Chapter 451 shocked everyone

He wasn’t angry at Arya’s accusation, because he did have the opportunity to change the fate of everyone at the time, but he didn’t.

Of course, he knew this himself, and he would never tell anyone else.

Hearing that he was going to avenge the Stark couple and Robb, Jon couldn’t bear it any longer, “My lord, when are you going to lead your army south to invade King’s Landing? If there are any bombs you brought from the modern world, the walls of King’s Landing will be destroyed. becomes useless, we can easily take it down!”

Jason Liu smiled and nodded, “Tomorrow, I will bring a delegation from the modern side to Westeros under the witness of the princes of the North and the Riverlands, and everyone will have a world of Ice and Fire. Negotiations for future development!”

“Trust me, Jon, this is going to be a great start! Westeros, or the entire “Two Six Three” world of A Song of Ice and Fire, has received help from the modern world and is completely free from the troubled world 10,000 years of poverty, all people will have work and enough food, they will never freeze to death in the long cold night, all will be

Live a happy life!”

“The war that has lasted for tens of thousands of years in this world will end forever because of great changes, so that parents will not lose their sons, wives will not lose their husbands, and children will not lose their fathers. As long as they work hard, I can earn money to support my family and live a stable, peaceful and prosperous life!”

Next, Jason Liu began to talk about the advanced nature of modern society, all kinds of high-tech mechanical creations beyond the imagination of Westeros, sufficient food supply, efficient production methods, advanced medical level, cleanliness Tidy steel cities and more.

In order to enhance his persuasion, Jason Liu shuttled back to Hyundai in front of the audience, took the projection equipment, and showed them the power of Hyundai florists again with video materials.

These video materials, the letters are in Westeros language, so that they can easily understand.

Sansa, Jon, Arya, Bran, Rickon, Maester Luwin, Maester Cobain, and Duke Edmure were all stunned speechless by the video material on the projector screen.

Steel planes that can fly like birds, steel warships like hills, speeding cars, trains and high-speed railways, wide and flat roads, cities with high-rise buildings, colorful strange clothes, bright lights of various colors at night,,,

This kind of unimaginable modern social situation, the presence of the Westeros who are still in the Middle Ages is shocked and incredible.

They stayed in this room all night watching various video materials, Bran kept asking various questions, and Jason Liu explained that his mouth was dry.

The whole night passed, and after dawn, Jason Liu turned off the projection equipment, and then began to gather the princes of the north and the riverlands in the castle.

After breakfast, everyone gathered in the castle hall.

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire hall was warm, and the two nobles chatted with each other because of the messy in-law relationship, which made the voices in the hall buzz like a swarm of bees.

When Jason Liu took Edmure, Sansa, Bran, Maester Luwin and Maester into the hall, the hall, which was full of loud laughter and noise, gradually became quiet.

Jason Liu walked to the top seat, looked at Edmure, Sansa and the others who were sitting next to each other, glanced at the dozens of noble lords present, and finally opened his mouth to tell his secret, “I know you guys I am very curious about the weapons my army is equipped with, and I am also full of doubts about the source of the convenient and delicious military rations that are constantly flowing in the barracks, so I plan to openly and honestly reveal this secret to everyone today–”

Hearing this, the nobles from the two places sat upright in an instant and looked at Jason Liu who was standing on the main steps with all their attention, for fear of missing the secret he said next.

They have long been curious about the wonder of this Master Jason.

So, Jason Liu recounted last night’s speech to more people present.

Unsurprisingly, these remarks and this secret shocked the nobles of the two places at once.

“Two worlds? Is this,,, is this possible?”

“Earth? What is that?”

–That’s it, no wonder so many things suddenly appeared in Castle Black, it turned out that Lord Jason brought it from another world with his abilities!”

“Miracle, Lord Jason must be a favored person, otherwise how could he have such a powerful ability,,,

–Don’t know what the other world is like? How is it different from ours in Westeros?”

“My lord, can we be taken to the modern world you speak of?”

No wonder “there are those terrible weapons called guns and bombs that come from another world?”

The discussion in the hall was about to burst the roof, and the nobles present were talking loudly, venting their shock and disbelief.0

Jason Liu ignored the horror of these people and let Jon directly. Kent and the others put on a projector and started playing those video materials.

Just like Edmure, Sansa and the others reacted last night, these nobles were also shocked by the pictures in the video, speechless.

Stannis clenched his hands subconsciously, his body was straight, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and his mind was blank at this time.

Davos was also stunned. He thought about countless possibilities, but he never thought that there would be Otherworld, such a situation.

Jason Liu specially invited Stannis and Davos, as well as some nobles of the Stormlands, to participate in this meeting, just to let them give up their dream of sitting on the Iron Throne as soon as possible.

The red witch Melisandre was even more sluggish. She was a magician and really didn’t understand what a parallel space was.

After the film and television materials were played, Jason Liu said with a smile of 0.7, “Don’t worry, the country I live in in the modern world has always been friendly and peaceful, and it has technological strength far beyond Westeros, but they don’t. Conquer by force, but wish to trade with us on an equal footing.”

“As the guardian of the North, after marrying Sansa, I am half a Westerosian, and I will safeguard the interests of Westeros, so that both worlds can get the most from this trade exchange. !”

“My lord, starting from today, Westeros, no, or this world will usher in earth-shaking changes, all of us will face a new era, and this era will definitely be more prosperous than now. Beautiful, everyone will live a prosperous, stable and happy life, I think you promise!”

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