Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Wang Ye and Ying Li with a confused expression, how could she not understand the conversation between the two?

What did Eiri Pear find? What did Wang Ye do again? Could it be that Wang Ye did something to hurt Yingli Pear, causing Yingli to dislike Yingli Pear? But it shouldn't be, didn't the king run out last weekend to secretly buy the physical comics of Yingli pear?

And in terms of the degree to which Ying Li likes Wang Ye, if Wang Ye is Shanghai, he no longer likes Wang Ye. There will definitely be no more contact with the king, so what happened?

"Last weekend's evening? ...."

Raising his eyebrows, Wang Ye's eyes closed slightly, entered the inner scene, and opened them again a moment later, and a surprised light flashed in his eyes.

"You actually installed a hidden program in my phone? Can you locate my location at any time? No wonder, I went out with my mobile phone that day, after entering the 'cat house of foreign food'. The space is not isolated, the signal is indeed blocked, and it is carried by eight doors when returning home. It is also natural that the problem will be seen. "

It turned out that after Yingli Li returned to the room that night, he did not fall asleep immediately, but took out his mobile phone and clicked on the hidden small program, wanting to see where Wang Ye had gone.

As a result, she saw an extremely terrifying scene, Wang Ye's positioning actually teleported three times in an extreme time after appearing, and Ying Lili thought at first that there was a problem with her mobile phone.

But when she thought of what she encountered before, obviously against the door, Connor and Thor inside, Lukoya was communicating loudly, but she didn't hear a little sound, Ying Li felt that this matter was not simple.

Before going home, Wang also took them to find An Yilunye in the café, and a seed of doubt had been planted at that time, and finally it completely germinated in that night.

"Can this all be counted?!"

Widening her eyes in surprise, Yingli said in shock.

Now she can be sure that Wang also has the abilities of the legendary Taoist priests, and he can pinch and count all kinds of Daoists!

"Counted? So Wang Ye, you really know the Dao? Is there really a mystery? Believe in science? "

Hearing this, Kasumi Hills Shiyu was also surprised, but his mind was not slow and reacted instantly, with an inexplicable charm on his face, a little surprise, a little doubt, and a little puzzlement.

Who said to themselves that they were now a scientific society and believed in science when they all doubted that Wang would also do the Dao? This???? Well??? This is also a hammer science, isn't this a real Taoist priest?

"I don't want to expose ah, how troublesome, I was originally ready to confess today, and then I made a big move, but Shiyu, your appearance not only disrupted Yingli, but also disrupted my plan."

Shrugging, Wang Ye said rather helplessly.

Originally, Wang was also ready to confess to Yingli when he was going to play the Ferris wheel with Yingli again, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly appeared, and there was nothing to do with it.

Wang Ye was about to explain after going back, Ying Li Li once again disrupted Wang Ye's plan, she actually directly picked everything out, but fortunately there is no room for ears here, so there is no need to worry about being exposed to others.

Therefore, there is nothing to confess now, Kasumigaoka Shiyu knows it, there is nothing.

"So, I'm still blessed with disguise? Know the truth about this world? Sure enough, there are Taoist priests, and tomorrow I will go to the Taoist Temple to put incense! "

Shiwa Kasumigaoka writes novels, and he likes to think cranky to write novels, and his receptivity is quite strong, and he accepts this fact easily.

At the same time, Shiwa Kasumigaoka thinks that this is a blessing in disguise, and if she does not choose to follow, she may still be blinded by Wang Ye by believing in science, thinking that there really is no mysterious person.

In this way, some of the weird urban legends on the Internet cannot be all unbelieved, maybe that is true!

"It's useless, I am the only one who can cultivate in this world, and my master will not do this. Otherwise, why I hide it is because I am worried about being exposed. Which of the people in my family and my neighbors do you think are simple characters?

Thor, Lucoya, Connor, and Aluma are all dragons from another world. Although Lily Bell is an ordinary person, she accidentally summoned a little evil god, she is a real evil god. Gabriel and Raphael are angels, and Vinet and Satania are demons.

These are the existence of another world, not to mention Thor, just talk about the doomsday horn in the hands of Jiabaili, seven days after the blowing of the world, you say that this will be exposed, and it must not cause panic? "

Bai Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced, since he was ready to confess, then there was no need to hide the identities of T and the others, but these were all from another world, and the people who were cultivating in this world now were just kings.

Of course, in the future, it may not be just Wang Ye alone, but that is all for later.

"Dragons, demons, angels, evil gods..... The trumpet of annihilation, the seven days of annihilation... It hurts, it's not a dream. "

Stunned, he raised his hand and squeezed his thigh hard, and Kasumi Hills Shiyu whispered softly.

Even if she is a light novelist and has a strong ability to accept cranky ideas, but the trumpet of destruction in the hands of Jiabaili really makes Shiyu Kasumigaoka a little unacceptable, doesn't it mean that she lives in dire water every day?

If that day Jia Baili suddenly felt that mankind was not saved, wouldn't it be that this world would suddenly destroy mankind?

"No wonder, Lukoya obviously didn't work as a maid, but you still kept her. But why not leave Aluma behind? "

In contrast, Yingli Li is much calmer, the trumpet of annihilation or something, the relationship between them is not bad, especially with the three-headed dragon with Thor, even if Jia Baili really blows the horn, her family is worry-free.

Others... It's not that Eiri is selfish, she doesn't have the ability or the right to ask Thor and other dragons to save the world. You can only save yourself.

"Aluma wasn't going to stay, and wanted to take Thor. Because Thor is the princess of the Chaos Evil Force, Connor is also the Chaos Evil Force, Lucoya is Chaos Neutral, and Aluma is also Chaos Neutral, but later because of Aluma's foodie character, she was resurrected by the cuisine of this world and is working. "

"This chaotic evil force? Are those mythical dragons? "

"Well, but Thor, they're quite well-behaved in our world."

PS: Tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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