I’m Growing a Farm in the Last of Days Chapter 59


Chapter 59 Divine Grade Prophecy

The daily bombing propaganda is about to start The benefits of building the capital city, and acknowledging that building a nuclear fusion now without knowing when the dark day will end can replace it all.

Let everyone not worry, once the nuclear fusion is built, all the difficulties will be solved, let the people 'tighten their belts and survive this period of time', so many people begin to look forward to nuclear fusion.

And the rumors of the apocalypse theory on the Internet are not self-defeating, and those who can grow food again, the fresh vegetables cultivated by the news station also look smart and lovely in front of the camera,

Jing Shu doesn't know how to evaluate nuclear fusion. After all, it is a cutting-edge technology force, and it cannot be said that it has killed many people after occupying all the energy for people's livelihood.

After all, it has really succeeded in the dark days, and it has also produced some food and saved many people. The most important thing is that in this year of drought and water pollution, it finally saved Many people are dying of thirst.

Therefore, Jing Shu is not qualified to evaluate this great research on people's livelihood, and does not want to care about these things that are far away from her. Jing Shu only wants to live comfortably in apocalypse.

Now for the main point: stop breathing.

In the middle of the third month of apocalypse, electricity was only supplied for 3.5 hours a day, and the water was all delivered by water trucks. Now I was told that after the implementation of the nuclear fusion plan, the natural gas will be stopped for all people. Quite a few Jing Shu have nodded pain.

In the news, everyone is asked to store more cooked food. When the natural gas is stopped, you can use coal to burn the fire, or an induction cooker.

Originally, the coal manufacturer tripled the price on the second day and waited for the swarms of buyers. As a result, not many people came. It took him a few days to understand. There are no vegetables, and the frozen food is almost finished. After 1 month, the rice cooker can cook noodles and rice. Even if you have some vegetables but no oil, you can only cook them together.

What else do you use coal for? Fried air?

It didn't take long for private coal and charcoal to be expropriated.

The people who were still shouting at the beginning also reacted later, there is no water, no vegetables, no oil, no seasoning, what else can you do with natural gas?

"Let's cook, let's cook!" Nanny Jing brought the last dish of fried king oyster mushrooms with green peppers to the table, and Jing Shu also served winter melon ball soup for everyone, and they lived to ninety-nine with one sip of the soup before meals.

Because the villa is fully equipped, there is circulating water for washing vegetables, and there are rich seasonings, Jing milk, Jing Ye, Sangu and Wu Youai all have this meal at other villas in the evening.

"Third sister, it's not easy for you to work part-time. If you send so much meat every day, you can take it back and eat it." Father Jing said helplessly, pointing to the braised chicken on the table.

"It's broken if you don't have a refrigerator, you don't care." Jing Lai urged her to eat quickly.

During this time, Sangu went to the Western District to process cooked food for the government. The cooked chicken and pork knuckles that were distributed every week were all brought back and put in the villa refrigerator. Haven't taken it.

"Your third aunt has such strong self-esteem, don't pay attention to her. She just feels sorry for the mother and two to eat with you." Nanny Jing whispered to Jing Shu.

After dinner, Father Jing threw the dishes into the dishwasher for automatic washing, and the Jing Shu family sat in a much smaller restaurant and ate fruit after dinner, and started a family by the way. Meeting.

Lord Jing took the lead in saying: "The current situation is even worse than our famine back then. We would be able to grow food, but now we can't grow it at all. The nuclear fusion in the news is my old man. It doesn't look reliable."

"I go to the Western District slaughterhouse every day, and now the poultry is almost processed, it's too bad, in the next few years Black City will not see a single animal. When they finish eating the frozen meat and this batch of cooked meat, they will find that they will not be able to eat meat for a long time in the future." Sangu felt uncomfortable whenever she thought that she might not be able to eat meat for a few years.

Mother Jing said instead: "We can grow vegetables if we don't have vegetables, we can generate electricity if we don't have electricity, and we can only use the stove if we don't have natural gas. There are a few tons of coal in the backyard, but I don't think it's enough. It is said that the long-term high temperature will cause the sea level to rise. What should I do in the later period of the year? I will buy a few tons of coal and put it outside our villa tomorrow!"

"Okay, I will build a small outside. The house, when the dark day is over, it will be removed." Father Jing agreed.

"Dad, you and Grandpa have to rebuild the chicken coop by the way, there is really not enough space." Jing Shu quickly made a request.

Wu Youai held up her glasses frame and showed everyone a picture on her phone: "Not only that, the crime rate has been high in the last two months"

"let the tiger returns to the mountains!" Nanny Jing was terrified, "Don't go out these days! You're a sinner!"

Wu Youai's spectacles flashed rays of light: "Grandma said By the way, let the tiger returns to the mountains on purpose."

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, she lived in chaos in her previous life, and she survived in confusion without understanding basically anything. Only later did I know all kinds of insider stories.

Nothing happened in this lifetime, does Wu Youai know something?

“Why?” Jing Shu asked with interest.

"Relax management, lure criminals, and cause them to cause even more trouble. In the end, there will be a reason to wipe them all out, so as to save some food. According to the current situation, the cycle of the biological chain cannot be achieved, but if Abandoning one batch and dying another batch will save the rest of the people, of course they choose to give up the criminals.”

“Although this is a random analysis by the tutor, the next Black City will definitely not It will be peaceful, let’s think about what we will do if we are targeted or chased by a group of people with knives. After all, your villa is so luxurious and there is so much to eat.” Wu Youai took a bite. Lost half of the apple.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! This fucking analysis is really accurate! This is the prophecy of God! Why didn't I think of it in my previous life? It took half a year to be really suppressed. The previous method was so gentle, and then the method was so bloody, not a single survivor was left. Later, those who escaped for a while, and those who came out to receive relief food because there was no food, would also be directly killed. It's a style." As soon as Jing Shu clenched her fist, her hand crackled, it seemed that even if she lived a new life, she still had a lot of things to worry about.

"What the hell is your professor doing? You're talking nonsense every day." The third aunt was dissatisfied with her daughter's intimidation.

"Master, Dad, let's make a trap, just in case." Jing Shu said suddenly.

(end of this chapter)

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