I’m Growing a Farm in the Last of Days Chapter 20


Chapter 20 This unlucky child

"You are telling everyone that Old Sun not only owes me money, And let me make a statement saying I don't owe anything." Father Jing is troubled by the quarrel with Wang Zhong these days, he won't admit it if he has not done anything for personal gain, he will withdraw from his shares and go it alone to make up for the profits from tempered glass. That's right, so I don't know the fact that the small video was spread to Sun Yinrui's social circle, and I don't understand the reason why Old Sun did this.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang

Sun Yinrui didn't link the money owed to the person or thing that was tainted by the explosion. It seems that there was an organization and premeditated attack on him, getting along for 20 years Old Jing for many years, he understands it too well, but Yumujima doesn't understand this at all.

The most important thing is that he really only bragged about his son, and appeared in the social circle without saying a word. It must be that this crap leaked information!

And the person who exposed him is also an expert, probably a competitor.

This expert only exposes one stalk every day, first create public opinion to attract attention, arouse public anger, hire navy soldiers, and when the last real hammer evidence is smashed, he will not want to live, so he must first owe money The matter of money was refuted and began to be laundered one by one.

Sun Yinrui went home today and gave his son Sun Zijian a fiercely with a belt, and he torn skin and gaping flesh. Cowhide, said his father's business history, now Xiaocao is the one who was bought by the opposite side!

"Smashing money, smashing hard! Let Xiaocao testify that she only said that after receiving money! You idiot!"

Grandson Jian howled, he really I forgot to tell Xiaocao if he didn't, but if he didn't admit it, he would be beaten to death!

Sun Zijian is also very innocent!


Jing Shu saw that it belonged to Uncle Grandson, and immediately answered and started recording. Laozi's money doesn't work, he really wants to be a *zi and he still needs to set up an archway. If he doesn't want to eat a gun, he quickly deletes the WeChat moment.

Father Jing's face darkened: "I don't understand why you want to give me 200,000, and make up the fact that you don't owe me money. I keep 100,000, this is the money you owe me, I'll transfer the rest back to your Alipay. That's it, Old Sun, in the future you will take your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge."


Father Jing hung up I got the call, and the 100,000 yuan was transferred back.

After calming down, Sun Yinrui began to be frightened. He was confused and lost his mind. He always felt that Old Jing was easy to bully. That paragraph doesn't look like what Old Jing said at all.

Sun Yinrui started to frantically call Father Jing, and the WeChat bombarded apology and confession, but it was too late, the call recording had already been recorded. It was spread on the Internet, including being threatened to eat a gun, which caused huge public opinion that night. On the second day, the social account of the Black City Police Department said that a case had been filed to intervene in the matter.

Sun Yinrui's first step not only failed to whiten himself, but instead gave himself a real hammer to prove the fact that he wanted to bribe Father Jing.

One stalk a day, there are surprises on the last day, just let things ferment slowly until it emits an attractive fragrance.

This day is Jing Shu's appointment to go to the countryside In the day of picking up Jing's mother Jing, because it was agreed in advance, there were no twists and turns.

In a town more than 100 kilometers away from Black City, the aunt Jingpan married a local family of Fruit Trees, and the second aunt Jing was married to a city 50 kilometers away. A smoking hotel.

Sangu Jinglai married to Black City more than 20 years ago. She gave birth to a daughter in five years and her body was ruined. She could no longer bear children. Gu was relatively strong, so she took her daughter to divorce, and lived with Jing's mother Jing, taking photos of Old Gu and his wife.

Sangu owns a two-bedroom building in Black City, which is a divorced property. Daughter Wu Youai will live there for the weekend of last graduate student.

So today, not only did I pick up my grandparents, but I also took my third aunt back to her house in Black City. During this time, she took good care of her daughter.

It took me an hour and a half to drive to the town, and I asked Mrs. Jing to decorate more things. After all, she had to live for more than a month, and the things she used to use must be installed.

"Baby, I'll pack some apples and bananas for you to eat on the way."

"Your third aunt fried you Sanzi Twist, and bring it with you in case you're hungry. It's whole."

"I fried fish nuggets for you, I'm afraid you'll be hungry on the way."

"Come on, have a mouthful of crucian carp soup first, and cook it in the morning." Nanny Jing Handed over the fish soup, revealing hands full of wrinkled blue veins.

The best thing the old man can do to you is probably to keep letting you eat.

When dealing with the elderly, don't talk nonsense and ask for help, just do it with one word! What the old man handed you, you have to eat clean, the old man said to eat more, you can nodded.

After drinking a pot of crucian carp soup, eating a crucian carp, eating a plate of deep-fried fish, and 5 marijuana flowers, Nanny Jing opened her mouth for a while before saying, " Don't eat it, I'll make it for you when lunch arrives at home!"

"Okay." Jing Shu showed a row of white teeth and smiled happily. It's been ten years since he saw his grandfather again. it is good. really very good. With splashes in Jing Shu's eyes, she left the sentence "You guys first pack me up and go for a walk" and ran away.

After cleaning up, Jing Shu drove to a bee farm more than ten kilometers away. The beekeeper was very dedicated and asked Jing Shu a lot of questions: the type and area of nectar source, powder source, etc. , Jing Shu asked three questions

Finally, under the introduction of the beekeeper, Jing Shu chose the Italian bee that produces the most honey and has the strongest ability to secrete royal jelly. It needs a large nectar source with a long honey flow period.

Bought a box of bees and tools: scraper, bee broom, feeder, nest foundation, honey extractor, hive and frame. There is a queen bee in a box, and the beekeeper said a lot of precautions. For example, the closer the apiary is to the nectar plant, the better, and it can't be far from the water source.

Jing Shu just put together 1 cubic meter of beehive room space and 6farm, put water next to it, and drop a drop of spirit spring, so that the bees can eat and drink when they open their eyes.

For another example, there must be a lot of nectar and powder sources; the fields of Rubik's Cube Space are guaranteed to satisfy them every day for 365 days.

Another example is that the bee farm should be in a flat, dry and sunny place. Jing Shu said that Rubik's Cube Space meets these conditions too much. The bees are very adaptable to the new environment and have begun to live in Jing Shu's farm several times. Flying around.

Another major event was resolved, and the living conditions after apocalypse took a step forward. Jing Shu returned to Black City with Nanny Jing, Lord Jing, San Gu and a cart of luggage. .

After drinking the diluted spirit spring, Jing Shu's appetite doubled significantly and his digestive system was much stronger, but the most intuitive thing was the changes in his body.

Jing Shu seems to have more energy than before, and his reaction ability is also faster. The speed of exercising the 5th Rank Rubik's Cube every day for the past two days has improved a little. According to this speed, Jing Shu is confident that he will be able to do it in 1 month later. The apocalypse opens the 5th order Rubik's Cube.

In the evening, Master Jing and Father Jing quarreled again. The two missed each other after not seeing each other for a month. They consoled each other, drank tea together, watched the news together, and discussed a country together. major event.

The problem is this national major event!

(end of this chapter)

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