I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 1 Robbery And Don't Move

Tick, tick, tick, Lin Yi lay on the desk, the pen in his hand was turned quickly by him, staring intently at the clock on the wall, and finally when the hour hand reached 12, he quickly got up and grabbed the pen that he had prepared. A good backpack, the first to rush to the check-in office, a habitual smile. Just when Lin Yi expected to hear it, it came from the speaker as usual, you have worked hard and have a great weekend! Unexpectedly, the machine said: "Number 772, employee Lin Yi, today your work content does not meet the standards, please go back to your desk and submit again, you have worked hard!"

Lin Yi's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief. You know, since the world was unified in 2033, there is no longer a clear distinction between countries, and everyone will get their own job from birth. The job content will be assigned based on the dna test at birth. Everyone's work will be handy. If they fail to meet the standards, it means that they are about to lose their jobs. Then there are only two choices, one is to provide psychological counseling, and the other is to become a "test product"!

Lin Yi thought for a moment, then went back to his work station and re-checked today's work content, but it was almost the same as usual, and he didn't think there was any problem. Then he clicked upload again, took off the brain power meter and tidied his hair, Lin Yi took a deep breath and decided that tonight's matters are more important, and work matters will be dealt with on Monday. Then he put the backpack on his body, and before leaving, he looked at the check-in area again, but Lin Yi did not choose to confirm again. Instead, enter the traffic capsule directly, input the destination, the traffic capsule rises slowly, slowly enters the traffic pipeline, and then disappears in the pipeline.

However, Lin Yi's work station was sending out a vibrating alarm at this time, and a note was slowly spit out from the answering machine, on which there were only a few simple messages written in both Chinese and English "Do not leave"

Lin Yi took the transportation capsule to the destination, got off the capsule, looked around, and looked at his watch from time to time, the display was c20p, and the local time suffix was y1p. Although Lin Yi was already feeling tired, he couldn't hide it at all. The excitement of the moment. At this moment, a hand was placed lightly behind Lin Yi, and a particularly hoarse voice came out.

"You are Lin?"

"Yes" Lin Yi didn't turn her head immediately but answered softly.

"Okay, then turn off all electronic and electromagnetic devices on your body and follow me"

Lin Yi did as he did, turning around to look at the person behind him, but then the man behind him also turned around, pointed to an alley not far away and said, "It's a long way to go, you should be able to, Follow me if you have no problem." Lin Yi curled his lips and puffed out his chest, then followed the man into the alley and gradually disappeared into the alley.

As Lin Yi walked, he looked at the man in front of him. He was less than 1.7 meters tall, which is indeed rare in today's social environment. He also wore a pair of rare black rain boots. The button on the head makes the man in front of him even shorter. The weather in country y is like this. It is rainy all the year round. In addition, the altitude at this time is already within the scope of human activities in the last century. In Lin Yi's view, the buildings are full of age and backwardness. The manhole covers under the feet are one after another. The feet of the two had to hide from the puddle and the manhole cover. After all, it had been in disrepair for a long time, and it was difficult to guarantee that they would not step on it and fall into it. Just as Lin Yi was fascinated by the observation, the alley finally came to the end. Just when Lin Yi was surprised, the man in the raincoat pulled back the big hat that was on his head, looked around cautiously, and confirmed to Lin Yi again. After turning off all the electronic equipment, he squatted down slowly and lifted a manhole cover. In an instant, a beam of white light shot out from under the manhole cover. At this moment, Lin Yi could not help but shudder.

"Don't stand still, follow in, you'll be spotted by the sheriff in a while, and then you won't want what you want anymore." The man in black nimbly dived into the well, urging Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't dare to neglect, and followed the man in black down to the bottom of the well.

At this time, Lin Yi hadn't gotten used to the gloomy weather outside, and was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. The whole well was full of people with all kinds of old-age items on their bodies, bustling with each other, which made Lin Yi feel both Excited and nervous, after all, for young people in the new era, everything is arranged from birth. Even if you want to buy anything, you only need to wear the brain power meter on your head and contact your own virtual personal consultant, and confirm that the number of items is the same as Level, within 15 minutes the things will be delivered to you through the transportation capsule.

The man in black pointed to a red circle of light not far away, and told Lin Yi that the person you are looking for is there, and the things are also there, so go there!

Lin Yi looked at the people coming and going around him, and looked at all kinds of weird things. Only a few of them had been seen in old-time museums, and there were very few of them that he could name, but what impressed him most was One of the old people had something else on his ears, which should be called earphones! Just as Lin Yi was fascinated by all kinds of items, Lin Yi was stopped by a female voice, "People of the new era, don't be an illiterate, don't you all say that the new era is the pinnacle of technology? How did it come to us? It’s like I’ve never seen the world before.” As soon as the words came out, all the people around burst into laughter.

Lin Yi blushed, turned around and shouted to the voice

"It's a hundred times better to be illiterate than to live like a rat in a sewer well"

As soon as the words came out, the surroundings fell silent, and Lin Yi felt extremely regretful after shouting. After all, all the electronic devices on his body had been turned off. In this place, the magistrate probably couldn't come here at any time, and he knew the law and broke the law! If it is really recorded by the sheriff, I don't know what will happen.

However, after a moment of silence, there was another burst of laughter around, and one of the girls laughed particularly crisply. Lin followed the reputation, and it was the woman the man in black pointed out to him, oh! Do not! It should be a girl, who looks to be about the same age as Lin Yi, that is, in her early 20s, with black hair and a soaring ponytail, a small body, and eyes that seem to be talking, staring at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't want to delay too much at this time, he just wanted to quickly get what he needed, and leave here as soon as possible. After all, from the beginning of his search to today, too many strange things have happened, Lin Yi just wanted to end it quickly , to return to their normal life before.

"What about things?"

"Here, what do I need?"

"Here you are, this is the latest personal electronic assistance device in the new era. It has not been activated yet, but you don't have an ID. I really don't understand why you need this."

"You and I get what we need, it's better not to inquire"

"Well, yes, is that what I'm looking for?"

"Yes! cx925 large-aperture automatic star-finding and automatic star-following professional deep space observation"

After a few simple conversations, Lin Yi hurriedly put the things in his backpack, only thinking about getting out of here as soon as possible.

Climbing out of the well, Lin Yi quickened his pace, the rain was getting heavier, and the sky had already darkened. Lin Yi just wanted to go back to the transportation capsule, get a good sleep, and appreciate the old communication equipment after returning home .

But after walking a few steps, he realized that there seemed to be someone following him. Lin Yi walked quickly, and the people behind him also quickened their pace. Lin Yi walked slowly, and the people behind him also slowed down. , Could it be the angry words just now that annoyed the people in the well and wanted to take revenge on me? snort! Sure enough, human beings connected with the old era are really not good things!

But what he never expected was that when he was about to reach the exit of the alley, a person appeared on the left and right sides of the alley and stopped Lin Yi.

The familiar hoarse voice came from behind: "Robbery! Don't move!"

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