Kasumigaoka Shiyu and others were silent, and the issue that had always been avoided was suddenly brought to the open by Wang Ye to discuss, and Yingli and others did not expect it.

People who have been able to cultivate have had the idea of wanting their parents to follow suit, but in the same way, they also know that it is not easy for Wang Ye to let them cultivate, so everyone tacitly avoids talking about this matter, pretending that they don't know anything, and they didn't think of this.

If Wang Ye really has that ability, it is naturally excellent, as long as Wang Ye also means this. Ying Li Li and others will definitely try it, but now, Wang Ye directly made the words clear.

And directly and completely cut off their thoughts, after the age of 25, there is no way to cultivate. Maybe this is the tragedy of being born in an ordinary world, even if a person as amazing and talented as Wang Ye is born, it cannot be changed.

"Then, are there any genius earth treasures that can allow them to cultivate?"

Although there has been speculation for a long time, but when the answer really comes, everyone will inevitably feel unwilling, since Wang also took the initiative to talk about this matter, then you might as well ask, even if there is only a slight possibility, there is hope.

As long as there is a hope, there is a goal to strive for, the king is also so powerful, and there are dragons in other worlds such as Thor, is there nothing in this heavenly realm, the kind of items in the novel that change human qualifications so that humans after the age of 25 can still cultivate?

"Genius Dibao... There may or may not be, but even if there is, it is a genius treasure, although there is strength to grab it, then how to distribute it is also a problem, so my answer is to prepare for the worst, or..."

Looking at the silent people, Wang Ye was a little hesitant whether to say something so desperately, to give them a hope, or to directly extinguish hope?

Wang also has his own considerations, if he can, Wang also doesn't want Ying Li Li and the parents of others to be able to cultivate, but... Wouldn't that be too desperate? For Eiri and others.

"Or is it?" *N

Seeing that Wang Ye suddenly hesitated in place, Ying Lili and the others' eyes lit up, and they hurriedly opened their mouths to ask. 、

Thor, on the other hand, frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but after two seconds of silence, Thor still didn't say anything, standing quietly in place, looking at his nose and nose.

Or is it transformed into an angel? Or what other way, now I can't say too much, there are always more ways than difficulties, and take one step at a time, maybe when will there be the best of both worlds? "

After thinking about it, Wang also felt that it was better to give them a glimmer of hope, so as not to make everyone too entangled in this question, as for the end of the matter, what the answer is, and let's see.

Maybe in the future, it will really be accidentally obtained that can allow all female parents to cultivate? Or something else, no matter what, you can't say too much, so as not to be slapped in the face.

How to talk about the future in the future, this matter is quite big to say, but it can also be small, and seeing that Thor seems to have something to say, Wang is also ready to find a time to talk to Thor.

"Well, we know."

The heart breathed a sigh of relief, although Wang also said to prepare for the worst, but fortunately, there is not a glimmer of hope, there is a glimmer of hope, for this glimmer of hope to work hard, if they fail and still do not find it, then they can also be regarded as doing their best.

Moreover, this kind of thing, even if it is unacceptable, will one day have to be faced, people have life, old age, illness and death, parting is the most common thing in human life, really in the end, what if you don't accept it? You can only choose to accept it.

"Okay, Xue Nai, you first do it with your legs crossed on your knees, hold this piece of Spiritual Qi Crystal and Dantian in your hands, and I will guide you to cultivate."

The king who should be said has also finished speaking, and the remaining topic king is not ready to communicate with Kasumi Hill, Shiyu and others in depth, now it is better to help Yukinoshita Xueno open the road of cultivation first!

According to Wang Ye's orders, he received the aura crystallization from Wang Ye, and Wang Ye began to guide Xue Nai under the snow to cultivate, and under Wang Ye's guidance, Xue Nai under the snow soon entered the state of cultivation.

"Connor, Thor, come with me. There are some things I want to ask you. "

Wang Ye also withdrew his right hand, his gaze swept over the people who were still a little silent, and finally stopped on Thor and Connor, and after thinking about it, Wang also spoke directly.

"Here it is."


Following Wang Ye, Thor and Connor entered Wang Ye's room, and the moment the door closed, the Qiqi door opened instantly, wrapping the room in order to prevent sound from coming out and prepare for sound insulation.

Then, Wang also sat on the bed and looked at Thor, "Thor, you seem to want to say something just now." "

"Hmm... If you really want them to cultivate, only a drop of my blood is enough to change their physique and let them start cultivating. Merely.... You don't seem to want them to cultivate. "

Nodded, Thor looked at Wang Ye with some doubt, the role of her dragon blood, T did not believe that Wang did not know, otherwise he would not have wrapped her needs and compressed into the depths of the earth after she left this world.

When he came back, Thor had already discovered this. If Wang Ye really wants Ying Li Li and the others' parents to cultivate, then it is enough to directly ask her for a few drops of blood, it is very simple.

After the death of Thor fighting the gods, he no longer knows how much blood has flowed, although there are no scars on his body, it does not mean that Thor has not received injuries, and the most serious time is that he was saved by the king this time.

It was the blood that Thor flowed out, enough for Wang Ye and the others to use a cup.

"Well, I'm still hesitating whether to let their parents practice with them."

Thor had already seen that the king had nothing to hide, and he didn't think about whether to let Ying Li and the others' parents follow the cultivation, and even subconsciously he might still refuse this.

If you let Ying Li Li's parents also follow the cultivation, not to mention the consumption of resources doubled, Wang can also adjust Ying Li Li and others, but Ying Li Li and others' parents may not listen to Wang Ye's words, will they directly control them at that time?

"Still hesitating, that means you still have the idea of not wanting them to cultivate?"

"Thor, are you saying I'm a little too selfish like this?"

ps: I want to ask everyone, if you want to cultivate the Okasans, the father-in-law is definitely impossible. Now there are two choices, one is not to practice at all, and the other is to cultivate Okasan at all, this depends on everyone's opinion.

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