I'm Guilty, My Beauty[COMPLETED]

Chapter 36:I Love You

"Beauty, I thought you've decided to stay here until the regional trials?" asked Grandma Julianne.

"I did say that, but I think I need to go back home now. After school, I went to be with my grandparents for a vacation. After coming back, I should have gone home first, but I didn't. I feel like I'm being a bad daughter."

"Grandma, she came back from Camotes Island just a week ago. The next day after arriving, we came here and unexpectedly stayed longer than planned. In other words, her parents haven't seen her for a long time." Clarence explained to totally convince them somehow.

John and others just remained silent. As spectators, they understood well what Clarence's main reason was. However, they either did never want to help, get involved, or bother at all.

"Fine, if that's so. Just don't forget you have a home here with us. Leave us your contact number. John, get her phone number before she leaves."

Grandma was in low spirits for having no progress with her grandson and Beauty. In some ways, she hoped that they would continue to keep in contact with one another. Probably later, they would hear good news.

Clarence went out first while Beauty was still being hugged by the old lady and Lorraine.

"You're fast. Your alibi is really persuading. But you can't keep her away from me. I have my ways." John appeared unmoved by their 'escape' after his challenge just hours ago.

"Oh, really? Don't ever think that I'm the same person as before." Clarence answered, composed.

"I hope you're not a coward, enough to insist on her to change her phone number," warned John.

"No need for me to do that. Bye, hope to see you soon not."

"Haha, I'll make sure Beauty and I will see each other soon."

. . . . .

Early morning came, and John was waiting outside Beauty's bedroom door.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" He was talking while carrying her bags.

"I slept well, Doc. Let me carry my things."

"Just carry those lighter paper bags you got there. I'll take these heavy ones."

Clarence was watching from the side.

"You came early, Doc. Didn't you get any sleep? You even stayed here all night, worried sick of my presence?"

"Who's afraid of whom?" John chuckled, brushing off Clarence's confidence. "I'm here to help Beauty. You're fine without my help, right?"

"I'm strong, and I don't need you to help her, Doc. We don't need you to carry that luggage as well."

"I have well-toned arms. I can even carry Beauty with me." John tried to impress the lady by showing his muscled shoulder.

These two were already sparring with words. The object of their word-war felt powerless. She had no idea how to stop their bickering.

"Come, Beauty. The car is now ready for us to go."

Clarence took advantage of his empty hands by holding her hand while carrying the stuff he took from her.

John wished to pull his hand away from her, but he knew would only make him look bad. He thought he would have his time to get closer to her ... just not now.

He might have started wooing this lady to ease his grandmother's mind, yet his heart now started to sway to the path he never thought he would: earnestly courting her. He's a man who could be blind to his true emotions, for he chose his career over love. With this kind of denial, he was most susceptible to fall in love, but he didn't know that.

The road to building relationships had always been steep since time immemorial. One dared not act recklessly, or what one worked hard for might result in failure. Clarence was careful while seizing the heart of the lady, but sometimes, he felt threatened when a rival came.

The lady in question was standing between these two men. She was completely clueless when it came to men and relationships. To be accurate, she never had any suitors—not even one. Now two men squabbled and were asking for her attention. What was she going to do?

Each one was in their own thoughts and remained silent until they were near the car.

"Beauty, I hope you won't mind if I'll call you sometimes," John spoke first, breaking the silence. He thought of telling her that he would call and take her out for dinner, but he reserved it for later.

"I don't mind," replied Beauty.

"If she's not busy with her work with me." Clarence wished to nip the bud before it blooms. He really thought of stopping John from getting close to her. Could he really stop it? Unless he would be cowardly to change Beauty's number, as the other warned him. He just sighed and would try his best to establish his footing in the heart of this girl.

'Oh Beauty, when will I ever hear your sweet 'yes'.' Clarence wished it would happen soon.

He drove the car away from the villa. Beauty looked back and sighed, 'I hope Grandma Julianne is feeling fine.'

"Are you okay?" asked Clarence.

"Yes, I'm fine."

Silence prevailed for a time. Clarence, who was feeling unsatisfied, chose to speak first.

"Beauty, have you thought of us? I mean our relationship. When can I hear your answer?"


"I know I told you I'll wait, but I hope no other man will stand in my way and snatch you when I'm unaware. You know what I mean, right?"

"I love you, Beauty. I really do. But I hope you won't try to look at another man's way before you're sure of your feelings toward me."

Afterward, both remained silent while the car sped up on the winding road toward the city. The hearts of three were also traversing the winding path called love.

. . . . .

Meanwhile, Ronald stepped out from the mini-studio Clarence told him to stay. To be precise, it was a bachelor's pad borrowed by Clarence from another friend of his. This eyeglasses guy thought of trying to do some little investigation by himself.

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