"Pansy, you..."

Looking at the Pansy in shock, everyone fell into silence again, and what the Pansy of the Tricolor Courtyard said made sense.

If their parents really wanted to pass on the exercises to their relatives and asked Wang Ye to provide cultivation resources and genius earth treasures, could they really stop it? How can we stop it?

If you can't stop it, how do you deal with the relationship between the two sides? Everyone who is doing it, the IQ is online, no one will think that Wang will also let it go, or even increase the demand.

Even they could guess that if Wang was really angry, although he might not hurt their parents, but taking back his cultivation and deleting his memories would definitely do that, right?

After that, how did they face Wang Ye?

"I don't believe that Wang Ye will have no lives in his hands, and if at that time, Wang Ye is determined to kill them all directly, then what should we do?"

Seeing that everyone fell silent, Pansy of the Three Color Courtyard directly said explosive remarks again, Wang Ye's strength is already so strong, can there really be no life in his hands?

Pansy used to have such doubts, the truth is how Pansy doesn't know, but she knows a little, the dog jumps off the wall when it is in a hurry, and the rabbit will also bite when it is anxious!

Wang is also a person who holds the power to destroy the world, will he really be bullied to the top of his head and not let go?

"I remember that Wang Ye once beat a group of gangsters who were looking for fault and sent them to the hospital directly until they broke a bone. If our parents really get more demanding..."

Pansy said so, Ying Li also remembered, once Wang Ye beat a group of gangsters to the bone and sent to the hospital, if their parents really did that, shouldn't Wang Ye directly destroy the world in anger?

What is the face of the group of relatives in their own family, Ying Li Li knows, in addition to relatives, for other people, those who have use value will be stubborn, and if there is no use value, they will be abandoned, and how difficult it is to speak, and the king may really be angry to destroy the world.

“.... In a while, Wang also came out, see what Wang also said, if there is a chance, we will give up directly, if there is no opportunity, we will go with the flow and treat it as if we don't know this aspect of cultivation.

The problems we can think of, Wang should also be able to think of, at the beginning Wang also said, prepare for the worst, just look at our reaction, followed by an or. As Wang Ye's girlfriend, we can't do anything, but we shouldn't cause trouble for Wang Ye. "

After a pause, Yingli Li continued to speak, she has now figured it out, no matter what other people think in their hearts, Yingli has given up this idea, who has not died since ancient times, although it is a little contrarian.

But the end of life, if you don't stop it, you can be regarded as having your own life. It's better than angering Wang Ye and being dealt with by Wang Ye together, even if their parents are in the end, Wang Ye is not embarrassed to see their faces, but the memory, cultivation is taken back for sure.

Then what's the point of letting them cultivate? There is no point! In the end, the relationship between them and Wang Ye may also be broken, so it is better to break this idea directly from the beginning!

"I agree."

"We agree."

Under the reminder of Eiri and Pansy of the Tricolor, after considering the consequences, everyone agreed to Eiri's proposal, and no one chose to object.

Although my heart is also a little uncomfortable and a little awkward, the discomfort now is much better than the despair in the future!

"It seems that they have already figured it out by themselves without you having to do anything~"

At the door of the living room, the three of Thor were standing behind the wall, and after listening to the discussion between the women, T turned his head to look at Wang Ye, and a small spatial enchantment appeared again, chuckling and saying to Wang Ye.

With Wang Ye's strength, the enchantment Yingli and others could not find it, and now that Thor made a move, naturally Yingli and others could not be discovered.

"I didn't expect them to think so much in such a short time. Sensible. Worthy of being my girlfriend. "

Also Ying Lili and others exchanged to listen to Wang Ye in his ears, his heart was very comfortable at this time, he still didn't do anything. Yingli Li and a few people figured it out on their own.

It seems that sometimes he thinks too much himself, and Yingli Pear is still very sensible~!

"That summer vacation when I went to another world..."

"The plan doesn't have to go ahead, but they still have to see blood!" Human blood! "

Even if Ying Li Li and the others made Wang already very satisfied, they still had to see blood during the summer vacation! Without blood, they will never grow!

Not just human blood! The blood of other races must also be seen by them!

"So what do I need to do?"

"Don't do anything, when the six pillars of that world appear and want to strike at us, you guys are just shooting." As long as the six pillars don't make a move, I can push that world! "

Wang is also very confident, as long as the six-pillar level does not appear, Wang Ye's current strength, it is not a big problem to push that world. After the wind, the strange door is around, the other party negative buff, our positive buff!

It is equivalent to the strength of the opposite side, which is directly weakened by two layers! Even at the six-pillar level, Wang wanted to give it a try!

Well, Wang also admitted that he said this a little floating! But Wang is also in that world, and he has the qualifications!


nodded vigorously, Thor's favorite thing to see is Wang Ye's confident look, confidence is not conceit, with Thor's evaluation of the diners who came from that world, Thor also felt that Wang should also be able to push that world more, as long as the six pillars did not shoot!

And if Six Pillars strikes, Thor will tell them what a dragon is! What is called the princess of the dragon clan!

"Okay, now let's go out."

Taking a deep breath, Wang also took Thor and Connor back to the living room, and although he heard the analysis of the women, none of the three showed it.

Thor ran directly to cook, Connor continued to play games, and Wang Ye shook his head at Ying Li Li and the others.

"Thor they can't help it, let's talk about it later when we find an opportunity."

"Okay then~" *N

At the same time, sighing regretfully, all the acting skills are online, and the VIP mode is opened, it is natural to act, but everyone knows tacitly that the other party is acting.

Ying Li Li and others felt that what they could think of, Wang must also be able to think of!


ps: Three more, two more later! Subscribe please!

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