Half an hour later, after learning that the Maude Caesar yacht had basically achieved full computer operation, Chen Feiyang also drove the two yacht drivers to the lifeboat, ready to drive the snatched yacht away.

At this time, Prince Salami, who had just been rescued by the crew, pointed at Chen Feiyang on the yacht on another lifeboat and cursed.

Although Chen Feiyang couldn’t understand what he was scolding, he could also guess a rough idea.

However, he didn’t bother to pay attention to him anymore, and after comparing a middle finger to him, he took Jia Hanlei, who was still on the cloud.

“Welcome to the Flying Superyacht! Beautiful young lady. Chen Feiyang bent over her in a funny manner.

“Feiyang, you do this, not very good, right?”

Although Jia Hanlei does not know how much this yacht is worth, just by seeing its length and its luxury, she can also know that it must be worth a lot.

“What’s not good, if you dare to shoot me, then you must be prepared to be robbed.”

Now that he remembered that he had shot others twice in a row, Chen Feiyang was still very unhappy.

Took Jia Hanlei’s small hand, flew directly to the wheelhouse on the third floor, quickly started the yacht, and drove towards the Han Kingdom at the fastest speed.

Five lifeboats were left behind, floating in the sea.

After setting the yacht to sail automatically, Chen Feiyang disarmed himself of his equipment and took Jia Hanlei to visit the yacht.

“I lean on! Is this real gold or fake gold? ”

As soon as he went down to the hall on the first floor, Chen Feiyang saw a tall horse covered in glass and shining gold.

“It should be true! You just said that the white-robed young man is the prince of the oil country, and a local tyrant like them must disdain to put it here with a fake. Jia Hanlei said with a smile.

“That’s what I said.”

Chen Feiyang said and took out the American team shield again and smashed it heavily on the glass cover.

Although the glass cover was bulletproof, it could not withstand Chen Feiyang’s savage disassembly, and it was smashed by him in a few strokes and scattered to the ground.

“Feiyang, what do you want to do?” Jia Hanlei asked curiously.

“Of course, to see if this horse is real, if it is made of gold, then bring it back and melt it and sell it, it can also be worth a few dollars.” Chen Feiyang replied.

In the past, when he was a hero in black, he did not melt the stolen gold jewelry, and then sold it on the black market.

“No, it’s a perfect work of art! Wouldn’t it be a shame to melt. Jia Hanlei whispered.

“Art can’t be eaten.”

After saying this, Chen Feiyang abruptly broke off the horse’s ear, and then put it in his mouth and took a bite.

“His sister’s, only the surface is real gold, not the inside.” Chen Feiyang cursed.

Just now he bit too hard and almost broke his teeth.


Just as Chen Feiyang was sabotaging on the yacht, a helicopter of the US maritime forces flew to the position where the yacht was before.

Everyone on the lifeboat hurriedly waved something in their hands towards the sky.

After confirming Salami’s identity, the helicopter descended some altitude and lowered a basket to pick up Salami.

As soon as he entered the cabin of the helicopter, Salami looked for the crew and asked for a satellite phone, and after connecting the phone, there was a roar, completely missing the princely demeanor before.

Subsequently, the crew of the helicopter received the commander from above, telling them to chase the yacht of the Mord Caesar that was Chen Feiyang, and allowed to use the two small missiles on board if necessary.

Salami then showed the driver the direction of the yacht’s departure, allowing the helicopter to quickly drive north.

Since the helicopter was not much faster than the yacht, it was not until an hour later, when the sun was almost setting, that it caught up with the Maude Caesar yacht, which was galloping.

Just when Salami was overjoyed and wanted the crew to attack the wheelhouse of the yacht.

A fighter of the Great Han Kingdom, passing over the helicopter, passed over the helicopter and sent a warning to the helicopter on the radio, telling them to quickly turn around, otherwise they would attack.

It turned out that in the process of chasing the yacht, the helicopter of the US maritime force had unknowingly entered the waters of the Great Han Kingdom, and the fighter was the fighter responsible for patrol tasks here.

The pilot of the helicopter, after receiving the warning, did not hesitate at all, immediately turned the nose of the aircraft and flew towards the public sea.

He didn’t dare to let the United States and the Great Han Kingdom have friction because of a little thing.

At the same time, Chen Feiyang, who was watching the sunset on the deck, also noticed the two planes in the sky, immediately rearmed himself, and once again summoned Douyun to protect Jia Hanlei and prepared for battle.

But he waited left and right, did not wait for an attack, but saw the helicopter flying farther and farther, while the fighter constantly hovered over the yacht, neither walking nor fighting.

“Ma’s, what is this doing, don’t fight and don’t leave, make me worry.” Chen Feiyang cursed constantly in his heart.

In the end, he really couldn’t bear it anymore, put away the Star-Lord helmet, leaned on the somersault cloud and smoked.

“Feiyang, what do we do next?” Jia Hanlei asked.

Today, she originally just wanted Chen Feiyang to take her around the sky, but she turned out to be an accomplice of Wang Yang’s thief without any intention.

And now she is also remembered by a fighter jet, which makes her feel like she is dreaming.

“Cold mix, I believe they don’t dare to take what we do, it’s a big deal I’ll take you and escape.” Chen Feiyang replied very calmly.

Although the protection power of the cloud is average, the speed is still very fast, the maximum speed can reach more than 4,000 kilometers per hour, and ordinary fighters cannot catch up at all, and this is also one of his strengths.

Of course, this has to give up the yacht that has just been snatched.

However, he managed to get it with difficulty, how could he give up so easily!

After a while, suddenly two speedboats emerged from the sea and rushed towards the yacht with a momentum of encirclement.

“People on the yacht, listen, you have entered the waters of the Great Han Kingdom, please slow down quickly and stop, let us board the ship for inspection, otherwise we will use force to force you to stop.”

On a speedboat, there was a loud horn.

Hearing the familiar Chinese, Chen Feiyang decided to cooperate with the inspection of the troops of the Great Han Kingdom.

Taking Jia Hanlei to the wheelhouse, Chen Feiyang slowed down and let the Mord Caesar yacht slowly stop.

“Han Lei, you stay here first, without my orders, you don’t come out, I will meet them when I go down and see what they say?”

Cooperation is cooperative, but Chen Feiyang also has a limit, and it is impossible to let them mess around.

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