Lin Yi lifted the manhole cover, and the familiar white beam shot out, and the two quickly got into the sewer well and came to the underground dark exchange.

Compared with the last time, there were many more people in the underground dark exchange this time, and the excitement continued unabated, as if this large venue could no longer accommodate more and more people, and Lin Yi and Fatty Brother found a lot of people in the new era of technology, and he didn't even have time to change his work clothes.

Lin Yi whispered in Fat Brother's ear

"The sheriff doesn't know what's going on here? Are there so many people in work clothes from the new era of technology swaggering here?"

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly

"Although I am no longer a sheriff, my former buddies often tell me that the earth crisis is urgent and there is no time or energy to manage here. Secondly, the power of the Dark Alliance is also growing. Sooner or later, a large-scale disaster will occur. conflict!"

Lin Yi felt that it was not a good time to discuss this issue here at this moment, so he gave the fat brother a look, and the fat brother understood, so he stopped discussing and started looking around with Lin Yi.

People in the new era of technology wear mostly one-piece suits, smart glasses, and almost the same body shape. In contrast, people in the old era have various styles of clothes and different hairstyles. People from the two eras just mixed together, bargaining, laughing, beating and cursing.

There are more types of things to buy and sell than when Lin Yi first came. Even Lin Yi and Fat Brother saw the rpg rocket launcher. The fat man muttered to himself while watching

"Sooner or later, this place will be taken over by one pot. It is really lawless to sell such a dangerous weapon."

Lin Yi and Fat Brother walked side by side, planning to find an older human from the old era to see if they could find out the whereabouts of the old man on the peninsula.

But after walking around for a few times, he couldn't meet the right person. Lin Yi suddenly thought of Xiaoyu and asked whether the fat brother could contact Xiaoyu. The fat brother directly shook his head to express that he could not, Xiaoyu is now in the Moon Prison.

"Prison? Did something happen to Xiaoyu?"

"No, I received a message from her yesterday that she should have a buyer who is trading in prison"

"Why did the business go to the Moon Prison?"

"Hi! Don't you know, it's not surprising to me that this girl goes to the sun to bask in the sun one day"

Suddenly the two of them were called from behind, and the fat brother vigilantly wiped his hand from his waist, Lin Yi quickly grabbed the fat brother's hand and told the fat brother not to be impulsive with his eyes.

Looking back, there is a young boy, tall and thin, wearing a gypsy's clothes, with feathers on his head, and a necklace made of animal teeth hanging around his neck. His face is sallow, but he wears a pair of The smart glasses of the technology age, and the silver bodysuit of the new age can be vaguely seen from the loose shawl of the gypsy, and the slender eyes seem to never open.

Lin Yi smiled at the young man and said

"Are you calling us? What's the matter?"

"Oh, yes, I'm calling you two. I noticed when you two came in. You two don't seem to be looking for items to trade, but looking for someone, and the person next to you doesn't seem to welcome him here!" The young man pointed at the fat man with his finger and made a posture and movement of drawing a gun, and then he laughed, but the smile lasted only a few seconds before the young man withdrew his expression and looked at the fat man with hatred in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Yi immediately laughed, walked up to the young man, separated the young man from the fat brother, and said to the young man

"Oh, your eyesight is really good. We are indeed looking for someone. He is the one I brought to keep me safe. It's the first time I'm here. Don't worry if you're a little nervous." Hand rubbing money gesture. Lin Yi wanted to tell the young man that he paid to hire the fat guy to protect his safety, and there was no other meaning.

The young man looked at Fat Brother again, and the people around him obviously wanted to move closer to Lin Yi. Seeing this, Fat Brother quickly put away the seriousness on his face, and raised his hands in front of his chest.

Lin Yi hastily interrupted and said

"We came to find an old man. He gave me a gift before and I wanted to thank him, but I couldn't find him. I couldn't hear that he used to be here often. That's why I thought of looking for him. By the way. Tell me his name is Old Man Peninsula, I wonder if you know him?"

At first the young man didn't care what Lin Yi was looking for, but when he heard Lin Yi say the old man's name, he was obviously taken aback. The young man looked Lin Yi up and down again, and then said to Lin Yi

"What do you want from him?"

"Well, as I said just now, he gave me a gift, and this time he wanted to come here to thank him." Lin Yi said with a sincere face and gestured for Fat Brother to move closer to him, because the people around seemed to gather more and more And there seems to be a trace of hostility towards Lin Yi and Fat Brother.

The young man did not answer Lin Yi but thought about it for a long time and the young man said to Lin Yi

"You two come with me!" Then he turned and left, followed by Lin Yi and Fat Brother.

But after a few steps, the young man suddenly stopped, turned around and pointed at Brother Fatty. The fat brother also stopped and looked at the young man for some reason. The young man pointed at Fat Brother's waist again, and then stood where he was.

The fat brother has experienced the battle, the meaning of the young man is very obvious, so the fat brother looked at Lin Yi, and Lin Yi also understood the meaning of the young man, so he nodded. Before Fat Brother could do it himself, someone directly pulled out the electromagnetic gun pinned to Fat Brother's waist, and then the person who drew the gun whistled and threw the gun to the people behind him. After passing Fat Brother's electromagnetic gun several times, The gun was gone. Although the fat brother wanted to lose his temper, he still endured it.

Lin felt relieved when he saw that Fat Brother suppressed his anger, otherwise he really didn't know if Fat Brother would suddenly lose control of himself and make a fuss here, and it must be himself and Fat Brother who suffered.

The young man led Lin Yi and Fat Brother to a dark place in the distance. When they reached the end, the light was getting darker and darker. From time to time, there were big mice mutated by nuclear radiation passing by, and the water under their feet gradually increased. So Lin Yi and Fat Brother didn't hide from the puddle, they just stepped on the puddle and followed the young man.

After walking for nearly 20 minutes, the young man turned left and right in the complex urban sewers with ease and turned countless turns back and forth.

Suddenly, the fat guy stopped the young man and Lin Yi.

The young man stopped and turned to look at the fat man. The fat man took out a gunpowder gun from his boots and pointed it at the young man and said lightly.

"Brother, you took us back and forth to this place three times! What on earth do you want to do? Don't say that I will kill you here! I don't have that much patience to accompany you to count your steps here!"

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