Fat Brother glanced at Lin Yi, as if he was waiting for something. As expected, Lin Yi did not disappoint Fat Brother and gave Fat Brother a happy smile. Fat Brother directly turned the Abraham and sailed slowly towards the underwater building that looked like a base.

Lin Yi informed everyone on the Parrot about the situation at the bottom of the sea. Although everyone expressed concern, they were prepared. In case of an emergency, the Parrot would quickly dive into the bottom of the sea to meet Lin Yi and the two of them.

The light of the Abraham is shining above the base, and it looks like a huge ceiling. The material of the ceiling cannot be seen because of the volcanic ash covering. There seemed to be a huge stone door under the ceiling, but it was just a look. Anyway, Lin Yi could tell at a glance that it was definitely not formed naturally.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother were about to drive the Abraham to leave, when the bow of the ship was turned immediately, the huge stone door opened slowly by itself, and white light flickered inside.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother were taken aback by the scene in front of them. They all feel a little incredible. And the Abraham's console actually issued a signal for a landing request. Lin Yi and Fat Brother looked at each other, but out of curiosity, they agreed to the Abraham's request.

The Abraham slowly drilled into the stone door, and then the stone door behind the ship slowly closed. The seawater in the entire space also suddenly began to drop slowly until the seawater in the entire space was completely emptied.

Lin Yi and Fat Brother decided to leave the Victory on the Abraham to take care of themselves and Fat Brother. After getting out of the Abraham, Lin Yi and Fat Brother came to this huge space. There was a two-person-high hole in the distance, and the lights inside were brighter. Lin Yi and Fat Brother walked over without any hesitation.

Following the passage, the two of them came to a larger space with many pipes hanging from the top.

"Linzi, what kind of place is this?" Fat Brother frowned and asked

"I look like a spaceship maintenance place!" Lin Yi said while observing

"Hey, don't say it, I think it's the same when you say that!"

As soon as the words were finished, a figure suddenly flashed past behind the two of them. Lin Yi and Fat Brother were also taken aback by this sudden figure. Fat Brother reacted quickly and directly pulled out the electromagnetic gun, and chased after the figure flashed past. Lin Yi wanted to call to stop Fat Brother, but Fat Brother had already chased him far away, and Lin Yi had no better way to chase after Fat Brother.

After chasing for a long time, I finally heard Fat Brother shouting in front of me

"Run again! I'll shoot!"

Then I heard the excitation sound of the electromagnetic gun, followed by a burst of groans, Lin Yi was out of breath when he ran behind the fat man, and the fat man squatted on the ground in front of a creature. Lin Yi took a closer look, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

The one lying on the ground can only be said to be a human-like creature. Its overall height is only a little over one meter. The skin of its whole body is similar to that of a human being and glows dark purple. A huge head rests on its neck. A pair of big eyes grew abruptly on the face, there was no nose, only two small holes, and the neck had the same gill shape as a fish. The strangest thing is that Lin Yi didn't find out where the creature's mouth is.

"Brother fat, did you beat it to death?" Lin Yi asked out of breath

"No! I shot at the top of its head, I guess I fainted from fright!" Fat Brother said helplessly.

"What do we do now?" Fatty asked

"We are not familiar with this place, why don't we take it back to the Abraham, this place is a bit evil!" Lin Yi said while looking at the surrounding situation

"Then let's do this first!" Fat Brother quickly tied up the creature and carried it on his shoulders, and the two of them went back the same way.

Back to the place where the Abraham was parked, the fat guy threw the creature directly on the ground and complained

"You look like a small thing, but it's so sticky and heavy!"

" Lin Yi hurried over to look at the creatures on the ground and complained

"Brother Fat, I was not scared to death by you, but I was also thrown to death by you like this!"

The Victory was a little relieved when they saw the two of them back, and then walked out of the Abraham, and came to the two of them to look at the creatures on the ground.

"Victory, do you recognize this creature?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before." After saying that, the Victory began to scan.

Just as he was talking, the creature on the ground suddenly moved, and then suddenly jumped up directly. Thanks to the fat brother not untying it, it did not escape again. Fat Brother quickly pointed the pistol at the creature again, perhaps because he had learned how powerful the electromagnetic gun was in Fat Brother's hand. The creature became much quieter after seeing the electromagnetic gun, but leaned on the ground trembling all over.

Lin Yi was no longer afraid of the creature in front of him. Instead, he felt that being tied up by the fat man seemed pitiful, so he walked slowly in front of the creature, squatted down slowly, and tried to keep his eyes on the same level as the creature in front of him. Lin Yi suddenly thought of whether he could try to communicate with him using brain waves.

Lin Yi took a deep breath to calm himself down, and asked with brain waves

"Can you hear? Or understand?"

The creature in front of him seemed to stop suddenly, and slowly turned his head to look at Lin Yi, the fear and tension in his eyes seemed to have weakened a lot.

Lin Yi asked again with brain waves, but the creature in front of him did not respond to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't get a response after a long time. It seems that the creature in front of him is not a high-level creature. Just when Lin Yi was about to give up, the creature in front of him actually responded to Lin Yi with brain waves.

"Are you from Earth?"

Lin Yi was sure he had accepted it correctly, and looked at the creature in front of him in surprise.

"Yes, that's right, I'm the one talking to you again, are you people from Earth?"

"Yes, we are from Earth! You can communicate with brain waves? Why do you speak?"

"I don't know the purpose of your coming here, but you humans should not use Yahan? I just want to communicate with you to make sure it's Yahan."

"Yahan? What is Yahan?"

The creature on the ground wanted to come out with his fingers, but forgot that he was still tied up and almost fell to the ground again. Seeing this, Lin Yi immediately stepped forward to untie the rope from the creature. Seeing this, the fat brother wanted to step forward to stop him, but Lin Yi directly refused.

The little creature obviously relaxed a lot after the rope was untied, and pointed at the Abraham with its long fingers.

"This is Yahan!"

"This is our starship!"

"He is Yahan, a creature that can fly and carry Geese to fly!"

Lin Yi has been confused by some of the words Yahan and Guise never heard before in the creature's mouth.

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