"There really is no rumor that is reliable, I just received a news from Yingli in the class in the morning, when someone happened to be by my side, I saw that the person who sent the message was Yingli, and then the rumor spread."

Shaking his head helplessly, Wang Ye had to explain again.

Or how can there be such a sentence? 'Spread rumors with a mouth, refute rumors and run off legs! ’

These people are comfortable gossiping and rumors, and Wang is not comfortable, although he doesn't care much about these rumors, but the impact is indeed quite large, even Xue Nai under the snow actually has to believe it!

Wang is also wondering if he wants to make any changes in Toyonosaki's school rules, or criticize the initiators of the rumors one by one, so that these students who are thinking about it are honest and honest?

But in the end, think about it, gossip is human nature, at most it is not discussed at school, who does not have their own small circle in private, does not have their own chat group? The mouth grows on them, and in the end it will still be discussed!

"I'll just say that none of the rumors are true~!"

Yubihama Yui suddenly became excited, and seemed to be quite proud to pinch his waist with his hands, and said to Yukinoshita Yukino and the others.

She knew that these rumors were not reliable at all, and there were many places in them that could not withstand careful consideration, but Pansy and Totsuka Saika thought that if a slap did not make a sound, Wang must have done something.

Among all the rumors, there should be a true version, but it only intensified later!

"Hey, but there are many rumors, it is indeed a rumor that Wang Ye chatted with Yingli Li's mobile phone in the morning, but it is not so popular, only a few people spread it in a small area, this is indeed what Wang is also doing."

Smacked his lips softly, Pansy refuted Yuhama Yui's statement, now there are many rumors in Toyonosaki Academy, there are always a few versions that have not been heard, although Pansy has not really heard this version of the rumors.

But what if there really is? Anyway, generally speaking, rumors are not widely circulated, and they are basically the most true versions. The most authentic version is also destined to not be widely circulated and cannot satisfy everyone's gossip.

And there is another point, the way this gossip comes out, Wang has said enough, then nine times out of ten her statement will become true, so this cannot be considered that they lost!

"I really heard this version, it was the version circulated in Wang Ye's class, and some people happened to be in the classroom at that time, so I saw Wang Ye and Ying Lili sending messages to each other."

Pinching his chin with one hand, Yukinoshita Yukino continued to replenish the excuse given by Pansy in the tricolor.

It is impossible to lose, this version of the rumor she really heard, but did not pay attention to it, and all attention was on other rumors at that time.

As a result, this thing that she ignored turned out to be the truth!

"I don't know what to say about you, what else would you gamble with this?"

Speechlessly looking at Yubihama Yui and Yukino, Wang also said that he had no fake, and after frowning, he guessed.

The three people in front of them are not happy to bet on something, but there is no guarantee that they will not really bet on something under the provocation of Yui Hihama.

After all, Yui Hihama is the most lively of several people, and which one is most likely to propose a gamble.

"No, we just guessed whether there was a version that matched the rumors, and now it seems that we should be the right guess."

Hurriedly shook his head, Yukinoshita Yukino and the others really didn't gamble, Yukinoshita Yukino just didn't like to lose.

It is impossible to gamble, Yukinoshita Yukino does not have this hobby, and no one else has this hobby, and the previous bet between Yukinoshita Yukino and Hijiya Hachiman was also proposed by Hiratsuka Shizune.

And now, this gamble basically has no effect, better than Qiya Hachiman stayed in the ministry department, and he never said anything about quitting the service department, but now he seems to like reading novels.

"Hmm~ just take it."

Nodded with satisfaction, Wang also knew that Yukino and the others would not disappoint him, and Wang was also very pleased.

The mood returned to normal again, and after coming to his place to do well, Wang also began to visit the chess game.

"Wang Ye, there are so many rumors outside now, are you really not ready to explain?"

Seeing that Wang also nodded, he began to visit the chess game without saying anything, and seemed to be ready to start playing against himself, Yukinoshita Yukino opened his mouth to remind.

There are already a lot of rumors outside, and if Wang does not clarify, Yukishita Xueno is worried about what impact it will have on Wang Ye.

"Don't worry about that, Yukino. After the classmates heard enough versions. Naturally, you will find that this is just a rumor, and the things you are worried about will not happen. At that time, everyone will return to normal, and the memories of gossip among the classmates are very short. "

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, Wang also opened his mouth to explain.

Although he was quite concerned about the rumors in the mouths of the students, Wang was not worried that things would develop in an uncontrollable direction, and if the rumors were unified, then Wang would inevitably explain.

But now it has not been unified, and it is impossible to get unification, exaggerating itself is a common problem of students in this grade, and the final result is that more rumors have been heard, and everyone knows that this is just a rumor!

Just like Yukishita Xueno and them, after hearing enough, they began to discuss which version is true, and the student who finally spread this rumor will inevitably clarify that it is the classmate who saw the picture of Wang Ye's mobile phone.

That classmate is still very responsible, otherwise Wang would not have interacted well with him.

"But if it goes online, the unscrupulous media don't care what the truth is."

The brows were locked together, Yukinoshita Yukino was also not worried about her classmates, what she was really worried about was that someone had spread her opinion on the Internet, coupled with the smell of those unscrupulous media, and the psychology of wanting to do things.

In the end, the storm on the Internet is much more powerful than it is now. Can Wang really withstand it?!

"Unless they're crazy, if anyone really dares to do that, then wait for a summons from the court!" Do you really think that the Internet is an illegal place?! At that time, everyone will give me an honest tummy down! "

ps: The wine is quite difficult to drink, but it also works, the mood is a lot better, and there are some tops, there should be a few more in the update! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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