I'm Going To Kepler For My Missing Parents

Chapter 73 Xiaoyu's Gift

"Namek Black Stone Power? Five people? Me?" Fat Brother shouted directly.

Director Wang turned his head to look at Fat Brother and smiled slightly.

"Little Fatty, you have always followed me, and I have been nurturing you. I admit that you have a strong psychological quality and a certain talent for solving crimes, but what cannot be ignored is your ability to use the power of the Namek Black Stone. It's like the Abraham that you and Lin Yi brought back! You can easily pilot it!"

Speaking of the Abraham, Fat Brother really couldn't refute anything, but after thinking about it, he asked again.

"Then what about Miyagi and Ah Xing Ah Jiu?"

"It's all right, but it's not appropriate to say this today, and you will know about it later." After that, Director Wang looked at Lin Yi with a questioning look.

Lin Yi listened to Director Wang's explanations. Although he had already prepared himself psychologically, the helplessness after confirmation became even more lonely.

"Wang Ju, what about you? Having said so much, what's your decision?"

When Director Wang heard Lin Yi's question, his body trembled slightly, and he lowered his head.

"Linzi, I am not a good person to your father! But to human beings, I think I have done what I should do. I don't ask you to forgive me, but I want to make up for my mistakes, so now I just want to be sincere with you Such a conversation!"

Lin Yi nodded in tacit agreement.

"Professor Lin has always treated me as a confidant, including all the loopholes and characteristics of the angel system will be shared with me, but it is precisely because of this that I betrayed Professor Lin, and it also directly led to the disappearance of Professor Lin, including the dark The annihilation of the alliance took advantage of my close relationship with Professor Lin."

Lin Yi didn't show any expression but just stared blankly at Director Wang. But the fat brother couldn't help asking

"Professor Lin was taken away? Who used you? Smith?"

"No! The Archangel used me! Smith was reused by the Archangel only because I gradually became useless and began to rebel against the Archangel's orders."

"At first, I was just worried about the loopholes in the angel system, and these loopholes required humans to rewrite the data before they could continue to protect the earth, so I consciously enlarged the self-awareness of the angel system until Professor Lin discovered it. It was too late, and I couldn't control the self-replication and creation of the angel system, the angel system began to control a type of robot to find a donor for itself, and gradually became stronger and stronger, and finally the archangel appeared."

"Who is this archangel?" Lin Yi and Fat Brother asked at the same time

"The archangel is the self-awareness created by the angel system itself, the highest level in the robot, the entire angel system is under the control of the archangel, and all the data on the earth connected to the angel system is controlled by the archangel."

"Later, Professor Lin and Mr. Sen created the Dark Alliance. At first I was very opposed to it, and I also used Professor Lin's trust in me to disintegrate the newly established Dark Alliance. But gradually, I found that the archangel's goals became more and more serious. The farther away! I saw the cruel experimental base on the Spirit God planet, and here! I want to do something to save everything now! But it seems that it is too late!"

Lin Yi walked to Wang Ju's side, put it on Wang Ju's shoulder lightly, and then walked towards the ruined base with Fat Brother. While walking, Lin said to Ju Wang without looking back.

"Everything is in time! If you want, you can, say sorry to my father personally!"

Lin Yi and Fat Brother walked side by side towards the ruined base, and Fat Brother asked Lin Yi at the same time

"What's next?"

"Go to the launch center! Get the Parrot back!"

The two of them didn't stop too much, and prepared their equipment, loaded the Victory into the transport capsule, and Miyagi was going to accompany the Victory to the launch center in the transport capsule. Lin Yi and Fat Brother first went to the launch center to meet Ah Xing and Ah Jiu.

Time was running out, and it was hard to say that Smith's escape would not have informed the Angel system. This accident is likely to cause the angel system to launch a coup against a class of robots in advance.

Director Wang bid farewell to Lin Yi standing outside the traffic capsule, and told Lin Yi that he had given the team the maximum authority. If there is any notification from the angel system, Lin Yi will be notified as soon as possible. The last resort is to stay the same. Change.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother then set off for the launch center. On the way, Fat Brother took out the electromagnetic gun and constantly adjusted the state of the electromagnetic gun.

Lin Yi watched the fat man skillfully set up the electromagnetic gun and said slowly

"Brother Fat, you still plan to rob the Parrot, you don't know the number of robots of this type on Earth right now?"

After hearing this, Fat Brother slowly put down the electromagnetic gun, sighed softly, but did not answer Lin Yi's question.

Just when the two were lost in thought, suddenly the speed of the traffic capsule dropped sharply and almost stopped, and then the front of the traffic capsule flashed, Lin Yi and Fat Brother both screamed.

"It's not good for the woods! His fucking angel system has started! Where are you?"

The two of them were struck by the flash bomb, and their hearing and vision were almost completely cut off.

The door of the traffic capsule was also opened, and the two of them were dragged out of the car in a daze, tied up and thrown beside the traffic capsule.

When the two of them came to their senses, their vision gradually recovered, only to see that the person in front of him was not tall, wearing a mask to cover the whole company tightly, but his figure was somewhat familiar.

fat brother roared

"It's just a fucking bastard, let me go if you have the ability, and don't come and attack me all the time!"

The whole body of Ren Le in front of him trembled, and then he went to Fat Brother and poked Fat Brother's stomach with his foot, then squatted down, and took off the mask and sunglasses.

"Xiaoyu!" Both Lin Yi and Fat Brother shouted in surprise

"I said girl! Stop playing!" the fat man said angrily

"Yo yo yo, this little fat man, why is Bangcheng talking back like this?" Xiaoyu said mischievously

"Sister, don't make a fuss. You and I have urgent matters to go to the launch center. You can't be responsible for delaying important things. Hurry up and stop making trouble!"

"Yo, well, it looks like you two are going to be bound to the launch center to grab the Parrot?"

"And you! When we parted just now, who said we would protect whom?" Xiaoyu then squatted in front of Lin Yi and said

Lin Yi really wanted to find a crack in the ground and drill down. Seeing that both of them were too angry to speak, Xiaoyu jumped up and down happily.

Then he waved his hands to the players behind him and threw two sacks in front of them.

Then he untied Lin Yi and Fat Brother. Looking at the two sacks in front of him, Fat Brother rubbed his red wrist and asked Xiaoyu

"What are these two? Sister Big Brother really has something to do, Ruins, you saved us, I must thank you, but now is really not the time"

Xiaoyu didn't pay attention to Fat Brother, just kicked the things in the sack with his feet and said to Fat Brother

"Take it apart and see for yourself!"

The fat guy squatted down curiously, opened the sack, grinned, and shouted at Lin Yi

"What a gift!"

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