Seeing that Megumi Kato accepted the space ring he sent, the bearded man smiled and walked to his usual deeds, and at the same time ordered a fried tenderloin patty to the boss in the kitchen, which is a dish he must order every time he comes to the 'cat house of foreign food'.

Not long after the bearded man sat down, the door of the 'cat house with foreign food' was pushed open again, and a middle-aged man with a ponytail poked his head out and looked around the store, and was relieved that he did not find the dragon's stiffness, and then walked into the restaurant.

"Thank goodness you didn't bring those three dragons this time, who is this?"

Almost in the same dialogue mode as Yu Dazu, he asked who Megumi Kato was and learned that it was Wang Ye's apprentice, and also gave his own gift.

Because it is a big sword hao, it is a sword that Kato Megumi basically can't use, but in case Kato Megumi is interested in the Taiji sword, it is also a good weapon, and it is also accepted.

Similarly, Megumi Kato introduced this great sword hao, Tatsumo Goro. This king did not give him a nickname, because the name is easy to remember, even if he was thinking about a certain nursery, the king did not give him a nickname.

Therefore, it is occasionally ironic by a bearded man holding a little.

The existence that came later, that is, really gave Megumi Kato insight, the existence of elves, lizardmen, princesses, treasure hunters, lion flesh people, no matter which one, are characters who often appear in love novels, but princesses are rare in reality, let alone elves, lizardmen and the like.

Fortunately, the boy who was refused to accept the apprentice by Wang Ye did not arrive today.

"Sure enough, elves are beautiful, affinity with nature"

After all the diners had left, Megumi Kato looked at the elf who left last and said softly.

Beauty, definitely a first-class beauty, is an elven race. He also has white flowers in full bloom on his head, and although I don't know what kind of flowers they are, he is very beautiful, and he still has a bow and arrow on his back.

It is as if the dimensional wall has been broken, and only the existence of fantasy exists, and it appears in Kato's sight one after another, which is a very magical experience.

Even if he had planned it, when he first saw those inhuman creatures, Megumi Kato still felt a tingling in his scalp, especially the existence of lizardmen and stone people.

The scar on the stone looks very fierce, and the voice is also very loud, and every time I speak, I can see sharp teeth, which is very scary.

"Elves, it is said that if it is a creature with a strong sense of existence, it will leave legends in other worlds~! So legendary creatures may really exist in other worlds, including Cthulhu's weird things, and may also exist~! "

Turning his head to look at Megumi Kato, Wang Ye showed a malicious smile and said mysteriously.

The Cthulhu Mythos, ancient gods and evil gods, is indescribable, unsightly, ineffable, and will madly drop the existence of SAN values.

That's definitely not a good thing, but since the legend remains, according to the theory that Thor once mentioned, it may be real.

"Cthulhu Mythos: Huh~ It's scary

In a humorous tone, Megumi Kato couldn't see anything on her face.

Megumi Kato knows about the Cthulhu Mythos, but what about the existence of Sulu?

At least there are no cults in this world at present, and those beings are unlikely to look here, safe and safe!

Jingle bell~

"I really don't look scared at all, but soon, the person I'm waiting for is coming."

Looking at Megumi Kato, who was not afraid at all, Wang also knew that he did not scare the other party, and simply gave up the careful thinking of this prank, and his face became slightly serious.

As soon as Wang Ye's voice fell, the door of the restaurant was pulled open again, and the Red Queen wearing a strange cheongsam entered the 'cat house of foreign food'

"The owner, the old way. Wang Ye, this is what you want. "

After greeting the boss, the Red Queen stretched out her hand, and the same spatial ring appeared in front of Wang Ye, floating in the air.

What was contained in it was that the cultivation exercises of the human beings in that world that the Red Queen had collected in the past week, all of which were in line with Wang Ye's goals, adding up to three books.

"Thank you~ then, I don't bother, the new gift has not yet been made, and I will bring it to you next time." This is my apprentice, Megumi Kato. This is the dragon of another world, the Queen of Red. Name words: No name! "

With a wave of his hand, he accepted the space ring and threw it into the eight-door space, and Wang also got up and introduced Megumi Kato to the Queen of Akano, ready to turn and leave.

Today's goal Wang has also been achieved, the new cultivation system, the cultivation method has increased by three, and Wang is already very satisfied.

"Dao Master Wang's apprentice, haven't started cultivating yet? This is a gift for you as a gift for the first meeting~"

The line of sight swept over Megumi Kato for a moment, and with a wave behind the Queen of Akano, four spars appeared in front of Megumi Kato, which was the magic crystallization of their world, and the energy in it was very soft, suitable for guiding people who cultivated for the first time, and it was a good treasure in Wang Ye, a place where the spiritual power of heaven and earth was thin.

"Thank you~!"

Megumi Kato, who had already recognized the space ring according to Wang Ye's instructions, put it away with the space ring, and opened his mouth to thank him.

This is the horror of Kato Megumi's physique, no experience, no cultivation, but once on the space ring into his spiritual imprint, and can already use the space ring skillfully.

"It's okay, if it weren't for the other dragons around Elder Wang Ye, I would have wanted to give you another extra protection, but now... I'll leave it alone.

Shaking her head, the Red Queen looked at the boss who came out after walking, and the red braised beef in her hand was the main reason why she insisted on returning to this restaurant and would provide shelter.

"Then, see you next week~"

"See you next week~"


Saying goodbye to Queen Akano, Wang also took Megumi Kato and left the 'cat house of foreign food' and set out on his way home.

On the way, Megumi Kato looked at her finger, there was a space ring on it that was hidden and invisible to herself, and she could only vaguely feel the existence of something from the touch.

For the first time, she had truly acquired a mysterious item.

"This space ring, just use it at home, no longer have to reveal it in front of others, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Will you be coming again next week? "

Wang can also understand Megumi Kato's curiosity about the space ring, he has seen the ring, and the space inside is five hundred cubic meters, which is already very large. Although it is not as good as the eight-door space, it is also a rare thing in that world.

"Hmm... If you can, I want to go. "

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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