"The Parrot enters the autopilot mode, the cruising speed is level 3, the power reserve is normal, and the countdown to entering the wormhole starts at 77 hours!" Ah Xing reported to Lin Yi.

"Received, everyone take a break and pay attention to the attitude of the spacecraft!" Lin Yi has now fully adapted to the role of captain.

The team members relaxed a little, and left their respective positions to prepare to move their bodies. Lin Yi went to the bridge and turned on the video monitor, wanting to take a closer look at the relevant information of the super star. And I also want the team members to reconfirm with Andis and plan the plan after landing.

For Andis, Lin Yi still has no choice.

Everyone gathered around. The team members usually get along well and often joke with each other, but this time it can be said that this is the first time for the team members to perform a real interstellar mission, and each team member takes this mission more seriously.

Lin Yi glanced around and said to Andis

"Andis, please tell me the information about Super Star and the detailed plan of this mission again! Everyone relax, I believe everyone, please trust me!"

After hearing this, Andis connected the image display to himself and started the detailed introduction and planning of this mission.

UV Cetus is a flare star, I believe everyone has already understood it, and the planets around the flare star are not suitable for landing and habitation, but UV Cetus performed a super flare, according to observations, the brightness instantly increased by 75 times , but this super flash lasted for a particularly long time. According to our calculations, the current UV Ceti is already at the end of the flash. Superstar is in the habitable zone, but the current situation after this stellar flare is unclear.

The task of the team this time is to land on the Superstar asteroid. After landing, they will build a living base with the Parrot as the core, and establish a signal connection with the earth, and then explore the Superstar. The specific execution date is 30 earth days, and then return to the earth. The danger of this mission is that the unstable risk factor of Yaoxing is relatively high, so the team members must pay attention at all times.

Andis's explanation of the task was still as clear and clear as before. Lin Yi looked at Andis who was explaining the task and even thought that Andis was the best performance of a class of robots.

Andis looked at Lin Yi after explaining, and Lin Yi looked at everyone again

"I don't know if you have any questions or opinions?" Lin Yi said to everyone

Everyone has no opinion because Andis has considered all the details, and everyone didn't find anything to add!

"I still have a private mission for Director Wang!" After finishing speaking, Lin Yi looked at everyone with questioning eyes again.

The team members didn't show any surprise after hearing this, which made Lin Yi a little unbelievable, Lin Yi continued

"Before we set off, Director Wang wanted me to find a Namek stele on Superstar, because I believe in everyone, so I chose to tell everyone about this task! I brought the Victory into the Parrot as a condition of exchange. It's my personal behavior, but I also want to tell everyone that I don't want to hide anything about the squad."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, the team members first glanced at each other, and then every team member smiled on their faces, giving Lin Yi the answer he wanted.

Then the team members arranged the duty plan and entered the dormant compartment according to the plan to wait for preparations before entering the wormhole.

Lin Yi was woken up by the vibration, and looked at the time. He had slept in the dormant cabin for nearly 70 hours. It was approaching the time to enter the wormhole, and the dormant cabin could restore physical and mental power. Lin Yi felt full of energy this time, and came to Cab, everyone else just finished hibernation pod wake up everyone seems to be in good shape. Immediately, the Parrot will face the first test of traveling through the wormhole.

This traversal is different from previous small-distance traversals. It is a real human driving an interstellar spacecraft for long-distance traversal. In the new era of science and technology, humans have done countless experiments, but they are all crossing by a type of robot driving an interstellar spacecraft. The last time the Spirit Star was also crossing a short distance. There is no specific reference for the impact of traveling through wormholes on human beings. Lin Yi also carefully checked a lot of information and discussed with Miyagi countless times, but there was no accurate result.

Lin Yi once again asked everyone to do a good job of monitoring their health so that they can monitor their health at all times when entering the wormhole. After hearing this, the fat man said with disdain

"Wormhole flight, bird hole flight is good flight as long as it can bring Lao Tzu somewhere"

The serious atmosphere was broken by Fat Brother's words, and the tension of the team members improved a lot. The fat man continued to ask

"Hey, Miyagi, tell me what's going on with this bird hole flight and see how nervous you all are."

Miyagi smiled helplessly and said,

"To put it simply, there are three main methods of transportation technology that we humans have mastered. The first is nuclear fusion. This method is already very skilled and can be used safely, such as our current transportation capsule and the life power on the Parrot. The reserve and the power that does not require long-distance movement are all nuclear fusion power. The second is that the warp speed engine uses compressed space matter to squeeze the two heads together like a rag, which shortens the distance and is formed at the back of the spacecraft. Thrust, which not only shortens the distance between the two places but also speeds up the speed. This kind of power can reach 10 times the speed of light, and the flight in the galaxy is solved. The last one is wormhole flight, which uses dark matter to enter the wormhole Counteract the gravitational force and enter from the hole, and fly out from another hole. This method can travel between galaxies, but this method is not very mature at present. As far as I know, many types of robots have driven spaceships into wormholes before. , its destination is not the original destination, and it has been several years after contacting the earth, so the safety of wormhole flight is very low!"

After hearing Miyagi's words, Fat Brother started to worry. His voice was not as high as before, but he asked again

"Then the destination is not necessarily where, can I still come back?"

"Our current technology uses wormholes to only fly between galaxies, mainly relying on warp speed engines! This time it is a small experiment! To prepare for Kepler, this time UV Ceti is still within the Milky Way So it's pretty safe!"

Hearing what Miyagi said, Fatty felt relieved a lot and returned to his usual lazy look. When the rest of the people saw that Fatty was also afraid, they all started to make fun of Fatty.

As the time drew near, the parrot had already flown to the entrance of the wormhole, Lin Yi and others also slowly stopped talking, and began to wait to enter the wormhole. data monitoring.

The red warning light was also on in the cockpit of the Parrot. The spaceship has been slowly captured by the wormhole and is about to enter the wormhole. As soon as Ah Xing said a word of preparation, the spaceship shook violently. Looking out the window, Andis said

"We have already left the wormhole and are less than half a light-year away from UV Cetus!"

Lin Yi lamented the technology of the new era. Looking at the black wormhole behind the Parrot through the screen on the monitor of the Parrot, Lin Yi admired his father's scientists who are constantly exploring for mankind!

The fat guy cheered

"Miyagi, you're scaring me. You insist on making such a simple thing so complicated. I thought it would take a few hours, at least a few minutes, but it flew over in less than a second, and I didn't feel anything wrong with my body. get used to it"

"Fat brother, I will tell you in detail after the mission is over! Now we are not completely out of danger, we need to get rid of the capture of the wormhole to successfully complete this wormhole flight!"

Lin Yi was very fortunate to have such a calm member of Miyagi in the team, and immediately began to operate the Parrot to escape the huge gravity of the wormhole. Fortunately, this kind of flight training has been simulated by Lin Yi and others on the earth many times, and everything went well this time. According to the plan, the Parrot successfully got rid of the gravity of the wormhole.

Lin Yi gave the order to target the super-transient star, and all the team members are ready to land!

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