Saturday, June 13th.

Finally, the day of Otozui’s market research arrived.

We were going to see a movie in the morning and check out the outlet mall in the afternoon.

Normally, this would be a date, but there was no way Otozui would want that.

It was a pity that she couldn’t see me as a man, but I would consider myself blessed to have a diligent younger colleague.

Thirty minutes before the meeting.

As I arrived at the entrance of the outlet mall, I thought about the day ahead.

“Well. The purpose is to do market research, but I want to use this opportunity to strengthen my relationship and trust with Otozui. To do that, I need to praise her. … or …”

Although it was easy to say, when it came time to have a conversation, I couldn’t speak as well as I thought I could.

But my communicative ability was definitely improving.

I’ll be fine. Be confident.

Then Otozui arrived.

“Sasamiya-san, … Ano… Thank you for waiting for me…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

I thought she would come fifteen minutes early, but she came 25 minutes late.

… It was a close call.

I was able to make the first move just in time, but as expected of Otonzui. You’re good.

Anyway, I guess I should compliment her on her outfit first.

Today Otozui was dressed in a refreshing, summer-inspired outfit.

The combination of a long skirt and blouse was cohesive and tickled a man’s heart.

Fumu~ … It’s pretty cute, isn’t it?

Come to think of it, I had never seen Otozui in anything other than a suit.

In this way, she looked like a cute girl of her age.

As I was thinking about this, I couldn’t help but stare at Otozui.

“Ano, … Do I look weird?”

“No, I think … is good.”

“fufu~♪ I’m happy.”

The feeling of inadvertently becoming aware of Otozui as a woman wavered.

I was sure one day Otonsui would have a boyfriend or maybe she already had one.

I don’t really have the right to say anything about it, but I don’t feel too good about the thought of Otozui flirting with another guy. …

……! What the hell am I thinking?

No, no, no!

That kind of emotion is not appropriate for a senior!

Otozui thinks I’m a solid, perfect senior, and she trusts me.

If she finds out that I’m thinking about these things, she’ll be disappointed.

Okay! Let’s get back on track!


Oh, ….

I forgot to express the compliment I was thinking about.


After the movie, Otozui and I were doing some market research while visiting an outlet mall.

Otozui seemed to like the movie we had just watched and started talking to me in high spirits.

She said, “Ahhhh! It was very fascinating! This movie was a good one!”

“Yeah, it was good.”

“That climax scene was great! The way the hero and heroine hugged each other made me want to cry!”


“Also! I enjoyed the comedy that came in here and there!”

“It was funny.”


I could only reply monotonously to Otozui’s high-spirited talk.

If I could say something witty here, then my relationship with Otozui would surely be better than now.

However, when it came time to give my impressions, I thought I could explain everything with one word: “Interesting.”

I wondered how I could expand the story from here.

Then Otozui hugged my arm.

Oh come on, …, not again.

You really don’t think I’m a man, do you?

As you could imagine, I was getting used to it, and I didn’t have to worry about anyone I know finding me here. …

“What did you like about it, Sasamiya-san?”


“Yes. I’d like to hear what you think, Sasamiya-san.”

I’m sure you’ll be able to understand that I’m not the only one.

It seemed that this was the crucial point.

Somehow, you would need to give good feedback to ….

“It was …… alright. Well, it was satisfactory overall.”

“And so it is!”

I started to break out in a cold sweat at Otozui’s question as she pursued.

I thought I had completed it with my earlier thoughts, because I didn’t expect to be asked to continue further.

“Well, …, what a day. I think just being able to watch a movie with Otozui was enough of an accomplishment.”

I agonizingly tried to put together all the words that came to my mind.

I am able to accomplish my goal of market research today, and to tell you what I thought of the movie.

It couldn’t have been more successful.

However, Otozui’s behavior suddenly changed.

She looked at me with warm eyes and tightened her hold on my arm.

“… Me …. and? …What does that mean, …that …?”

The air was strange, as if something was about to happen.

At the same time, I felt a shiver run through me.


That’s all I meant by what I just said, but you’re asking for an even deeper reason!?

My talks should be a success so far.

However, unexpected reactions keep coming at me. ….

Could it be that I’m failing?

Mmm. … I don’t know. It’s hard to tell.

But I couldn’t just sit here and do nothing.


Let’s cover it up with a dignified talk like a senior here!

That’s a good idea!!

I looked at Otozui as I prepared myself.

“It looks like it’s time for me to show my true colors.”

“…. Sasamiya-san can be so strange sometimes.”


Next time, Sasamiya is in trouble, and an unexpected person appears in front of him!

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