I’m Growing a Farm in the Last of Days Chapter 4


Chapter 4 Buying Seeds

Houses and cars will become worthless in the face of life!

Jing Shu shook his head, hoping that the historical trajectory would change, the past life is the past life, and there will be no apocalypse in this lifetime, but the preparations that should be made are still to be done.

So Jing Shu is even more impossible to have a showdown with his parents. Space, rebirth, and apocalypse can't be said.

Jing Shu, who had made a plan, quickly found a reason to keep Zhu Zhengqi quiet: "Let me calm down for another month, if I still like to be an internet celebrity, can I find you again? After all, one hundred It's not a small number."

Zhu Zhengqi, who had been bombarded by WeChat, stopped, and did not dare to push Jing Shu too hard.

Jing Shu changed her clothes, put her bag on her back, pushed a shopping cart, and found Father Jing's secret stash worth 3,600 yuan at home. Anyway, she kept 100 yuan, as well as 6,059 yuan in WeChat change, Borrowed 6,000 yuan and went out. Jing Shu's home is the mother who manages the money. An honest man like Father Jing has devoted his whole life to the three women he loves most: his mother, his wife, and his daughter.

Walking to the print shop at the gate of the community, Jing Shu used his mobile phone to change the electronic contract to three places, the deposit was changed to 800,000, the full payment was changed to 1.5 million, and the company name was changed. , print it out, sign it, and print it out. When you get home in the evening, you can discuss with your parents about asking for money.

The first thing Jing Shu has to do now is to go to the largest agricultural wholesale market in Black City to buy seeds and seasonings.

The so-called "don't panic when there is food", even if tomorrow is the end of the world, she can still live well.

The biggest feature of this wholesale market is that it does not sell retail. They are all shipped in one box and one batch, which is in line with Jing Shu's current needs.

It took 20 minutes to get to the place, and I couldn't help but sigh at the wholesale market full of cabbage leaves and big trucks, who would have expected a cabbage half a year later. Can you sell it for thousands of dollars?

The wholesale market is very large, divided into large areas such as vegetables, melons and fruits, dried fruit and non-staple food, frozen preservation, aquatic products and seafood.

In the vegetable area where Jing Shu is located, the stalls in the middle two rows are heavy trucks carrying boxes of fresh vegetables. to the end.

On both sides are retail and wholesale stores such as seeds, agricultural and sideline seasonings, etc. Jing Shu has visited more than a dozen stores in a row before selling vegetables, fruits, cotton, medicine ingredients, sugars, rice, wheat, beans, oil I bought some seeds of each variety, such as lei, and whether they could be used in the future, Jing Shu thought that at least some roots should be kept for China.

Every shopkeeper looks at Jing Shu like a fool, because there are more than 100 varieties of corn, not to mention all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

"That's right, I'm from the National Agricultural Environmental Protection and Ecological Inspection Bureau, this is my work permit (Baidu's own P), I need a lot of seed samples, if there are other seeds, please add them again. Sell me a little bit."

Generally, at this time, the name needs to be long, and others will not understand where you are and what you are doing. If you have a relationship with the XX Bureau, it seems that you are checking him or not. The products in the store are not qualified.

At this time, the owner will put on a smiley face and start to introduce you. Jing Shu carefully labels each package of seeds and notes, and will give you some other things at the end of the checkout.

For example, the root pieces of sweet potato yam, a crop cultivated by Boss, are worthless. In order to contribute to the country, Boss gave each of them a point, and Jing Shu thanked them and put them into a small cart inside.

Surprisingly, there is also a mushroom bundle for sale. Flammulina velutipes, Hericium erinaceus and shiitake mushrooms do not need to be watered. They can grow out in ten days and produce mushrooms about 3 times, but as long as you take them back to Jing Shu, There is a way to keep them growing.

Fungi can be said to be one of the few vegetables that grow in apocalypse. I don’t know how many people were saved in apocalypse. Although Jing Shu ate oyster mushrooms and vomited, it did not prevent him from eating something else. mushroom.

Jing Shu asked for two packs of each, wrote the address and waited a while for the delivery center to deliver it directly to home.

After buying the seeds, go inside.

Although the seeds are all in one piece and two pieces, they can't bear the variety and variety. It cost Jing Shu 1030 yuan in total.

Soon Jing Shu found a large condiment wholesale store. As soon as he entered the door, ten jars of aged vinegar were lined up. The scene was spectacular.

"Hello Boss, would you like to offer free shipping?" Jing Shu looked at the shrewd aunt who was working on the calculator crackle.

"Free delivery from 2,000, you need to see what you want first, no bargaining." The aunt said without looking up, while busy with the young man who was behind him, shouting: "Friendly supermarket The goods are delivered quickly, and I'm here to urge again."

It can be seen that although this place is a little off, the business is very good, and all the regular customers buy the goods.

Jing Shu walked in and began to look at the prices one by one. He had to sigh that wholesale in the wholesale market is really too cheap.

But the wholesale price here starts from 5 boxes (100 catties), not retail.

Shanxi Old Chen vinegar: 270 yuan (5 boxes). Low-sodium salt is 180 yuan, soy sauce is 140 yuan, and white sugar is 300 yuan..

Jing Shu thinks she must be crazy. Especially the sesame oil eating hotpot and noodles are really mellow and delicious Ahh!

God knows that apocalypse doesn't even have food, let alone waste food production by-product seasoning. If you want to eat it in the future, I'm afraid you will have to brew it yourself. There is no seasoning in apocalypse. .

These seasonings really use a little less in apocalypse! In the previous life, after Jing Shu's home was washed away by the flood in the second year, he never tasted any other seasonings, either eating a large pot of rice or digging for scavengers.

Carrion is a new species that has evolved in darkness for a long time. It is a rotten creature, a small thing that is densely packed and keeps multiplying together. Sprinkle some chopped green onion if you can, and it's a good meal.

(end of this chapter)

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