I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 70 Smith's Story

Smith rubbed his hands and came in front of Lin Yi. The fat guy wanted to block Smith, but he was directly held up by two I-type robots and pressed against the wall. No matter how powerful the fat guy was, he couldn't twist the robot with the mechanical arm. A class of robots.

The fat guy can only keep shaking his head and shouting at Miyagi

"Miyagi, think of a way, think of a way!"

At this moment, Miyagi also leaned against the wall weakly, closed his eyes tightly, as if he was already waiting for Smith to judge himself and Lin Yi!

Smith suddenly stopped smiling and said to a type of robot next to Fat Brother

"This fat man is too noisy!"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the robot on Fat Brother's left took out the electromagnetic gun and prepared to shoot, but the robot on the right took the first step. A huge current flowed through Fat Brother's whole body, and then he slumped on the ground like mud. Seeing this scene, Smith hesitated for a moment, then ignored it, and glanced at Miyagi again. At this moment, Miyagi still closed her eyes tightly, sitting on the ground decadently.

Smith nodded in satisfaction, and slowly knelt down and stroked Lin Yi's freshly healed wound with his hand. muttered to himself

"What a good bloodline!" After saying that, he shook Lin Yi's head with his hand.

Lin Yi opened his eyes slightly, the pain in his legs had disappeared, he gradually came to his senses, looked around, Lin Yi hurriedly backed away, but behind him was the cold wall, Lin Yi saw the helpless Gong In the city, the fat guy who was slumped on the ground felt a trace of anger in his heart, and his body was full of strength. At the same time, two type-1 robots also came over at the same time and held Lin Yi firmly, unable to move.

Smith smiled contemptuously and said to Lin Yi

"It's a pity that you have such a good ability and power, but no one taught you how to use it. Your useless old man only wants to daydream about creating a free world all day long, but he will never understand that human beings need to be ruled. What a free world!"

Lin Yi heard Smith mention his father, but he insulted him, and unknowingly raised his arm with brute force.

Seeing this scene, Smith was even more excited, and said to Lin Yi

"It's really scary to be able to break free from a type of robot. I will definitely finish you here today, or there will be endless troubles, but if you die, you will die. I will give you a chance now Lin Yi. What do you not understand? You just ask, I’ll tell you! I still have some friendship with your good-for-nothing father, and this can be regarded as my gift to him.”

Lin Yi still wanted to struggle, but was firmly held down by the two robots. The more he struggled, the more he couldn't resist the mechanical power. Lin Yi tried his best to calm himself down. After relaxing, he felt that the mechanical arm was no longer so rigid. Clamp yourself.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, calmed down, and felt that it would be better to stabilize the aquiline nose in front of him, and glance at Miyagi. Although Miyagi closed his eyes tightly, Lin Yi felt that Miyagi must be thinking of a way, why not delay it by himself? Time, but looking at Fat Brother, he seemed to have passed out.

Lin Yi also laughed, and asked Smith if he could sit up straighter because he was uncomfortable. Smith also understood Lin Yi's meaning and nodded to the two robots. Although the two first-class robots let go of Lin Yi's arms, they still firmly sandwiched Lin Yi in between.

"Mr. Smith, I don't know what power I have, and you are a member of the angel system. Isn't it inappropriate to do this?"

"Inappropriate? What's inappropriate that I'm saving humanity?" Smith replied

"Don't you listen to Director Wang? You are now ordered by the Angel System to kill me?"

Hahahaha, Smith laughed again.

"That old man should have died a long time ago. If you hand over the power to me, there won't be so many troubles. He is old and hesitant! Well, I might as well tell you, it is the angel system that wants your life!"

"How is it possible? The angel system is to protect human beings, so why come to kill me?"

"Now it's time to protect human beings, and you are destroying the prestige of the angel system. If you want to blame it, you are too curious. If you are obedient, you may live longer, but now you asked for it."

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't say a word, Smith pushed the glasses on the hooked nose habitually, raised his head and took a deep breath, the expression on his face suddenly became peaceful and serene, but he lowered his head to look at Lin Yi again At the time of Yi, Smith's facial expression became gloomy and terrifying again, and then he knocked on the ground twice with his own crutches. No. 17 moved the wicker chair over and sat on it, and Smith's expression relaxed a little. down.

Smith sat down and said to number 17

"You half-humans, always act like a dementia. How many times have I told you that the wicker chair should be kept here at any time, don't wait until I'm tired to bring it over. I really don't understand that you rubbish have some strength and the ability to regenerate , what's the use!"

No. 17 did not refute anything, but stood behind Smith blankly.

Smith leaned down and said to Lin Yi

"Boy, if you have any questions, please ask quickly. I'm a little impatient. I have more important things to deal with you guys."

"Mr. Smith, why did the angel system get rid of us? We are the landing team and the angel system screened us?"

Lin Yi wanted to delay as much time as possible, and at the moment he could only ask whatever came to his mind, Lin Yi vaguely felt that if he wanted to delay Miyagi, Miyagi would definitely think of a way.

Smith rested his chin, looked at Lin Yi thoughtfully and replied

"Nian has some friendship with your good-for-nothing father, so I might as well tell you all. Get rid of you because everything you are doing now is destroying the trust of the angel system in front of humans. Yes, you are the elite selected by the angel system Login personnel, but you are too disobedient, curiosity has brought you to the current situation, to be honest, I can't bear to do it, but in the perfect plan of the archangel, you are not perfect now!"

"Perfect plan? What is the plan of the angel system? The purpose of the angel system is to protect human beings! How can you get rid of me? Am I not human, or are my team members not human!"

"Sacrifice some human beings to protect the entire human race. The archangel's plan is to protect all of you weak humans. As long as you listen to the archangel's words, it will be a perfect world. But some human thoughts want to jump out of the control of the archangel , Go destroy him! Go seek freedom! This is selfishness! This is irresponsible! It is irresponsible to the entire human race!" Smith's voice became louder and louder, and he even stood up directly from the wicker chair, his chest followed Talking business ebbs and flows. The whole person looked excited and irritable.

Smith looked down at Lin Yi, lowered his voice and said to Lin Yi

"Your father is the one who took the lead in destroying the Archangel's perfect plan!"

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