"Thor: Do you like Wang Ye?! "

With Thor's consent, seeing Thor's unconcerned look, Kasumigaoka Shiwa spoke directly!

Thor had just startled them and was now feeling guilty. Not asking at this time is simply a waste of this great opportunity!


Looking at Shiyu Kasumigaoka stunned, Thor didn't react to what happened for a while, wasn't he still discussing things in the other world just now? Why did the topic suddenly jump to this? A bit of a span?

While Thor was stunned, Connor directly slowed down the speed of the game operation in his hand, as well as reduced the force when pressing the controller button, playing the game with two minds, and preparing to eavesdrop on the chat content of Thor and others.

Obviously, Connor is also very concerned about this matter!

"Thor, tell me truthfully, do you like it and go to Wang Ye?!"

Seeing Thor's unresponsive look, Kasumi Hills Shiyu spoke again, and now Wang Ye is also cultivating, this will be a great time!

Coupled with the fact that Thor himself deliberately frightened them just now, now there is still a little guilt, even God is helping to send assists, the time and place are favorable, all three are complete, and I am afraid that I can't ask something from Thor's mouth?

"Shi Yu, why do you have such thoughts? Did Wang also ask you to find out? "

Hearing this, Thor did not rush to answer Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but showed a curious look, Rukoya had asked her the same question before, why did Kasumigaoka Shiwa ask this now?

And not long ago, Wang Ye had just asked her if she remembered her previous life or something, which made Thor have to suspect that the sentence that Kasumigaoka Shiyu was asking now was actually what Wang was also preparing to ask her.

"No, Wang doesn't know yet, we privately decided to come and ask, because Thor reacted in the morning like a little girl in love, so... Thor must also like Wang Ye, right? "

Shaking his head lightly, after Kasumi Hills whispered a few words, a flash of excitement suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Kasumi Hills Shiyu felt that what he guessed was already close to the truth!

Because after hearing his question, Thor did not deny it at the first time, but first asked whether it was arranged by Wang Ye, that is to say, it is very likely that Thor likes Wang Ye!

"Like... Well... I couldn't tell if I liked it or not, and Rukoya asked me the same question. But I don't know what the answer is, she said slowly I will understand.... Then, in the future, when I understand what liking is, the kind of liking in men and women, I will answer this question~!"

Thor fell into deep thought, Thor was born so far, except for accidents with his family, he has not liked anyone or dragons, and the likes of the family are different from the likes of romances, so Thor himself is temporarily unclear what kind of thoughts he is.

Therefore, if you want to answer the question of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, you can only wait until when she understands the relationship between men and women, and then answer Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

"Don't understand?" *5

Looking at Thor in surprise, Thor's answer was really beyond the expectations of Shiwa Kasumigaoka and the others.

In their imagination, Thor's answer is either yes or denial, regardless of what kind of denial it is, but Thor now directly says that he actually does not understand, which is...

I was a little surprised!

Thor, as an adult dragon who has lived for at least 10,000 years, does not know what the likes between men and women are, and they have never been in love, but they also know what likes are.

Could it be that this is an immortal species? The life of the immortal species is very long, and the mental maturity is also very long, just look at Connor, but about the feelings, is it also very long?

"Well, I don't know. The dragon clan has nothing I can see, nor have I thought about this, before I met Wang Ye, I always thought that my life was spent in endless killing and destruction, hundreds of thousands of years later, tired, will go to the most courtship of this kind of thing.

Unlike humans, our dragons have a long lifespan, so I have a lot of time to think about this slowly, and I am not in a hurry about my partner's affairs, in fact, we dragons are generally not in a hurry. If I replace my current lifespan with a human lifespan, I will just end my bar mitzvah.

Dragons looking for mates, as long as they also convert into humans, to reach the appearance of about 25 years old. "

Nodding vigorously, Thor was very honest and had no hidden thoughts, compared to the short life span of human beings of one hundred years, dragons lived longer.

Although fertility is also weaker, there is a lot of time, you can take your time, tens of thousands of years can but the remaining dragon egg is enough, there are many times, there are even brothers and sisters in the dragon, the age difference of 100,000 years.

Therefore, in Thor's cognition, he cannot understand love, cannot understand human love, and human love is also a very normal thing, and it is not a topic that needs to be taboo.

"So it's because of different races..."

A hint of clarity flashed in his eyes, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka also knew how to explain it, just like Thor said

The life span of the dragon family is very long, they can't understand human love, they as human beings, their lives are a hundred years, and they can't imagine what the love of the dragon family looks like.

How could she infer whether Thor liked Wang Ye or not?

Probably, only Lucoya, who is also a dragon, can clearly express what the love of the dragon family looks like. Only Lucoya can now know whether Thor likes Wang Ye or not.

Having said that, what does an immortal species feel like? unimaginable....

Thinking about it, everyone fell into silence, they couldn't imagine it, they couldn't imagine it at all!

"Well~ no need to do this~ You have just come into contact with cultivation, and even Wang has not completely regarded himself as an immortal being, let alone you? Just let it be, the reason why the immortal seed is an immortal seed is that time plays a key role, and under the action of time, after ten thousand years, you will also understand the ideas and concepts of the immortal seed. "

"The perspective of the immortal seed, the idea and concept of the immortal seed..."

ps: I was originally going to directly let Thor answer positively, but suddenly the inspiration came out, as an immortal species, there is still a difference between humans and humans, right~

PS: A hundred people have a hundred Hamlets, I'm a stinky novelist, Thor, who knows a ghost? Manual funny

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