"An Yilunye, your proposal book is really eye-opening and shocking the four seats!"

Looking at An Yilun emotionally, the hand holding the plan trembled slightly, Wang also knew that An Yilun could not get any qualified plan documents, but reality is reality after all, An Yilun also gave him a big surprise!

Even Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiri Rirai both looked at An Yirenya with emotion, this proposal was really a surprise!

"How! I knew this proposal would shock the four! "

With a smug expression on his face, An Yilun also pinched his waist with both hands, complacent. Sure enough, his proposal really shocked the four, and the rest is a matter of funds, as long as he goes out, he will definitely get it easily!

Hmph~ Yesterday you looked down on me, and today you are not shocked by my proposal!

"yes, it's so shocking! I've never seen a proposal so bad! "

With a gloomy face, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's body trembled slightly. Angry, was also angry by An Yilun!

This thing can also be called a proposal? Are you sure you didn't write a few random strokes of foolishness?! As a qualified proposal, what about your page count?! This A4 is over?!

God, what the hell did I see? I still expect him to come up with a qualified proposal to prove his strength. Is my benefactor of Kasumigaoka Shiwa so unbearable in planning this part?! I was actually pointed out by such a guy about the plot of the Light Novel?!

"Stop kidding, An Yilun, take out the real proposal. This joke is not funny at all! "

Taking a deep breath, Yingli took the plan in Wang Ye's hand as a joke of An Yilunye, it was so bad that Yingli Li couldn't believe that this was An Yilunye's plan, how could it be so bad?

If An Yilun is also really okay, it should be a test of the water, if not, I still listen to Wang Ye, recruit members myself, or prepare for the debut of the painter.

"Huh? This is the final proposal. Not that bad, right? "

An Yirenya, who was still triumphant just now, also became unconfident after the successive voices of Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri Ri, could it be that the proposal he wrote was really so unqualified? Not exciting enough?

"Alas~ forget it, I shouldn't have come over today, the club is busy, leave!"

Reached out and rubbed his eyes, this project is too spicy eyes, Wang also got up directly and left the multimedia classroom, he shouldn't give An Yilun this face, go directly to the club activities department is not fragrant?

It seems that the small punishment given to An Yilun yesterday made An Yilun also a little insane, and this kind of thing can also be used. The guilt and sin, yesterday should have been punished more severely, let him directly ask for leave.

"Huh?! Don't go! Isn't that qualified? Why are you all gone? "

After watching Wang Ye leave, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yingli also packed up their things and prepared to leave, and An Yilun was even more blinded, this is the best plan he wrote yesterday when he worked so hard and even had a stomach trouble!

Why is everyone gone? Is it really that bad? Hurriedly ran over and picked up the proposal that Wang Ye casually dropped on the table to confirm that he didn't take the wrong proposal?!

"Not qualified at all, even directly negative! An Yilun, you better go home and accompany your two-dimensional wives. The club is busy! "

"Maybe you are not suitable for planning, at least the few proposals I gave me at the beginning are not bad, the codewords are busy, leave."

"Then I will take my leave."

"Huh!? Is Ghana Megumi too?! "

"My name is Megumi Kato, take my leave."

An Yilunya, who finally discovered Kato's Save, is now too late, and An Yilun is left alone in the entire multimedia classroom, looking at his masterpiece, reaching out and scratching his head, he was shocked!


Is it really that bad? It turned out to be a consensus... My plan is pretty good, huh? Forget it, go home and accompany your wives first, and then think of a way.

An Yilun, who received the blow, finally didn't even look at it himself, put the proposal back in his bag, and couldn't leave the multimedia classroom, ready to go home to accompany his second wife, and then rewrite a plan that really shocked the four seats.

An Yilun also left in ashes, Eiri went to the activity room of the art club, Shiwa Kasumigaoka also went home to catch up with the manuscript, and Megumi Kato directly evaporated in the world.. I mean sneak home. And Wang also came to his society.

Knock knock~!

"I'm in~ long time no see, President."

Knocking on the door, Wang also pushed open the door of the activity room and walked in, and also said hello to the president who was already in the activity room.

What was greeted was the president's cold gaze.

Obviously, the minister of the society was very dissatisfied with Wang Ye's belated arrival!


PS: The new book sets sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!!

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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