"A Xing, hurry up and check the damage of the Parrot!" Miyagi still conveyed the order calmly.

The moment the sea wall submerged the Parrot, the electromagnetic protection was also activated at the same time. Although it was shielded by the electromagnetic protection, the Parrot still suffered a lot of impact, but because of such a huge tsunami, the Parrot was a blessing in disguise, and it was originally trapped. The landing bracket was so impacted by the tsunami that it loosened a lot.

Miyagi also wanted to seize this opportunity, and wanted to start the Parrot immediately and leave the beach first.

"The landing gear is still damaged, but there is no problem with the core components such as the engine!" A Xing replied

"I knew you could do it!" Ah Jiu also shouted

"Start the Parrot and ascend to the sky first! We are looking for a suitable landing place, this time we will switch to manual piloting!" Miyagi ordered

The blue flames at the tail of the Parrot gradually spewed out, and slowly drove away bit by bit. Although it was only a few tens of seconds, everyone in the Parrot seemed to have been waiting for a long time. Even Miyagi showed a rare smile when the Parrot rushed out of the water.

After jumping out of the water, everyone saw that the entire Superstar was already a vast ocean, and the pink ocean became quiet and serene again. The UV star in the sky was still emitting tepid heat, and the whole Superstar became charming again. Beautiful, it seems that the huge sea wall just now has never appeared, no one would have thought that just a few minutes ago, a huge natural disaster occurred on Chaozan.

The Parrot just hovered above the pink sea.

"What should we do now? Lin Yi and Fat Brother are still at the bottom of the sea, we can't wait for the sea to recede before looking for them?" A Xing asked

"They should be safe for now! Now we have to figure out a way to find a better landing site for the Parrot, check the damage and then try to get in touch with Lin Yi"

At present, this can only be regarded as the best way, Andis said suddenly

"Let me fly the pod of the Parrot and I will stay and wait for Lin Yi!"

After hearing this, everyone thought that the old Andis had come back, and looked at Andis in surprise, but Andis didn't say anything, just stared blankly at Miyagi as if waiting for Miyagi's order.

After Miyagi was in a trance for a while, he immediately understood that Andis was still an unconscious Andis, and was simply executing his task list this time. Then he nodded and said yes, after all, it is a good way to leave Andis waiting for Lin Yi. Andis can not only communicate with Lin Yi through brainwaves, but also communicate with Parrot, so that he can get the other party as soon as possible. news.

Andis drove the emergency cabin of the Parrot slowly out of the Parrot and slowly landed on the sea! The Parrot slowly turned its direction and moved towards the distant continent.

In the vast sea, there is only one spaceship driven by Andis.

The Parrot, which re-surveyed the terrain, was not in a hurry to land this time. After all, the landing gear was damaged, so we must be cautious this time. After Ah Xing and Ah Jiu analyzed the ground, they found a safe landing place this time. After landing, the three of them also Without any slack, Ah Xing and Ah Jiu got the opportunity to go out this time to check the damage of the landing gear and repair it if conditions permit.

Miyagi stayed in the Parrot, still trying hard to establish a signal connection with the earth.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother jumped out of the sea in the escape pod of the Abraham. The moment they saw the sun again, Lin Yi and Fat Brother couldn't help cheering. The sun shone on Lin Yi and Fat Brother's faces through the porthole. Lin Yi Yi turned his head and saw the scars on the Victory, and touched the screen of the Victory very lovingly, while the fat brother comforted him.

"Don't worry, as long as you go back to the Parrot, Andis will be able to fix the Victory!"

Lin Yi also nodded firmly. Fat Brother checked the data of the escape capsule again. Although it has been a few years ago, the condition of this escape spaceship is still very good. a lot of.

"Linzi, let's give this spaceship a name too."

"It's called the Abraham!" Lin Yi said without hesitation

"Where are we going now? We haven't seen the Parrot either!"

"The Parrot should have escaped, otherwise it wouldn't be invisible! I believe Miyagi and the others will be safe and sound."

"Then what do we do next?"

After hearing what Fat Brother said, Lin Yi thought for a while and suddenly took out his electronic equipment, and flipped to the coordinates in the special notepad, which was the personal mission given to him by Director Wang.

Lin Yi showed Fat Brother the coordinates, and Fat Brother understood Lin Yi's meaning. After inputting the coordinates, Fat Brother drove the Abraham directly to the coordinate location at high speed.

Lin Yi stood up and wanted to see if the oil leak on the Victory could be repaired first, but the location of the oil leak was very special, and Lin Yi didn't know what the oil was, so he shook his head helplessly. It looks like I can only rely on myself and my fat brother for a while!

After a period of flying, the Abraham came to the coordinate position, but after hovering in the air for a long time, there was no special discovery except for a bare hill, and now the sky is gradually darkening, and the outdoor temperature has also dropped sharply, Lin Yi and Fat Brother decided to take a good rest in the Abraham, and make a decision after sleeping. Maybe it was because Lin Yi was too tired that night and Lin Yi slept very soundly!

The next day, they were woken up by the glare of the sun, and each stretched their waists. Lin Yi and Fat Brother's mental state was obviously much better. After eating emergency food, Fat Brother and Lin Yi parked the Abraham on the side of the hill. superior. The two of them put on their spacesuits and left the cabin.

When he landed, Fat Brother cheered and imitated Armstrong, shouting as he walked

"One small step for me, one giant leap for mankind, let's cheer for your great fat brother!"

Seeing Fat Brother's appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help but relax a lot. The two stood on the marked coordinate point, which was no different from the rest of the place. Fat Brother kept shoveling the soil with his feet , ask Lin Yi

"Linzi, you don't plan on digging here, do you? The Victory can do the job, but this buddy is on maternity leave now, so he can only rely on our four hands!"

Lin Yi ignored Fat Brother and carefully looked around. The coordinates of this location are actually on the half slope of the hill. The place where the Abraham landed is at the top of the hill. There is nothing there, so why not go with Fat Brother Go down the hill and hike around the hill to see what you find.

After making up his mind, Lin Yi called Fat Brother down, and told Fat Brother the plan as he walked.

The fat man shrugged helplessly and followed Lin Yi. Seeing that the hill was very small, it took Lin Yi and Fat Brother a long time to go around, and it seemed that there was nothing new to discover when they returned.

"Linzi, let's just deal with it like this, there is really nothing, the old man doesn't know what he is up to." The fat brother was a little out of breath.

"That's your leader, you are so perfunctory" Lin Yi said with a smile

"Hey, he's not the one trapped in the sea!" As he said that, the fat brother leaned back and lay firmly on the ground.

Lin Yi also felt more exhausted, so he picked up a stone beside him and threw it out casually.

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