Downstairs, Kasumigaoka Shiwa's house.

Shiha Kasumigaoka had already told the women about his plans and what had happened in the morning, hoping to get their help.

"Moving straight out is really a good idea. Shall I try to move in too? "

Holding his chin with one hand, after hearing Shiwa Kasumigaoka's explanation and Eiri's plan, Megumi Kato muttered in thought under everyone's strange gaze.

Although it is very unatmospheric to say this, Megumi Kato really thinks that moving out is a very good idea!

Originally, because her sense of existence was scarce, she didn't have to worry about what would be found if she disappeared for a month, but now Megumi Kato has returned to normal, and her sense of existence is no longer low.

And this method of Kasumigaoka Shiyu is very good~ Discuss with the family to move out and live, even if you are not at home for a month, the family will basically not find out!

So, this is great~!

Before going to another world, directly give a notice to your family, just say that friends invite you to travel together during the summer vacation, and come back after the summer vacation, directly prevaricating over!

Wait until you get to the other world, take a few pictures of different styles, and it's not over!

"Wait, it's really a good way for you to say that~!"

Although it was a little wrong to talk about this now, it was really a good idea, and Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly had the idea of moving over.

It doesn't matter if it's not close to the king, the main thing is that it's more convenient when it disappears.

"Aren't we talking about Thor? Don't get off topic! "

Looking at Megumi Kato and Yukinoshita Yukino with a black line, Shiwa Kasumigaoka hurriedly opened his mouth to change the topic back, although this is indeed a good choice, but now it is better to settle this matter before talking about it~!

If Megumi Kato really can't find a house to live in, she can let Megumi Kato live in her house, anyway, the room is enough.

Or first solve the serious matter, Thor's matter, and then talk about it, and then have time to talk about it~

"Of course we are helping you, after all, the matter concerns our sisters, and the other party is still Thor."

Hearing this, Kato Meidang nodded and replied in a natural tone.

The others also nodded hurriedly, they would definitely help in this matter, there was no need to say more!

About Thor, about Wang Ye, about love, with their gossipy hearts, how could they not help?!

"It would be great if you were willing to help, just help me create an opportunity, I'll ask Thor personally!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was instantly relieved that so many people had created opportunities for her, and she must ask for something to write from Thor's hands.

Whether Thor likes Wang Ye or not is a question, and Shiwa Kasumigaoka must find out, and it is also to understand why Thor's reaction is not normal.

"More, Xiaohui, if you can't find a suitable house, just move in with me, I still have a spare room here."

Turning his head to look at Megumi Kato, Shiwa Kasumigaoka opened his mouth to invite Megumi Kato, now that the matter of asking Thor is over, then the next question about Megumi Kato.

It should be too late to start looking for a house now, it is impossible to always have someone moving out by such a coincidence, and Megumi Kato may not be able to pay for the purchase of a house.

Might as well just move in with her! In this way, Xiaohui can save money, and she is more convenient.

"Moving in together?" It's also a good choice, so I'll move over and live with Shiyu. "

Hearing this, Kato Megumi thought for a moment, with their family's conditions, they can buy a house here, but the family may not come up with this money, if it is only rented, there may be no housing for the time being.

If this is the case, it is better to live directly here in Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and the money for renting a house can also be saved, and the family should agree to it.

"Then we'll move in tomorrow!"

Seeing that Megumi Kato agreed, Shiyu was obviously very happy and excited, living alone in such a large room, more or less a little lonely.

If you want to let Yingli Li move over, it will definitely be impossible, Yingli Li will not agree, occasionally come and live once, after all, where is Yingli Pear, now it can be counted as living with Wang Ye!

"Okay, I'll move in tomorrow, and discuss it with my parents when I get home today."

Nodding, Megumi Kato took out her phone and began to take pictures of the room, ready to go and talk to her parents when she got home.

The environment here is still good, and because they have just moved over, they have cleaned up well, and the photos taken are also good, which is the most convenient to convince the family!

"In this case, we basically all solved the prerequisites before going to the other world, I live outside by myself, Yukino is also living outside alone, Shiwa and Megumi moved over, and Eiri is upstairs, as long as you make sure that the family will not be exposed during this month, then everything will be fine."

Seeing that Megumi Kato was basically finalized to move over, Pansy waved her finger and said.

As things stand, it looks like they're basically going to finish the last step, and that's all right. That is to ask the family not to contact during this month, so that it will be exposed.

"We may need to enlist Thor for help with this point of family connection, as long as our presence is reduced to unnoticed within this month, then everything will be fine."

Hearing this, Eiri Li spoke, before Kato Megumi was often ignored because of her low sense of existence, and even the parents at home would ignore Kato Megumi even if Kato Megumi was at home.

If Thor can help reduce their sense of existence to the level that Megumi Kato was at the time, then they who live outside will definitely not attract anyone's attention and disappear into this world!

"It's a good idea, but can it really be done? If we leave this world, will our sense of existence be restored? "

"I don't know, this should only be known if you ask Thor."

"Always have to ask, don't you? If we can, we don't have to worry at all, and if not, we can think of other ways. "

"Then when I ask Thor, ask this question by the way."


ps: The second chapter is updated, will the third chapter be far away?

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