The old man on the peninsula took Lin Yi and Fat Brother to the end of the warehouse, rubbing his hands excitedly while walking, not caring about the two people behind him, and this was the first time Lin Yi saw this usually calm and mysterious middle-aged man so excited .

The old man on the peninsula opened a container, the inside was very clean and the mess of the warehouse looked incompatible, the white fluorescent lamp shone on the inside of the container, and various repair tools and various parts were hung on the wall.

This is the first time Lin Yi has seen so many maintenance tools. Few people in the new era have access to these artificial tools. If their own things are damaged, they will be taken away by the three types of robots for recycling. If they like it, they can also be repaired. , but the electronic tools or objects of the new age seem to have little emotion with humans. Nobody wants to fix something that's broken and keep using it.

In the middle of the container there is a square object of medium size, covered with a piece of linoleum. The old man of Peninsula stands in front of the linoleum, slowly stroking it with his hands through the linoleum, as if he is his most beloved child.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother looked at the old man in a puzzled way, wondering what kind of medicine this man was selling in his gourd. At this moment, the old man on the peninsula suddenly tore off the linoleum, and a robot appeared in front of the three of them.

The shape of the robot is very different from the highly anthropomorphic robot shape of the new age society. The whole machine is square and about the size of an old washing machine. It has a square head, which should be the head of a robot. There is a huge screen on the front of the head, which is similar to the black and white TV in the old society. There is also a square behind the head. If you guessed right, it should be the position of the robot's power system and processor. A robotic arm is installed on each side and stretched to the front of the screen. It seems that the front end of the robotic arm can replace various scene tools. The mobile system of the robot is familiar but similar to the chassis of a tank, which should be applicable to various scenarios.

Seeing this, Fat Brother couldn't help laughing.

"I said old man, this thing belongs to your collection, right? Just say that the mobile thing can't even catch up with the third type of robot. Although this track can climb mountains and mountains, our current robots can fly!"

The fat brother said saliva, swallowed and continued to mock

"There is also computing power and communication. You want to give Linzi an electronic pet with this thing. I can't imagine how this thing can help Linzi."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't treat this robot like Fat Guy. Although what Fat Guy said was true, Lin Yi had a kind of affection for this machine. Lin Yi always hated cold machines the most, but the robot in front of him seemed to have something An inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The old man on the peninsula also seemed to feel Lin Yi’s feelings, and said to Lin Yi: “Lin Yi, although this machine seems ancient to you, but believe me, as long as you can fully trust it, it will reward you for a lifetime! "

At this time, the fat brother on the side aggressively asked the question that had been in his heart for a long time.

"This thing is male and female?"

"He's a boy, named Victory!"

Lin Yi likes this name very much, but just like Fat Brother, he is puzzled when he hears that it is a boy. The gender of a robot has always been a vague concept. There is no gender at all, which is one of the reasons why humans have always laughed at robots. Although Andis already has a high degree of freedom, and Andis's consciousness is also obvious, Andis cannot be said to be a male robot, nor can he be a male robot. It cannot be said to be a female robot.

"Then please activate him and let me communicate with him." Lin Yi is looking forward to the first conversation with Victory.

"This is not yet possible, there is no way to wake up the Victory now"

"What? There's no way to activate it, hey, old man! I've been tossing with you all night, and you are going to show us your antiques. If you can't activate it, why do you give it to Lin Zi? It is estimated that there will be a fee for recycling this thing! "The fat brother said impatiently.

The old man on the peninsula didn't care, but pointed at Lin Yi with his finger.

"The key to awakening the Victory lies with you!"

Lin Yi doesn't care about the conversation between Fat Brother and the old man of Peninsula. He really likes the Victory in his heart, but he is still a little disappointed when he hears that the Victory cannot be activated. Confused!

"I'm not a nuclear molecule, I'm not the sun, and I'm not an alkaline battery. How can I be the key to start it?" Lin Yi asked in confusion.

"This depends on the tacit understanding between you and the Victory! Well, let's stop here today, I have other things, and I will send the Victory to your residence in a while!"

Fat Brother still wanted to help Lin Yi refuse, but Lin Yi stopped Fat Brother.

Lin Yi, fat brother, the old man of the peninsula, so farewell. Lin Yi went to an old building on the plateau with Fat Brother again. After all, Lin Yi didn't have time to go around in his original life. Now that there is this gap, of course he can't let it go.

When I got home, the Victory was already lying quietly in the living room. Lin Yi also couldn't help but sigh with emotion that the old man of Peninsula has a vigorous and resolute personality.

Lin Yi also slowly caressed the Victory with his hands like the old man on the peninsula, but the temperature from the cold machine can't be faked. The key to start him is me? is the password? Or is it simply a switch? Lin Yi thought to himself.

But Lin Yi carefully observed the Victory, there are almost no external buttons. Lin Yi disassembled the entire core part. Sure enough, the core part of the Victory was fundamentally different from the machines of the old era. It was similar to the robots in the new era society, but there were many differences. Lin Yi completely gave up the idea of ​​​​studying the structure of the Victory. If you call Andis tomorrow, maybe you can know something about the Victory!

Lin Yi returned to the sofa, ready to take a rest, but saw the stone on the coffee table again, the stone had been placed on the base by the fat brother, Lin Yi did not touch the stone, but picked it up with the hanging rope, After careful observation, Lin Yi still couldn't resist the temptation, and lightly touched the stone with his finger, it still felt that way! But this time Lin Yi resisted not being greedy for that feeling, thinking that he must be caused by lack of sleep, so he got up and hung the stone on the robotic arm of the Victory, and went into the bedroom to get a good sleep!

After Lin Yi lay on the bed, he fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Yi suddenly felt a green light flashing himself, as if he heard some voices, like the sound of oh oh, chirping, and seemed to see the Victory again, running with him on Kepler star, why he was running I don’t know , It seems that something is chasing itself and the Victory, like a huge power grid.

Lin Yi suddenly sat up! It turned out to be a dream, Lin Yi rubbed his eyes and looked at the time, and he had only slept for less than 2 hours, when suddenly there was indeed a green light in the living room! Lin Yi took a closer look, the green light flickered and then disappeared.

Lin Yi pinched his thigh hard, and he didn't know if he was still in a dream just now. Lin Yi walked into the living room slowly, nothing unusual! It turned out to be a dream! , Lin Yi went to the refrigerator and opened a bottle of water, gulped it all down. After drinking the water, Lin Yi was about to go back to sleep, but when he walked past the Victory, Lin Yi felt a little heat, and Lin Yi hurriedly touched the Victory. As expected, the head of the Victory is hot!

Lin Yi hastily looked carefully at the screen of the Victory!

But there was no response from the screen, Lin Yi squatted down, put his hands on the screen of the Victory and said cautiously

"Victory? Did you start it just now?"

But the Victory for a long time did not respond at all. Lin Yi felt that maybe he was thinking too much, or maybe he accidentally touched something when he was dismantling the core part of the Victory for observation, which caused the heat of the Victory. Diss, Andis will definitely have a solution!

Lin Yi hastened to get ready to go back to sleep, because he needs to meet his five-member team tomorrow! Lin Yi was excited and scared at the same time.

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