I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 11 The Mysterious Package

Lin Yi did not open the package in a hurry. Recently, Lin Yi has been on the verge of collapse. He was originally just a very small person among the human beings on the earth. Suddenly, his parents disappeared, and he was still able to have close contact with the angel system. Lin Yi has come into contact with it, and even entrusted the future of the entire human race to himself. Lin Yi already finds it incredible. Now Lin Yi just wants to hide from this unknown thing. It is best not to look for him. He just wants to be quiet. If you stay with your parents on earth, it is best to stay away from yourself regardless of the fate of the earth or Kepler.

But the package was lying quietly in front of Lin Yi, Lin Yi deliberately avoided his eyes and pretended not to see the package, but the more this happened, the more Lin Yi felt uneasy, and even felt that some power was calling to him. Lin Yi fixed his eyes on the package again, Lin Yi still couldn't hold back and slowly picked up the package, touched the outside, it should be a square box, the box was not big, and it shook slightly, There seems to be a metal object hitting the inner wall of the box back and forth.

Lin Yi finally pressed the fingerprint on the parcel, and the parcel opened. Inside was a wooden box with exquisite workmanship, about the size of a pack of cigarettes. Lin Yi just touched the wooden box, and he felt like he was getting an electric shock all over his body. He felt very relaxed and light, and even felt groggy these days. The mind is very clear. The contents of the box seemed to be calling Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's movements seemed to become particularly agile and fast. The moment he opened the box, some kind of power seemed to beckon him. What came into view was a metal object in the shape of a black round pie. Although it was not as exquisite as the wooden box, it was It can be seen that this black stone is naturally formed. The moment Lin Yi held the stone in his hand, his whole body felt full of strength, his hair swelled, and he felt something wriggling in his head, but it didn't hurt at all, instead, he felt an inexplicable pleasure.

Lin Yi hastily put down the black stone, and the feeling gradually disappeared, but it was as if his head had been washed, and he felt extremely refreshed! Lin Yi felt that he was dreaming, so he picked up the stone again. This time, although he still felt the same as last time, it was not as obvious as the first time!

Lin Yi put down the stone again, put it back into the box, carefully examined the wooden box, and then looked at the package of the courier, hoping to find some clues, who gave the package to him, and why did this happen? Strange phenomenon.

Lin Yi is not sure whether the feeling that the black stone gave him just now is an illusion or that it really has that kind of power, or maybe this is someone who made a joke to him. When he thought of the joke, the first thing Lin Yi thought of was Fat Brother .

Lin Yi then took out his personal electronic device and contacted Fat Brother.

At this time, Fat Brother is sorting out his equipment in the public security building, because Fat Brother has also accepted a particularly important task, that is, during Lin Yi's training on Earth, Fat Brother is responsible for Lin Yi's safety, and at the same time Fat Brother also wants to be Lin Yi's teacher of self-defense fighting skills, and train Lin Yi. After all, no one knows what he will face after landing on Kepler. chance of going down.

"Fat brother? Are you busy?"

"Linzi, I don't know what I owed you in my previous life, I'm not busy with your affairs every day"

"Then can you come over after today's work? I'll treat you to dinner"

"Hey, it's rare to see you being so polite once, you don't have to eat, just tell me what's the matter"

“Really eat and nothing else”

"Okay, then we'll see you later"

Putting down his personal electronic devices, Lin Yi felt that from the conversation between Fat Brother and himself just now, this matter should have nothing to do with Fat Brother. If so, who would it be?

After a while, the fat brother rushed to Lin Yi's house. Although Lin Yi didn't say anything during the call, the fat brother was still worried. After finishing his business in a hurry, he hurried to Lin Yi's house.

Seeing that Lin Yi was fine, Fat Brother felt a little relieved.

After the two of them ate, they chatted.

"How about that Andis? Are you two getting along well?"

"Not much, you know I've never been a big fan of cold machines"

"Haha, next time you meet it, can you ask me a question?"

"What's the problem?" Lin Yi looked at Fat Brother with a smirk on his face

"You ask if it's a man or a sissy"

Hahahaha, the two of them leaned forward and back together laughing.

Lin Yi smiled and took out the box from the afternoon, and slowly handed it to Fat Brother.

"What is this? How did you have an affair with Lao Tzu? Before you leave, do you want to give something as a token of love?"

"Fat brother, don't make fun of me, you have a lot of knowledge, show me this thing, have you seen it?"

The fat brother took the box and weighed it in his hand. Without any hesitation, he opened the box and saw the stone inside. The fat brother picked up the stone directly, looked left and right, and lifted the stone I didn't find anything special when I lifted it up. The black stone is not attractive to the fat man, but the well-made box is more attractive to the fat man.

The fat man held the box in his hand and turned it over. The fat man pushed the box. It turned out that the box was divided into upper and lower layers. With this push, the lower layer of the box was pushed out. There was a thin rope inside, and the rope was pierced through a silver base, and the fat man pressed the black stone directly into the base, making the fat man laugh and curse

"Linzi, are you fucking in love with me? Want to give me a necklace?"

Lin Yi has been staring at the stone since Fat Brother took it out, not noticing Fat Brother's movements at all, it was only after Fat Brother said this that Lin Yi regained his composure.

Seeing that there was a dark layer in the box, Lin Yi felt that he was still careless and didn't notice it.

Lin Yi hurriedly said: "Fat brother, don't be kidding, I don't know who gave me this thing, did you feel anything when you touched that stone just now?"

Fat Brother glanced at Lin Yi and said solemnly, "Yes!"

"What does it feel like?"


Lin Yi almost spit out the water he just drank in his mouth after listening to Fat Brother's words.

The fat guy saw that Lin Yi didn't seem to be joking, so he quickly withdrew that expression and answered Lin Yi's question seriously

"It doesn't feel like it. I haven't seen this thing before, but I'm familiar with the logo at the bottom of the box, but I just can't remember where I saw it!" Fat brother said while turning the box upside down. Sure enough, it was at the bottom of the box. The sign was burnt on, but Lin Yi didn't notice it in the afternoon.

Lin Yi took the box and looked at the sign.

There is a cross inside a circle. The more Lin Yi looks at this symbol, the more familiar he feels. Suddenly he slapped the table and shouted

"I've seen this sign before. My father has a suitcase that he always takes on business trips. It also has this sign on it!"

Fat Brother was also taken aback by Lin Yi's shout just now.

"Linzi, could it be that this is a courier from Professor Lin?"

"It's unlikely. If that's the case, the matter will be more complicated. If he can send a courier, why didn't he contact me? And there is not even a letter. No one would treat his son like this."

"Well, it makes sense to say that, but I am quite familiar with this sign, but I really can't remember where I have seen this sign."

Fat brother said while holding the express package in his hand, and checked it carefully over and over again.

"The consignor, old man Peninsula, do you know him? No no, I mean have you heard of this man?"

"No, I've never heard of it"

While Lin Yi and Fat Brother were still studying the package, a message came from Lin Yi's personal electronic device.

"It's time to meet again -zq"

zq? Lin Yi remembered the short middle-aged man at Peninsula Coffee!

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