Fat Brother drove the landing vehicle with Lin Yi and the Victory towards the location of the lightning. From a distance, he could see the burning smoke constantly rising from the location of the lightning.

Lin Yi didn't want to check it out at first, but the fat guy was curious about the destructive power of the huge lightning strike on the ground. In the end, Lin Yi was persuaded by the fat guy with various reasons and agreed to go.

After arriving at the location, a huge pit with a diameter of more than three meters appeared in front of several people. The fat man dug a handful of soil with his hands, rubbed it in his hands, and approached the center of the pit a little bit, Lin Yi jokingly said to the fat man

"Fatty brother, be careful, I'm going to hit you with a thunderbolt, how can I explain to my sister-in-law, how about saying that you swear too much and God can't stand it?"

"Bah, bah, bah! Shut your crow's mouth!" said the fat man while shaking his head

"Let's say you're smart, I think you're flattering you a bit, so you didn't find anything wrong?"

"what is the problem?"

"It's not too far from the Parrot, but the terrain here is fairly flat. According to the physical analysis on the earth, there must be something that can attract the lightning. I just need to figure it out!"

Lin Yi felt that Fat Brother's words were a bit far-fetched. After all, this is a super star that cannot be analyzed according to the logic of the earth. He wanted to refute Fat Brother but really didn't know what to say.

Lin Yi looked at the vast sea not far away, and at the Parrot behind him, an inexplicable fear welled up in his heart, and the stone in front of his chest became increasingly cold, making Lin Yi shiver involuntarily.

"Come and see!" Fat Brother shouted towards Lin Yi and Victory

Lin Yi looked at the fat man and saw that the fat man was squatting in the center of the lightning strike just now, digging the soil with his hands vigorously. When Lin Yi approached, he saw a round metal cover exposed from the place that the fat man dug open, very similar to the sewer cover on the earth.

"I said that I must have discovered it, and you still don't believe it!" The fat man muttered while digging the soil.

Lin Yi and Victory were also curious, how could there be metal substances in such a place, and they all helped Fat Brother start digging the soil together.

Miyagi and Andis were looking at the landing gear and the small half of the warp drive that were stuck in the mud right below the Parrot. Although this problem is not very serious, it is very tricky to remove the Parrot.

"Andis, in your opinion, is it possible for the Parrot to be damaged?" Miyagi asked

"It's hard to judge at the moment. I'm inputting and analyzing all the data. It will take a little time. There is a high probability that there is no problem with the warp drive, but it's hard to say about the landing gear."

Miyagi nodded in agreement, and added

"This soil is similar to the swamp of the earth. With the weight of the Parrot and the position I recorded just now, the Parrot is sinking slowly." After that, he pointed to the other two landing gears of the Parrot.

"Wait until the landing gear is completely sunk in, and the force-bearing area of ​​the belly of the Parrot will increase and it may not sink anymore, but the worst situation will appear, similar to the effect of a ship's anchor and the soil has a huge water content, it is very likely Firmly attach the Parrot to the ground"

Andis just kept recording what Miyagi said and didn't respond to Miyagi

"What can you do?" Miyagi asked.

"Okay, I have recorded all the data, and I will use a computer to analyze the data and give a solution later"

Miyagi looked at Andis helplessly, and felt that Andis had become dull since losing the crystal, which Miyagi hated!

Ah Xing and Ah Jiu are already sweating profusely at this time, although they also want to go outside like Lin Yi, but the problem they are currently facing is the most difficult problem in the team.

Still failed to establish a signal connection with the earth. If the oldest method is used, the radio signal will not be able to reach the earth until 10 years later. Now the problem is with uv cetus. He cannot expand the range and speed of signal transmission. On the contrary, the signal directly Being engulfed and submerged by the UV star, the entire team is now in the embarrassing situation of communication shielding. If this can't solve the team's danger factor, it will obviously increase further.

Without the support of the Earth Angel system, the calculations of Parrot and Andis alone may not be enough time.

Ah Jiu and Ah Xing wanted to contact the others as soon as possible to inform them of the difficulties they were facing, but they were unable to notify them. Ah Jiu even wanted to go out of the cabin by himself to retrieve Lin Yi, but Ah Xing decided to send An Lin Yi to Lin Yi first. Diss and Miyagi called back, after all, Lin Yi and Fat Brother still had Victory by their side.

Not long after, Miyagi and Andis returned to the Parrot and recounted the current situation of the Parrot with Ah Jiu and Ah Xing.

"It seems that the test has just begun," Ah Xing said

"Hurry up and get Lin Yi back! Go back to the Parrot and make a detailed plan!" Ah Jiu gave her opinion

"They have gone too far. Let's solve the most troublesome things first and find a way to connect with the Angel system. No matter what, we must form communication. Moreover, the current attitude of the Parrot is not good. We must let the Angel system help us!"

"First find out why the uv star swallows radio signals, or first get in touch with the detection satellites on the periphery of the Chaozan star, and see if it can be used as a base station to get in touch with the earth."

Miyagi's speech speed obviously accelerated a lot, and everyone knew that the situation they were facing was indeed a bit dangerous, so they all speeded up their work. Miyagi approached the porthole and looked at the direction where Lin Yi and the three were going away, praying silently in his heart. Lin Yi can return to the Parrot as soon as possible!

Lin Yi and Fat Brother finally cleaned up the soil around the metal, and a round metal cover appeared in front of them. The cover seemed to have a handle. The Fat Brother pulled the handle with his hand, but there was no reaction at all. Victory placed its own metal detectors on the surface of the lid to analyze the metal composition.

The result of the analysis also surprised Lin Yi and Fat Brother. It is similar to the material of the spaceship of Parrot, although not all of them are the same, but they are similar. Moreover, the Victory used the detector to find that there was a huge space under the cover.

"Then how do you open the lid?" Fat Brother asked puzzled

"It must have been opened from the inside." Lin Yi looked at the Victory after finishing speaking.

"I can open it, but it takes time! Why don't we go back to the Parrot first and make a decision after the rest?" Victory gave his opinion.

"Well, this is the safest way and Ah Xing hasn't got the communication done for so long, what the hell is he doing?" Lin Yi glanced at the Parrot in the distance.

Fat Brother inserted the coordinate signal light that he carried with him next to the cover, turned on the beacon, and the three of them were ready to return to the Parrot when ready.

At this moment, the sky suddenly flashed another white light, and the entire pink sky was instantly illuminated with blood red. This sudden scene really shocked Lin Yi and Fat Brother.

The Victory hurriedly said to the two people who were stunned

"Hurry up and get in the car, this is probably a harbinger of a storm, I have experienced it once before!"

"Hi! It's just that the colors are different, so why not worry about it if it rains?" Fat Brother said to the Victory after recovering

"You haven't seen it before! This rain is different from the earth and you look at the ground, it is obviously soaked in water all the time!"

"Fat brother, stop talking nonsense! Listen to the Victory first, and go!"

Before the three of them sat still, Lin Yi received the brainwave signal from Andis.

"Come back! Bad weather!"

But before Lin Yi wanted to ask about Andis' situation, he heard Fat Brother pointing behind the three of them and saying

"X's! We have to explain here!"

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