That's why Wang Ye will also use dry words for himself - blinding the eyes to change the world!

Otherwise, now Wang is definitely very troublesome, even if Wang does not expose the mysterious power, it will definitely cause a lot of attention and trouble.

"Hiss~whew~ I kind of know why you have to hide it yourself, who can withstand this."

Taking a breath, Ying Lili had an unnatural blush on her face, looked at Wang Ye with a strange gaze, and whispered softly.

At that moment just now, Ying Li Li had already thought about the name of his grandson in the future and Wang Ye. Others may feel ashamed, Ying Li Li's self-shame is not much at all, but he likes Wang Ye more.

Well, Ying Li Li must admit now, originally liked Wang Ye is also Wang Ye's talent, now she likes Wang Ye not only likes Wang Ye's talent, but also begins to crave Wang Ye's body!

Gluttonous, very gluttonous!

Start with talent, advancement and appearance, upgrade and gluttony!

"I also understand that in which moment, tens of millions of words of plot have been born in my mind."

Shiyu Xia Zhiqiu, who also came back to his senses, also took a deep breath, stared at Wang Ye with a strange gaze, and said following Ying Lili's words.

Gluttonous! Kasumigaoka Shiwa is very hungry! At the beginning, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also paid attention to Wang Ye because of Wang Ye's talent, and after getting acquainted, because of his further character, he fell into it after a long time.

But Kasumigaoka Shiyu never thought that one day she would also have someone else's body, and it has always been others who have eaten her body, but no one has succeeded, even if Wang has become her boyfriend, he has not eaten her, well, Wang does not seem to be very interested in these.

Very decent gentleman? Or for other reasons, Kasumigaoka Shiyu no longer cares, and now she is the body of Yuwangya!

"It's amazing...."

Also staring at Wang Ye tightly, Megumi Kato didn't say much, she wanted to say a lot, but it was inappropriate.

Her identity is now just Wang Ye's apprentice, these words are not appropriate, which moment, Kato Megumi wanted to confess affectionately with Wang Ye on the spot, but when she thought of Yingli Pear, when she thought of the position here, Kato Megumi endured it.

Megumi Kato is not a face control, nor is it a temperament control, but if the other party is Wang Ye, then Megumi Kato has no way. Can't stand the other party is Wang Ye!

I already liked Wang Ye, and Wang Ye did not hide himself, becoming more excellent and better. Naturally, Megumi Kato fell into it!

"Okay, although I like to hear it when I am praised, but it's good to point to the end, to the point to the end."

Smiled and waved his hand, Wang Ye stopped with a little helplessness on his face.

Who doesn't like to listen to good words, but the sentence is enough, and it is easy to float if you listen to too much.

For his charm after not being disguised, Wang also has a new understanding, at the beginning, Wang Ye was not as strong as he is now, but with the growth and the improvement of strength, Wang also began to put this Taoist technique on himself three years ago.

At that time, fortunately, there were more men in Wudang, and there were fewer junior sisters and sisters, so it didn't set off too much turmoil, and Wang directly used this Dao technique on himself.

Although there was still a burden at that time, I slowly got used to it.

"I don't know how Thor and Lucoya would feel if they saw what you just saw."

Although Wang also said so, but Kasumi Hills Shiyu obviously didn't want to let Wang Ye go just like that, because Wang Ye really poked Kasumi Hills Shiyu's point, if Thor and Lukoya saw it, Kasumi Hills Shiyu thought that even the dragon was estimated to fall!

"Thor, they know, their strength is enough to see through my previous level of Daoism, now... Five-five? It may or may not be seen through. Because this power system is not their power system, it is a new power system. "

Shrugged, Wang Ye was still using Qi as energy at that time, and although Thor and Lucoya at that time were also not the same power system as Wang, they were still able to see through Wang Ye's tricks.

And now, after Wang Ye cultivated into spiritual power, the blinding method he unleashed, I don't know if it can be seen through by dragons such as Thor and Lucoya, and Wang also guessed five or five.

It's not that you're consuming so-and-so, but it's really fifty-five, you may be able to see through, you may not see through, and the probability of both is fifty percent.

"They've actually seen it?!" *3

Hearing this, Kato Megumi and the three were shocked, it turned out that Thor and Lukoya and the others had already seen the true appearance of Wang Ye?!

Suddenly, the three of them felt so envious of Thor and Lukoya. If he can see through Wang Ye's Daoism, wouldn't he be able to see so immortals every day?!

The dragon is so good, I envy the dragon!!

At this moment, the three suddenly exuded an emotion called resentment, an emotional fluctuation called envy, and they also wanted to see through Wang Ye's tricks at any time, and occasionally appreciate it!

But turn around and think about it, Thor became Wang Ye's maid as a dragon, and Lukoya didn't leave when he came, is there some intriguing relationship with Wang Ye's temperament?

It's hard to say, this is really difficult to say, the three have their own guesses, but they can't guarantee that their guesses are correct, it's just a guess.

"Of course I've seen it, otherwise you think dragons eat dry food?" And still a dragon of chaos and evil forces? After seeing the death of a dragon, you should be able to feel how powerful the dragon is, it is a kind of powerful existence, but unfortunately fertility is not good. "

Shrugging his shoulders, Wang also felt that it might be the reason that Thor and the others were usually too low-key and did not temporarily pass their combat ability, so that the three people's cognition of the dragon was a little biased.

Unexpectedly, even Megumi Kato was surprised, it is estimated that the last time he took Megumi Kato to the world of the little evil god, Thor and Lukoya may not have temporarily used their full strength and did not fight in that world.

Otherwise, Megumi Kato should not be so surprised. But it doesn't matter, when the Red Queen comes, it should be able to let them see the strength of some dragons, and if there is time, the king is also ready to discuss with Thor and the others again to let them have a deeper understanding.

"Speaking of which, there is indeed such a legend. The dragon is born very strong, and he is cultivating between breaths, but the ability to reproduce is very poor, and he may only conceive once in tens of thousands of years... Will the other dragons come over later? "

"The Red Queen, one of the Six Pillars of the Otherworld, is a fire dragon."

PS: Tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

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