Hinazuru Ai is worthy of being a child, the ability to accept is very strong, and has not yet formed a complete world view, thanks to this, Hizuru Ai easily accepted Thor's identity, and also accepted the fact that Wang is not an ordinary person.

It's just that although he accepts the fact that Thor is a dragon, Hinatsuru still has a lot of hostility towards Thor, even if it is a dragon, as long as he robs the master with her, he is a bad person! All bad women!

And the hostility to the love of the chicks. Thor felt it, but did not care, although the dragon is simple, but it is not unreasonable, the dragon of the chaos force likes to destroy, there is no mistake, human resistance, the end of the gods is not wrong, then start the war.

And Thor came to become Wang Ye's maid, in order to repay the favor, for the sake of Wang Ye, Thor can do it to let go of his destructive habits, thoughts, and can do things according to the rules of this world, and in Thor's opinion, Baby Crane Ai is really a child, the dragon has the loneliness of the dragon, and will not be angry because of the hostility of Baby Crane Love.

Moreover, this is still Wang Ye's apprentice, and Wang is unlikely to agree to her start, since he knows that Wang will not agree, it is better not to think about it.

Thor is a dragon, and when he came, he was already in a state of fullness, so this breakfast was only Wang Ye and Crane Ai, after breakfast, Baby Crane Ai was taken by Wang Ye to sit in front of the endgame chessboard that had been arranged long ago, and stretched out his finger to point to the endgame on the chessboard.

"It's a simple endgame, but it's not on the chess score. Xiao Ai, you have memorized all the chess scores, so the first thing to do is to forget those chess scores, one person holds the twins, and finding a way to break this chess game is today's homework. "

As the saying goes, there are no tricks to win, remembering the chess score is a good thing, if you can forget the chess score and constantly analyze the number of chess pieces that the other party can take next, then Xiaoai will be able to defeat most people.

"Okay! Master! "

Looking at the endgame on the chessboard with interest, this way Hinazuru Ai is still the first time to meet, so she is very excited, children are competitive, she is very eager to break this endgame, and then get Wang Ye's praise!

Looking down at the chess game seriously, Xiao Ai's body subconsciously swayed, with a serious look of analysis of the endgame, thinking about how the side he belongs to should move the chess piece next, and muttered from time to time in his mouth, "This way.. This way .." and so on.

Seeing that the young crane love has entered the state, Wang also nodded gently, glanced at the direction of the kitchen, and walked over a little uneasily, after breakfast, Thor took over the work of cleaning up the tableware, and now Wang is really a little uneasy, whether Thor can do it.

Entering the kitchen, to Wang Ye's expectation, Thor actually did it in an orderly manner, imagining that operations such as accidentally breaking the dishes, or directly washing the dishes with saliva, did not appear, which was a fierce surprise to Wang Ye.

But think about it carefully, Tolle has also met a human being, and has lived with that human for a while, and he should have learned from that person, so Wang Ye returned to the TV with confidence, turned on the TV and played the game.

After a while, Thor, who had already washed the dishes, returned to the living room, and after taking a look at Wang Ye, who was playing a game, he was attracted by Hinatsuru's love, shogi or something Thor's world is not available, this is a novelty. It's still what Hinazuru loves to learn from his teacher.

If she can also learn shogi, she should be able to have more topics to talk about with Hinatsuruai, so that Hinatsuru-ai can relax her hostility towards her, right? Thinking so, Thor found the manual that came with the purchase of the chessboard, and looked at the rules of shogi.

After carefully studying the above rules, Thor sat confidently next to Hinatsuruai, watching the chess game on the chess sheet and studying the way to break the game together. The dragon is a dragon in the end, and after serious thinking, the brain calculation is higher than that of humans, and he quickly found a way to break the game.

But seeing that Hinazuruai was still deducing the chess game at this time, Thor thought about it and did not directly point out the answer, this is the homework that Wang Ye assigned to Hizuruai, and it is meaningless if it is not the result of Hizuruai's own efforts. After thinking about it, Thor simply came to Wang Ye's side and watched Wang Ye play games.

But soon Thor's interest in the game played by Wang Ye disappeared, and Thor, who had nothing to do, thought about it and simply began to clean the room.


"Thor, go open the door."

The door bell suddenly rang, Wang Ye, who was playing a game, just wanted to get up and saw Thor stop his movements and look at the door, simply let Thor open the door, if Wang is not mistaken, it should be the mobile phone bought for Xiaoai.

Speaking of mobile phones, Wang also thought that Thor did not seem to have a mobile phone, so he simply suspended the game, took advantage of the gap between Thor going to open the door, and began to select Thor's mobile phone and computer.

"Wang Ye, I'll come... Who are you? "

"Is it the master's friend?" I am Thor, the master's maid~! "

PS: The new book sets sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!!

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