesty Joffrey and Queen Margaery, gather the strength of our two places, as long as we move forward steadily, the first One step is to sweep away the renegade Stannis Baratheon from the Stormlands, and bring the Stormlands into our hands.”

“Dorne, which is blocked to the south by the Reach, is nothing to worry about.”

Duke Tywin held a glass of wine and spoke with high spirits about the strategy he had planned, “As for the eastern princes who are huddled in the valley, I have sent the former Minister of Finance Petyr Baelish to go to the valley to persuade Arryn. Madam and the nobles of the Vale have joined us, and Lord Baelish recently wrote to me telling me that Lady Arryn and the Lords of the Vale are more inclined to us, and soon the entire Eastern Territory will become our allies!”

Hearing that Duke Tywin was about to take down the entire Eastern Valley without a single shot, the princes present immediately became excited, as expected of Duke Tywin Lannister, the famous and prestigious Duke!

Seeing the joy and reverence in the eyes of the surrounding nobles, Duke Tywin couldn’t help but feel proud and continued, with a hint of contempt in his tone, “As for the Hejian Land, after the war not long ago, the entire Hejian Land is now Destroyed, all that is left for the Tully family is a large swathe of burnt fields and towns, which are over and don’t even care!”

“In the end there is only one north–”

Saying that, Duke Tywin opened his arms with a smile on his face, “We have mastered the Western Territory, the Reach, the Stormlands and the Eastern Territory, with such a powerful force, a broken riverland and a barren north, How do you fight us?”

“When we gather our army to the north and defeat the rebellion in the north, the whole of Westeros will be unified again under the rule of His Majesty Joffrey. The girl from the Targaryen family who is far across the narrow sea has the courage to come back?

“–Victory is already with us!”

As Duke Tywin shouted the last sentence, the entire wedding banquet suddenly reached a high court.

Unlike King’s Landing, which is full of cheerful atmosphere, Stannis Baratheon, who was beaten by the Lannister and Tyrell family allied forces and could only be trapped in Storm’s End, became more and more gloomy and manic.

Ser Davos was very worried. The situation was getting worse and worse. They were trapped in Storm’s End, watching the army stationed outside the city, but they couldn’t do anything.

Fortunately, there is a lot of food stored in Storm’s End, enough to supply the army in the castle for half a year, at least for the time being, the tragedy of being almost starved to death in Storm’s End more than ten years ago will not be repeated.

“When will Tywin die? Let your goddamn god kill him for me, woman!” Stannis yelled angrily, wide-eyed and gasping for breath.

The red witch Melisandre frowned slightly, her body exuding steam, and the ruby ​​in her throat became more and more dazzling, “Your Majesty, magic has its limits, even the eternal R’hllor can’t use it at such a distance from King’s Landing. Shadow kills Tywin Lannister!

Hearing this, Stannis became even more manic. He clenched his teeth and stared at the woman in front of him with a stern expression, “Didn’t you say before that your god is the only true god in the world and the most powerful? Because far away (baah) can’t do it, your god is not as powerful as you say!”

Melisandre was also very helpless. Although the magic was revived, his magic power was not enough. In Storm’s End, far from King’s Landing, he couldn’t use shadow magic to assassinate Tywin at all.

And every time using shadow magic is very expensive, Melisandre has to be cautious.

After thinking about it, Melisandre persuaded again, “Your Majesty, the ancient evil god who represents darkness and death has awakened, and his servants have now spread all over the land of eternal winter outside the Great Wall of Despair, and the power of darkness has struck again, As the one chosen by R’hllor, you are obliged to stop the invasion of the ancient evil gods for mankind. When you lead the army under your command to defeat the army of death in the north, then the whole of Westeros will submit to your rule Down!”

“Go north, go north again!”

Stannis shouted angrily, got down from his seat, walked around restlessly, and said with resentment, “Now the enemy’s army is outside Storm’s End, if your god is really that powerful, help I will burn all the enemies outside the castle to death, and when I defeat King’s Landing and become the Iron Throne, trust me, I will be very happy to lead the army north and deal with what you said

Those goblins and monsters–

“The army of R’hllor’s enemies, the ancient evil gods, has gone south, and you must stop them immediately, or when you do break King’s Landing and sit on the Iron Throne, I can tell you with certainty that your kingdom will be full by then. Dark, cold and dead, this is definitely not the domination you thought,

Melisandre raised her head, her delicate white face, and a pair of black eyes stared at Stannis, “It’s time for you to make a decision, Your Majesty! I’ve decided, even if you don’t want to take your army north. , I will also follow R’hllor’s lead to go alone!”

Stannis turned angrily, “Are you going to abandon me and run away alone?”

“No, it’s you who chose to turn your back on the responsibilities that R’hllor gave you! But I have to follow the guidelines to find the true son of prophecy, and assist him in leading the human race against the ancient evil gods.” Melisandre shook her head gently, her tone resolute. .

Stannis’s dignified and stern eyes were fixed on the Scarlet Witch’s face, but the woman’s face was as calm as ever, and she looked at him calmly.

The two stared at each other like this, not giving in to one another. When the room was about to be quiet, there was only the screeching sound of the burning cotton thread of the oil lamp.

“Hope your god is right this time, woman!” Stannis gritted his teeth and said word by word, then slowly regained his calm and made a decision in his heart, “I will lead the army north to confront what you said. Those monsters, but you remember me, I am the son of prophecy, the legitimate king of Westeros, and only I am qualified to lead mankind against the ancient evil gods!”

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