I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 18 First Meeting With Chang'e 44

When Lin Yi and Fat Brother came to the conference room, the rest of the staff had already arrived. Lin Yi apologized in embarrassment, but Ah Jiu comforted Lin Yi and pushed Lin Yi to the seat, saying that it was the rest of the staff who came. It's a bit early, but Lin Yi is not late.

Fat Brother and Lin Yi glanced at each other, and felt that Ah Jiu was a little too enthusiastic, or too smart, neither Lin Yi nor Fat Brother liked this kind of person very much.

Director Wang also walked into the conference room. It seemed that Director Wang did not have a good rest last night, maybe because he hadn't had a good rest recently, and there were heavy black bags around his eyes. After a brief explanation, everyone got up and went to the launch base.

Everyone arrived at the plateau launch base in country C in a transport capsule. It was the warehouse where Lin Yi and Fat Brother came to last time. It can only be described as shocking!

This base covers a particularly large area. Because of the unified global thinking, there is no barrier between wars and races. Human beings devote all their energy and financial resources to the development of science and technology, so the technological progress of the new era is rapid. The crisis is united. If a planet suitable for immigration is found, the selfishness and greed of human beings are unknown, but because of the current situation of the earth, the entire human race is surprisingly united!

Because of this, the launch base of country c belongs to the No. 1 launch site of mankind! The entire building covers an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers. In the middle of the base is a white inflatable circular building, which is mainly used for the daily and office space of the base personnel. There are five passages connected to the central spherical base, and five passages at the end of the passage. The small circular inflatable building is respectively, the storage room, the fuel control room, the defense guard room, the weather and trajectory calculation room, and finally the launch waiting room. Lin Yi and others are going to the launch waiting room, looking at the launch waiting room from a distance. In the chamber, the air model has grown into a green body, indicating that it is completely ready!

Everyone walked into the launch room and was arranged to sit in the waiting area, and the ground personnel explained the mission.

A young lady in tight white overalls walked up to her, and she stunned everyone. She glanced around and covered her mouth and giggled, then said to everyone in a serious manner:

"Everyone, please focus on the projection screen in front of you. My name is Jiang Yi and everyone can call me Xiao Jiang! I will fully cooperate with you in this ground-space docking mission! Let me explain the spacecraft used in this mission and Task! Please listen carefully and carefully, thank you!"

Fat brother can say one more word to beautiful women, and he will never say a word less. Lin Yi often despises fat brother because of this, and scolds fat brother for his sister-in-law. Fat brother always has an excuse, and the excuse is nothing more than this It's animal instinct and so on.

Fat brother made his body straight and said loudly: "Come on, sister Xiaojiang is going to teach us, be quiet, be quiet!"

Everyone ignored Fat Brother, Xiao Jiang still giggled, and directly started today's task explanation

"The overall time of this mission is 7 Earth days. The escort-class interstellar spacecraft Parrot will fly for 4 hours. The destination is the Chang'e 44 space station!"

Fat Brother sighed softly after hearing this, Lin Yi turned his head to look at Fat Brother in puzzlement, Fat Brother was a little disappointed and said: "I thought I could be a deportation level, but I didn't expect to be a guard level. "

Ah Xing smiled and comforted after hearing this: "The guard level of us people is enough. Although the time is a little longer, it happens that we can get acquainted with each other and cooperate well!"

"What Ah Xing said makes sense!" Lin Yi also agreed!

Everyone entered the Parrot and sat according to their duties. The fat brother was driving, with Miyagi and A Xing on both sides, Ah Jiu sat behind the fat brother, and Lin Yi sat in the captain's seat.

Lin Yi felt that he was not qualified to be the captain. After all, he had never learned to pilot an interstellar spaceship, and his qualifications were the worst, but Andis said to Lin Yi: "Mr. Until I have enough self-awareness experience, I will fully cooperate with you, please rest assured!"

Hearing this, Lin Yi's uneasy heart slowly calmed down, and the others did not raise any objections to Lin Yi taking the captain's seat.

Everyone gets ready, Xiao Jiang's voice comes from the Parrot

"Members, the status of the Parrot has been fully checked! If there are no other problems, the spacecraft will launch in 5 minutes"

Except for Lin Yi who was slightly nervous, the rest of the members looked relaxed. After all, this time they were only going to the Chang'e 44 space station, and for this mission, the Chang'e space station will always be hidden behind the earth, and the earth separates the space station from the sun. open, avoiding the threat from the sun.

As the countdown ended, the Parrot slowly began to lift off. The Parrot first took a vertical launch and flew directly after entering the ozone layer. The speed can reach sub-light speed level four, and after entering space, it can rise to sub-light speed level two. Not four hours.

Compared with Fat Brother and others joking with each other and operating the Parrot, Lin Yi has nothing to do, so he keeps talking to Andis to distract himself!

The voice of Xiaojiang came from the Parrot again. Members, please be prepared. The Parrot will soon leave the electromagnetic protection layer of the Angel system and enter outer space. During this period, it may encounter electromagnetic interference. Please be prepared!

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the Parrot encountered a violent jolt!

Lin Yi saw the scene outside through the hanging window! Maybe Lin Yi will never forget this scene in his life!

The solar system is indeed at the end of its battle. Compared with the earth that is forcibly protected by the angel system, the entire solar system is not suitable for human beings at all. Temperature and solar magnetic storms are raging in the solar system. Due to the mutual attraction between the Milky Way and the Andromeda black hole, the distance between the planets in the entire solar system They are constantly approaching the sun, if there is no angel system, the earth is already a sea of ​​fire, and the gatekeeper will be a red fireball!

Andis saw Lin Yi's worry, and pointed to the moon again! Lin Yi saw that the moon was no longer the cold white-gray one before, but a blood moon. andis says

"The angel system has been working hard to protect the moon. After all, the earth's tides and other natural forces cannot be restored by the angel system, but the power of the sun is too strong. The angel system can only protect the earth with all its strength. The moon has slowly deviated from the earth-moon orbit. There may be no Earth-Moon system in the future!"

Lin Yi felt sorry! I finally understood Director Wang's admiration and gratitude for the Angel System!

Lin Yi thinks that if you can really show the people of the Dark Alliance, look at their so-called freedom, and see what the angel system has done for the earth!

Not long after, the Parrot arrived at the Chang'e 44 space station and entered the docking state. Fortunately, everything went according to plan without any accidents.

Parrot successfully docked with Chang'e 44 space station!

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