I’m Growing a Farm in the Last of Days Chapter 92


Chapter 92 One Hundred Ways to Eat Oyster Mushrooms

It's a little embarrassing to watch Father Jing, after all, he steals things. I have never done it in my life, so Jing Shu said:

"It won't take long for it to rust and go bad. Why don't you take it home and use it for good maintenance. When the sun shines, the order will be restored. If we return it later, we will treat it as helping others maintain it."

Father Jing then smiled, "Reasonable! It will be very convenient to charge in the future."

In addition to the harvest of the charging pile, there is another A small diesel generator and an electric hammer.

The little Generator Jing Shu thinks that it is not very useful at present. After all, there is already a high-power gasoline generator at home, and there is no diesel. Now these are controlled by powerful people, and they can still get a little bit. .

However, when the apocalypse migrates after five years, it will be very useful. You can carry it with you when the time comes, cook rice, boil water, electricity, heater, etc. There are too many, which can increase the comfort of migration!

And the electric hammer when the time comes is also useful when the snow freezes, and there will always be needs for repairs and holes in the future.

After studying with Father Jing for a long time, I found out that the charging pile has been 'cracked' by the previous people, that is, the alternative energy car can be charged directly by plugging in the power, and there is no need to scan the code to pay.

The father and daughter put the Generator hammer into the trunk, tied the charging pile to the roof of the car, and then pulled it back to the villa in the community.

Father Jing was also worried that the charging station was too heavy and the car would be crushed. As a result, Jing Shu stuffed the charging station into the space temporarily squeezed out by the poultry, and put it back on the roof of the car when it got there, because Jing Shu Shu's 125-cubic-meter space has long been crammed with various things.

"I don't think the fuel consumption has increased on the road. Why does this charging pile smell like shit?" Father Jing felt a little strange, but didn't think much about it.

The villa has an independent garage. In the end, the father and daughter decided to install the charging pile in the garage, which is convenient for charging, and then connect the root line from the villa. This is also a big project, such as wiring, burying, etc. It took two days to fully install the charging station.

In the future, I finally don't have to go all the way to find a charging pile to charge the alternative energy car. I can charge it anytime and anywhere. Of course, in order to protect the lifespan of the battery of the alternative energy car, I still need to recharge it after use up. .

So Jing Shu's home set the schedule that every day all will go to the water.

No matter what, Jing Shu has to thank those three people for taking the boss to dig out the charging pile buried in the ground, cracking the charging code, and giving Jing Shu Generator and Electric hammer.

I just want to say about this kind of money-giving boy Jing Shu: I hope to meet you every day in the future!

Today's first day of free cooked food, that's what Black City talks about most of the time.

Fei Niu No. 25: "I always feel that the boiled rice with mushrooms has a musty smell, and it is not enough. When I come back in the afternoon, I grilled two bunches of grasshoppers to eat."

Zhu Fan No. 7: "It's more delicious than bark. Our richest man in Black City, Qian Duoduo, is recruiting bodyguards to take care of two meals. I'm going to sign up tomorrow, who else is going?"

Feng No. 3 : "If you don't think it's fast enough to die, then hurry up. I still eat the free food provided by the government, and I don't have to cook every day. It's great, when the nuclear fusion is built, everything will be fine. I want to play games every day. "

Fat Girl No. 25: "Who is deep-fried fish and braised pork ribs every day, the taste always drifts to me, can you think about the feelings of people who can't eat enough?" "

Zhu Fan No. 7: "You're crazy hungry. Who still has fish and spareribs now, and the gas has stopped. How to cook?"

Seeing this, Jing Shu hurriedly chewed the bones and swallowed them, shouting, "Honey, turn on the range hood, people can smell the smell!"

"Who's the dog's nose?" Nope, you can smell it after several hundred meters, it's a waste of electricity." Nanny Jing complained and still turned on the range hood.

Jing Shu's home now cooks dinner with an induction cooker at 5:30 p.m. when the collective power supply is turned on. After all, induction cookers consume too much electricity. Soup and meat are all cooked with coal on the stove, without natural gas. It's really inconvenient, but fortunately there are a lot of cooked food in Jing Shu's space, enough for my own supper.

Then Jing Shu continued to watch the group chat while eating ribs.

Wang Dazhao sent a recent news from Zhetian yesterday, saying that he was going to rob the richest man Qian Duoduo for supplies. The news has been released, and the past few days Qian Duoduo has also acted, recruiting bodyguards everywhere. , and even asked the government for help.

"But I feel like I'm banging my head, it doesn't look like I'm trying to rob Qian Duoduo. After all, Qian Duoduo is in the Western Mountain villa. That area is his place. There are a lot of personal bodyguards. I heard that there are also Gun, the relationship is tough, there is no reason to touch this tough stubble." Wang Dazhao was puzzled.

Jing Shu thought about what happened in her previous life. She really has no memory of this episode. She only knew that Zhetian tortured and killed a lot of people. Although they didn't grab a gun at the police station, they still had a gun in their hands. A few guns, there were bombs. Finally the armed forces came and wiped out the team.

"Then you can pay attention at any time, if possible, help me find out all the news about that person!"

Jing Shu also did not hear from Wang Dazhao that Zha Tian was interested in her community She didn't even have Ying'er, and maybe Zhetian didn't take her community seriously. "It's better not to rob me, just ignore me." Jing Shu felt relieved.

In the evening, Mother Jing and Sangu came back together with garlic sprouts, cabbage, lettuce and chrysanthemum. This is their reward. Compared with moldy mushrooms, the benefits of the system have gradually emerged. .

The gap will get bigger and bigger in the future. Just when Jing Shu was thinking of helping Father Jing, didn't expect Father Jing to solve it by himself.

On the morning of May 23, Jing Shu's family sent Mother Jing to work and went to collect today's water as usual.

At this time, everyone obviously has experience. Bring the bowls and bottles at home, and you don’t have to get up at 3 o’clock to ride a bicycle to queue up. There are 13 districts in Black City, more than 80 such large Supermarkets, on average, each supermarket receives 30,000 to 40,000 people, and if you go late, you will definitely get in line for an extra hour.

Today's meal is fried rice with oyster mushrooms, with minced meat in it, which has been well received by many people.

Of course this praise may be the last one, because every day that follows will be rice mixed with various mushrooms or battered with mushrooms, the next ten years of apocalypse, the government will perform a hundred of oyster mushrooms kind of eating.

After a while, when everyone could not eat and dislike it, the government changed it to new dishes.

Okay, don't you want to eat meat? It's okay to eat meat every day in the future. Be satisfied and happy.


When I got home, Jing Shu put the black pig in the box on the roof, and drove with Father Jing to deliver the pig to uncle's whole family, but the address was not Uncle's home is the home of my aunt's big brother.

Uncle's home can't raise pigs, so I decided to kill the pigs directly. Now that he has decided to pay off the debt with pigs, it's up to him to do what the uncle wants to do.

When Father Jing drove to the Guan Family building of the government machine, the street lights shuā shuā were all on! It was very pompous!

More than 50 people, mostly middle-aged and elderly people, stood at the door.

As soon as Father Jing's car stopped, these people rushed up, and uncle's whole family was the first to bear the brunt.

Thanks to zw7774 for the reward.

(end of this chapter)

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