School bags, a change of clothes, stationery, bath towels, towels, dental kits, slippers...

After three disappearances, Wang Ye took the crane love to visit the surrounding shopping malls, and finally bought all the things, of course, Wang also paid for the money.

"Xiao Ai, do you see if there is anything else you want?"

Just happened to walk in the toy area, Wang also thought that Xiao Ai was just a 9-year-old child, should like beautiful toys, and simply bought some toys for Xiao Ai when he came.


Hearing this, Hyun Ai didn't think about it, and directly gave his own answer, very energetic!

But the answer given made Wang also a little depressed, what a 9-year-old child wants is not a beautiful Barbie, nor a cute sticker or something like that, but shogi?

Should this kid say that he is too obedient, or should he say that he is too obsessed with shogi? But this is good, if you like shogi, at least it shows that Hinatsuru Ai really wants to come to learn from the teacher, and does not follow the words of the elders in the family. Only if you really love something, you can learn it quickly.

"Although there is a chessboard at home, but... Forget it, buy a few new chessboards. "

Having made a decision, Wang Ye took Hinatsuruai directly to hail a taxi, rushed to the nearest shogi store near the bureau, and after buying three brand new shogi, the two returned home.

Pushing open the door, sure enough, Jia Baili was sitting in front of the TV playing the game that Wang Ye newly bought, and the king couldn't help but sigh in his heart, although it was not as complete as the original depravity, but Jiabaili still went to the road of degradation after all.

"Let's go, let's go and put things in your room first."

Sighing in his heart, Wang Ye walked towards the guest bedroom with the love of the young crane, and it was also the only guest bedroom in Wang Ye's family.

Push open the door, the guest bedroom is very neat, the floor is smooth like a mirror, very different from the previous image, the layout of the room has also changed slightly, it should be Jia Baili first tidied up the guest bedroom, and then ran over to play games.

Wang Ye, who was originally going to just put things down and go to cook, simply sorted out the things he bought, three chessboards, one of which was left, and the clothes were put into the closet, and then Wang Ye left the guest bedroom with bath towels and other things, and let Xiao Ai sort out the remaining items by himself, such as... Fat times and the like.

And Wang Ye put the slippers and other things where they should go, walked into the kitchen with the purchased ingredients, and said hello to Jia Baili on the way and asked about Jia Baili's taste.

Soon, a rich lunch appeared on the table, the appearance was not very good, it can only be said to be average, after all, Wang Ye only knows how to cook, not a master chef, but at least the taste is fragrant!

"Goo~ good fragrant taste, it's time for dinner?"

Jia Baili, who was aroused by the scent, swallowed her saliva, pressed the pause button of the game, turned her head to look at the food on the dining table, and asked expectantly.

"Well, I'll go and call Xiaoai."

Putting away the apron on his body, Wang Ye nodded to Jia Baili, called out the young crane love, and poured a glass of orange juice for both of them before sitting on the main seat.

There is nothing to open this set, not happy with this. There was no plate to load the dishes, and Wang was also not interested in this one. After serving a bowl of rice to everyone, take the lead in moving the chopsticks.


Hinatsuru, who couldn't wait to taste a bite, narrowed his eyes and praised with a smile.

Jia Baili also nodded affirmatively, did not speak, and kept eating and eating!

This cooking skill is not comparable to Jia Baili, but this dish Jia Baili has not eaten, each dish is a new attempt, and each dish is also in line with Jia Baili's appetite, very delicious!

Just after lunch, Jia Baili did not leave in a hurry, but returned to the front of the TV again, picked up the controller and continued the game. The attitude of not treating himself as an outsider at all made Wang Ye's eyes twitch a little.

The TV was occupied and the game couldn't be played, so Hinatsuru returned to the room to continue sorting out her things. Wang Ye simply swiped his mobile phone on the sofa and flipped through a few pieces of news casually.

Wang also suddenly reacted enough, it seems that he has not yet bought a mobile phone for Crane Ai, and if there is no mobile phone to contact after contact, there are always inconvenient times, and Crane Ai is very smart, should not be addicted to mobile phones. If you encounter anything in the future, you can also notify him through your mobile phone as soon as possible.

If you want to do it, Wang also directly picked it up on the Internet, Hinago loves children, likes cute things, mobile phone style is not able to find cute styles, but mobile phone cases can! Small charms on your phone are also available!

The screen doesn't need to be too big, and when Hinatsuru Ai grows up, you can change it for her!

After carefully selecting for thirty minutes, Wang Ye finally purchased a full set of mobile phone equipment, directly placed an order and rushed, and the next day he was able to receive the goods, and then he would give Hinacrane Ai a surprise!

PS: The new book sets sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!!

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