Came to the station entrance, Wang Ye and Ying Li Li casually found a place to sit down and start chatting, but their eyes have been staring at the exit gate, as long as there are purple hair and purple eyes, basically Bingtang Michi stayed, but Wang Ye and Ying Li Li have met for the time being.

"Didn't you say it's almost time to stand there? Why didn't you see Sister Michiru? Isn't she supposed to have done a stand? "

Ying Li, whose eyes were almost sour, reached out and rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but complain.

She and Wang had been waiting here for at least three waves of people who came out of the exit gate, but they hadn't even seen the image of Michi Bingtang.

"You have to understand that the imminent arrival in the mouth of a girl is not the same as the imminent arrival in the mouth of a boy. Keep waiting. "

His gaze was also fixed on the exit entrance, and the ungainful Wang also shrugged his shoulders and said casually perfunctoryly.

There is only one exit point. That is to say, no matter how long you wait, as long as you don't wait for Bingtang Michiru, those two people will have to wait, and now I only hope that it is not Icedo Michiru who has done it under carelessness.

"But I've never done that~!"

Hearing this, Yingli Like turned his head to look at Wang Ye, and replied with grievances in his eyes.

She felt that Wang Ye was hinting at her, but she didn't like makeup, and she was usually very punctual, and she had never had that 'five minutes equals two hours' situation on her!

"I didn't say it was you, people are different, maybe she overestimated the speed of the car, thinking that it was about to arrive, or maybe she accidentally made a stop, let's wait first, it's not been an hour since Lun also informed us, after an hour, if we still haven't seen anyone, we'll contact Michiru Bingtang."

Reaching out and patting the top of Yingli's head, Wang Ye was quite speechless and explained, how did he feel that Yingli pear has changed more and more recently?

Should it be said to be clingy? Or is it something else? I feel that the pear is a little different from the previous day.

But if you taste it carefully, this kind of English pear is quite cute and fragrant!


Without answering Wang Ye's words, Ying Lili turned her head and paid attention to the exit again, and her face was already unconsciously covered with redness.

Wang Ye actually gave her a touch of the head to kill! Such an intimate action, or under the public, the thin-skinned Yingli pear can't stand it at all!

Looking at Ying Li's reaction, Wang Ye chuckled twice and did not speak, this can't stand it? It's just some small interactions before it has become a success, as for the interaction after it... It is not necessarily when, Wang himself is not sure.

In this way, the two spent a quiet period of time, and finally in the third wave of the crowd, found a young lady with purple hair and a guitar, and looked carefully, the release was the same as in the photo, the face shape was the same, in a serious way, the pupils were also purple.

Thanks. The long-awaited Hido Michiru has finally appeared! Wang Ye, who recognized Mei Zhiliu, hurriedly walked over with Yingli Pear.

On the way, Eiri has been looking at Bingtang Michiru, even full of doubt, if she remembers correctly, Bingdo Michiru is also a poor, the giant heart found is really Bingdo Michiru?

It seems to be more popular than Kasumigaoka Shiyu seems to be a good medicine!

"Is it really Wang Ye?! Lunye that guy didn't lie to me~! "

Wang Ye took Yingli and just approached Bingtang Michiru, and before the two could speak, Bingtang Michiru was the first to exclaim.

What did she see? The famous dragon king, Wang Ye! The blonde hair and double ponytail followed by her hairstyle alone are definitely English pears! So An Yilun didn't lie to her!

Doesn't that mean that she will be a neighbor with Wang Ye Dragon King in the future?!

"Are you really Sister Michiru?"

After carefully looking up and down at Bingtang Michiru a few times, Eiri asked in disbelief.

This change is also too big, it is not very obvious from afar, but I saw the biggest change in people's hearts, and after looking closer, Yingli Li found that Bingtang Michiru's figure is really good and unbelievable!

"Of course I'm Michi staying, Riri, you don't know me?"

Still surprised that An Yilun really knew Wang Ye's Bingtang Michiru, after hearing Yingli's words, she was instantly speechless, who else could she be if she wasn't Bingtang Michiru?

But.. How does she feel that Yingli has not changed at all? Obviously he has grown up a lot, but the feeling to him is still the same as when he was a child?

"Is it really Michiru-san? You have changed too much~! "

Staring at the gathering heart of Michiru Icedo, Eiri subconsciously sighed, wanting to look away but reluctant to leave.

I remember that at the beginning, Sister Michi and I were one specification, and now that it has changed so much, I must have my own means, no, I want to have a good chat with Sister Michi after I go back!

"Has it changed a lot?"

Following Eiri's line of sight, Michiru Hiedo took a look down, well, no shoes to see. I looked at the English pear, well, enough to level the world. At this time, Bingtang Michi understood, and felt a little crying and laughing.

No wonder I don't think there is any change in the English pear. No wonder Eiri can't believe she's her!

"Give me the salute first, I heard Lun also said that you are here for the first time, how about we walk back?" It's not too far from the apartment we stayed in, just to show you the way. "

Looking at the suitcase in Michiru's right hand, Wang also reached out to take it, and then opened his mouth to propose.

Bingtang Michiru came for the first time today, just took her to recognize the road, and even in the evening, it was estimated that Bingtang Michiru would not have time to make a dinner at night, and when the time came, Wang was also inviting Bingtang Michi to eat at her house, which can be regarded as taking care of the new neighbor.

"Then trouble the king and the dragon king. I heard Lun also say that we will be neighbors in the future, please give me more advice. "

was taken by Wang Ye to take the suitcase, and Bingtang Michiru, who had already admired Wang Ye, now had a better sense of Wang Ye, and after showing a sweet smile, he spoke.

In the future, she will be Wang Ye's neighbor, move around with each other a lot, and have a good relationship with Wang Ye. Maybe it can still be seen by Wang Ye, and the woman who becomes Wang Ye may also be seen!

If Wang also confesses, Bingtang Michiru will definitely agree, where is there a girl who is not pregnant with spring, Wang is also handsome, has a good personality, and is a dragon king, even if it is not a dragon king, Bingtang Michiru is willing to try it with Wang Ye.

"It's not early, let's go first."

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

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