Chapter 41: - June 27 (Saturday): Perhaps A Confession

I took care of Otomizu, who had gotten drunk at the pub, and returned to the hotel.


“Here, Otomizu. We’re at the hotel.”


As we arrived at the hotel lobby, I called out to Otomizu, who was leaning on my shoulder, and she let out a cute “Nn~~.”.


Perhaps it was the cool night breeze, but her face, which was red earlier, was back to normal.


But Otomizu wouldn’t let go of my arm.


“I wish I could do this more often.”


“You know what? I took care of you because you were drunk. But if you’re telling the truth, it’s not a good idea for you to grab onto me, a man, like this.”


“I’m drunk.”


“You said you weren’t drunk.”


However, I was worried about the situation.


I will follow her to her room.


After getting the key from the front desk, we got on the elevator and pushed the button for the ninth floor where Otomizu’s room was located.


The elevator door slowly closed and we were alone in the small space.


I was lending my shoulder to Otomizu, so I was in close contact with her, but this was quite awkward.


I wonder if I should say something.


If I don’t say anything, she might think I’m thinking of something weird. ……


No, is it weird to think that?


“Ah! Hey! Sa……! Sasasamiya-san~!”


Suddenly, Otomizu shouted.


But it was a strange reaction, different from being drunk.


“That’s a lot of ‘sa’ in my name, isn’t it?”


“I-I’m sorry! I got nervous and made a mistake!”


Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?


You’re clutching my clothes as hard as you can, what’s wrong with you?


“Um, Ano!”




“Actually, I’d like to! I would like to visit Sasasamiya-san’s room!!”




“Th… that! I’d like to take this opportunity to tell Sasasasa sasa sasamiya-san about my feelings!”


“Isn’t ‘Sa’ too much ….?”


I don’t know, but she wanted to come to my room.


I shouldn’t let her drink anymore, but I guessed we could at least talk over a glass of water.


It was only eight o’clock at night anyway.


It was too early to go to bed.


“Ah, okay.”


“Thank you!!”


“Why do you have to be so hyped? …”


The elevator stopped at the ninth floor and the doors opened.


Then Otomizu left me.


“We…Well then! I’m going to take a bath and get ready!!.”


“What? Aren’t you going to come to my room like this?”


“No! I mean, it’s my first time, so I’m kind of nervous!!”




What the hell is going on here?


I don’t get it at all.


After exiting the elevator, Otomizu rushed to her room.


She had been drunk earlier, so why did she suddenly seemed so energetic?





I went back to my room and waited for Otomizu to arrive.


“But why was she so nervous?”


As I was thinking about this, I received an incoming call on my phone.


Pirorin ♪ pirorin ♪


Oops, it’s a phone call.


I thought, Who is this at … this time of night?


I pressed the button and accepted the call. 


“Good evening, Onii-San”


“Hey, Yuika. What’s up?”


“Nothing, but I tried to call.”


“How fast-paced can you be?”


But I didn’t feel so bad.


The fact that she called me when she didn’t have any business with me meant that she trusted me that much.




You’re usually just teasing me, but you’re really attached to me.


How Cute.


“What’s Onii-San been up to?”


“Just relaxing in my room.”


“Oh, sorry. You were doing something naughty.”


“No, I wasn’t.”


“What then?”




Ugh. …


This was what happened when I let my guard down a little.


Was she under some kind of curse that she had to make fun of me?


Don’t say “sex” when the Otomizu is about to come.


You’ll be conscious of it.


… and this was where I noticed something weird.


It was about Otomizu.


Suddenly I was nervous, ‘telling my feelings’ or ‘preparing for the first time’, wasn’t this somehow similar to the situation when you confess your feelings to someone you like?


No, …, but, but if that’s the case …, then so be it!!!


Could it be that … this is what you call a love flag!?


But then again, she’s always full of energy.


She has never shown any such pretense until now. ...



I think there was. …


So what Otomizu meant by “what I want to tell you” was a confession!?


I was a trainer and she was a junior staff member, so having an office romance while I was on a business trip was a problem.


At least, if it was after the training period was over, it would be …, but that was not what I was talking about!


As I pondered about this, Yuika asked me.


“What’s wrong with you suddenly shutting up?”


“Sorry, Yuika. I need to talk to you about something. …”


“Small talk?”




“Let’s hear it.”




In the next installment, what is the high school girl’s advice on love?


Yuika’s talk will shine!

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