The four hundred and fifty-ninth chapters are divided into three ways

“Count Varys, let your little birds take good care of King’s Landing and the Reach, I want to know all the enemy’s movements!” Daenerys looked at the eunuch intelligence chief.

Varys immediately bowed his head in greeting, “Please rest assured, Your Majesty, my little bird will take care of them for you!”

Following Daenerys’ order, Dragonstone Island immediately became busy, and a huge amount of food and grass materials were continuously transported from the other side of the narrow sea, and then accumulated in the Dragonstone Island warehouse.

Under the command of the general, the soldiers began to organize their swords and armor.

For a time, the large military camp on Longshi Island was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

At Winterfell in the north, after Jason Liu ascended the throne, he immediately issued a royal order to unify Westeros in the south.

He dispersed all the troops of Hejiandi into the army under his command, relying on such a tough method, in fact, deprived the military power of Hejiandi and the princes in the north.

However, intimidated by the sharp guns and weapons of Jason Liu’s army, and the support of the modern world, the princes of the northern border and the river land are not willing to hand over the military power of their territories, but they have no ability to resist, and can only help themselves. Looking at it, the army he brought was scattered and annexed by the Starfire Castle army.

Compared to the unwillingness of these nobles and counts, the soldiers at the bottom were overjoyed.

Compared with his own lord’s army, he can’t even eat enough to eat, and the army’s salaries are almost nothing. Joining the army of His Majesty Jie 263 Sen, not only can you eat fish in tin cans every day, sweet compressed biscuits, but also receive monthly payment. To the salary of 15 silver dragons.

After this set, all the soldiers abandoned their lords and threw themselves under the command of Jason Liu, becoming the loyal warriors of His Majesty Jason.

Once a savage, now it is the leader of the free people, Mance Reid, because the families of those free people fighters were arranged by Jason Liu to go back to Lake Sayre to settle in Spark City, no longer suffering from cold and hunger, these freedoms. The people now bowed their knees honestly, showing their allegiance to Jason Liu.

Just kidding, compared to the extreme cold north of the Great Wall, where you can’t eat enough frozen food, join King Jason’s army, eat meat every day, and wear warm cotton coats from another world, and use this kind of automatic rifle. Terrible weapons, these resigned savages are not stupid.

No one dared to fry any more, and they all bowed to their knees honestly and offered their loyalty.

Who would go to the north to drill into the old woods if they could live such a prosperous life of eating and drinking without freezing.

With the addition of Freemen fighters and Hejian soldiers, the army under Jason Liu directly reached as many as 80,000 people.

In order to complete the unification of Westeros as soon as possible, Jason Liu divided his army into three groups according to the plan made by the experts of the advisory group.

Led by Jon Snow and Colonel Li of the staff, an army of 30,000 people took a military car and took artillery to the west.

Edmure Tully, Duke of the Riverland, and Colonel Luo of the Staff Corps, also led a 30,000-strong army, got in a car and pulled a cannon, and headed to the Eastern Valley.

As the main force, Jason Liu took the remaining 20,000 troops to White Harbor, and then took the refurbished steel battleship provided by the modern navy to King’s Landing.

Seeing that the Army sent a staff of hundreds of people to participate in the unification battle on the Westeros side, the Navy couldn’t sit still, and Ruo Mo and Hard Buo persuaded the advisory group and Jason Liu to let the Navy also participate.

As a result, a three-way army swept Westeros, and Jason Liu led the main fleet to approach the battle plan of King’s Landing.

Jon can serve as the first army coach this time, which is also the promotion of Jason Liu.

With Colonel Li and dozens of staff assisting him, Jason Liu was not at all worried that Jon and the others would not be able to take the West Territory.

After all, the guns and guns from modern times cannot be resisted by the knights of the Western Region.

This is also the strength of Jason Liu’s courage to split up.

On the modern side, they are already urging them to get Westeros as soon as possible, and the sooner the big development in Westeros is carried out, the sooner the modern side can benefit from the trade between the two worlds.

I heard that the oil bosses, iron bosses, (baah) electricity bosses, and grain bosses who got news from Hyundai are all sharpening their knives and preparing to enter Westeros and fully exploit the various resources in Westeros.

These large state-owned enterprises have been making frequent moves in recent times. While the emperor rehired retired masters, he spread the word to recruit fresh graduates on a large scale, which caused the domestic employment rate to rise steadily this year.

Originally, it was difficult to find a job, and the ordinary one or two university graduates who graduated basically equal to the industry were directly absorbed by the major state-owned enterprises and central enterprises.

This made the fresh graduates happy for a long time, and for a while, they were a little bit like the graduation “package distribution” treatment more than 20 years ago.

The actions of the flower growers have attracted international attention. Under the impact of the epidemic two years ago, the unemployment rate and the economic downturn in foreign countries, the media in those countries suddenly jumped out and loudly criticized the flower growers. Investing in medical services, such a large-scale recruitment, and forcibly increasing the employment rate will definitely bring down those state-owned enterprises, and I am afraid it will bring about a more terrible wave of closures and unemployment.

Not only the international media sings badly about flower gardeners, but even those domestic banana people who are yellow-skinned and white-hearted are also taking the opportunity to make waves on Weibo. Those well-known big Vs with just bad money, one by one, brand themselves as pioneers who worry about the country and the people. , As soon as he opens his mouth, it is the old routine of what is this country, ask questions about the body, and I get caught up in thinking”.

If it was put in the past few years, the majority of netizens may have been blinded by the hypocritical faces of these families, and they will follow blindly.

However, after the baptism of online information in recent years, netizens are no longer mindless to follow the crowd, but from the epidemic crisis, they have seen through the so-called “blood-boiled lighthouses” in foreign countries.

Netizens are still very clear about these bad money banana people, not only did not follow along, but closed the comments for these guys.

Especially these college graduates, they are the beneficiaries of the large enrollment expansion of state-owned enterprises, and even college students who are about to graduate are very excited about the large enrollment expansion of state-owned enterprises. Oh no.

As a result, the most active student netizens on the Internet, as the main output force, directly put those big V into autism.

On the Westeros side, the three-way army in military vehicles was moving fast.

The army led by Jon separated from Duke Edmure in Lee River City and headed for the western border.

“Jon, this iron box called a car is really amazing, it’s more comfortable to sit in than a carriage–” Ygritte with red hair, sitting in the back seat of the jeep, touched and touched the left side of the car, excited The small freckles on the face were shining.

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