After saying goodbye to Jia Baili, Wang also went home and changed into the Taoist robe of Wudang Mountain, took his wallet and mobile phone, turned around and went out, walking in the direction of the subway station.

Tomorrow is the ComicMarket98 exhibition, which lasts for three days, the so-called ComicMarket98 exhibition, which is a grand exhibition in the Yamato Autonomous Region, that is, a fan exhibition, where there will be a variety of fan works and figurines for sale. This kind of grand event king will naturally not miss it, and even has already bought tickets, and the tickets for three days have been bought.

Crossing into this world, he also obtained the Wind Queen Qi Gate, although he has been cultivating but rarely used, and Wang Ye, who has not been given by aliens to pretend to punch him in the face, gradually returned to his nature and no longer swelled. But he is very interested in the two-dimensional culture of this world, which is completely different from the prosperous era of his world, the real prosperous era.

"Ahead to the station, Tokyo Station!"

As the sound of the subway announcement came, Wang Ye got up and dusted off his robe and walked out the door. After booking a hotel near the exhibition for three days, I went straight into it and began to meditate.

This world is no longer routine, the dragon Thor fell from the sky a few days ago, and then an angel came to the world. Although the world above has not changed much, and the extraordinary creatures who enter this world are all allowed to abide by the laws of this world, Wang is still worried that something will go wrong, so he saves Thor in advance.

For the current Wang Ye, he is even more eager to become stronger, not to save the world and fire and water, but the single can live better, the general trend is not a person can be stopped, Wang also practiced on Wudang Mountain in his early years, and later calculated the trigram elephant to come to Yamato City to go to high school, this is both to enter the world and to be born!

The next day, Wang Ye finished his cultivation at eight o'clock in the morning, and the exhibition began at ten o'clock, and now it should already be crowded, but Wang did not panic at all, what he bought was a VIP ticket, not afraid of crowding!

Calmly had breakfast in the hotel, swiped his mobile phone by the way and looked at the news on the Internet, before Wang got up and walked towards the exhibition.

When I arrived at the exhibition, sure enough, there were already a sea of people outside the exhibition, even the VIP as usual mouth also has a large number of people, as the largest exhibition in the Yamato Autonomous Region, it is launched once a year, and every time it is not only Yamato City, the entire Yanhuang people in various autonomous regions will come to participate, here you can see people of all nationalities.

"Wang Ye? I knew you would come to this exhibition too! "

Wang Ye, who was walking towards the VIP entrance area, a familiar voice came from behind him, turned around and looked back, and was greeted by an otaku with a face full of excitement and glasses!

"An Yilunye, we don't seem to be familiar with each other, right?"

With a listless expression on his face, Wang Ye said so, but still stopped.

An Yilun is also the protagonist of the world of passers-by heroine, but this world is not, he is just an ordinary otaku. Wang Ye is not familiar with his relationship, and he will only know Yingli because of this dead tsundere.

"Don't say that, we are also a school, last time when the Dragon King guarded the ring, I also cheered you on~ Wang Ye Dragon King!"

He didn't care about Wang Ye's tone at all, or An Yilun was not a guy who would care about the tone of others, and he was a little self-righteous. Therefore, Wang Ye will not wait to see An Yilun this person, but what if he does not wait to see him, look up and don't look down, it's also a school.

"Yes? Last time, the Dragon King guarded Ying Li Li was here, and you and I didn't see it. "

Didn't look at An Yilun angrily, Wang Ye really didn't see An Yilun at that time, but An Yilun is not a shogi, and it is too normal to not be able to enter the scene, Wang Ye's words are simply a joke.

"It's not that I can't get in, but I'm really cheering you on outside." Would you like to visit the stall of English pears later? "

Wang Ye's words An Yilun did not hear the heart at all, and that day he really cheered outside, and he didn't care about Wang Ye's words in his heart, and after explaining, he ripped off the topic.

Ying Li Li is still the same book painter, and her parents still sell it, but she has the certificate of the stall, and she has already entered and hidden, so she is not outside the venue.

"Then you need to say, of course, not going. I don't look at those things, I'm only interested in serious fanbooks, games and figures. If you want to go by yourself, I need to visit the figure area first, that's my favorite thing. "

After spreading his hands, Wang is really not interested in the book, he may still be interested in his previous life, this life... Wang also likes figures and games more, and the serious books of the plot can be taken as a look.

Therefore, Wang will not go to that kind of stall, how fun the figurines are, and they are also pleasing to the eye in the cabinet.

"Alas~ I know that if this is heard by Yingli, Yingli Li is afraid that she will sulk at that time~"

"Just gloat, there will be times when you suffer."

PS: The new book sets sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!!

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