Just after dinner, Wang Ye once again guided Xiao Ai, although the current child can not play with Wang Ye, but he can play a few rounds, attack and defense for a change of chess pieces.

After all, even if Xiao Ai is a genius, he actually doesn't have much time to study with Wang Ye, and being able to have this result is enough to see how Xiao Ai's talent is, which is really good.


"Huh? Who will come over so late? Jiabaililai also played? Playing too fast, right? "

Wang who heard the doorbell also raised his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the door, now that the sun has set, who will come over.

Jia Baili is also unlikely, he just took away the games not long ago, it should be too late to liver all those games, so who will be the person outside the door?

"It should be a new neighbor, she said that she would come over to give souvenirs later, and she just said hello downstairs."

Also looking up in the direction of the door, Thor reached out and pinched his chin, thinking as he replied.

Thinking that the reason why the new neighbor had just moved over, Thor was a new neighbor he met after returning from grocery shopping, and he chatted below for a while, and after learning that they all lived on the same floor, the new neighbor said that he would come over later to give souvenirs.


After a moment of silence, Wang Ye got up and walked in the direction of the door, pushed the door open and looked out, but the purpose was not the new neighbor, but...

"Eiri? Why did you come to me so late? "

Looking at Ying Li who appeared outside the door in surprise, Wang Ye asked in surprise.

Why did he come to his house when he didn't rush the manuscript at home? In other words, Ying Li Li's father was willing to let Ying Li Li run out so late, which is not at all in line with Wang Ye's impression of his daughter

"Can't I come over at night? Let's go first. "

With a soft snort, Ying Lili pushed Wang Ye into the room, and as soon as he entered the room, he found the extra door in the corridor, and couldn't help but stop.

"The new room has been renovated? Isn't it fast?! "

"After all, if you find a professional team, of course, the speed will be much faster. Now Thor has moved in. "

Opening his mouth to explain, Wang Ye slowly closed the door, whether Ying Li Li was scanning his body now, he still couldn't figure out what Ying Li Li was here for.

"Already moved over? That's great, it's not convenient to create at home, recently those two old guys are getting more and more unspeakable, I'm ready to move over, today is to see the situation... How come there are two more? "And, one is still blonde?!

How much Wang Ye likes blonde characters, Thor, Jia Baili, me, plus this extra one now, there are four blonde characters gathered around, and... So big!! Is there really someone who can be so big!?

After seeing Lukoya's figure, the alarm bell in Yingli's heart finally began to ring crazy, another blonde hair, bigger breasts, and a little exposed dress, it was too dangerous!

This made Ying Li Li more determined to move over, only in this way with Wang Ye every day, Ying Li Li can have more information and have a chance to win!

"The silver-haired one is Connor, the kindness of Thor's family, who was kicked out for mischief and defected to Thor. The other is Lukoya, Thor's best friend, who comes to visit Thor. "

There is no need to make a draft to lie, and Wang has long thought of the wording to deal with Yingli's question, and Yingli has just been interrogated, and Wang answered Yingli.

Connor is a child, and Rucoya can barely explain the past if she says she is Thor's best friend. Although Yingli has decided to live here, sooner or later you will find out that something is wrong, but it is better to hide for a while.

The current Eiri should not be distracted to think about other things, at least until Eiri Li successfully won the identity of the 'Love Metronome' manga printmaker, and it was not too late to think about Eiri to explain at that time.

"Hello, I'm Sawamura Spencer Eiri, just call me Eiri, it's Wang Ye.. Friend? "

"Why interrogative sentences?"

"Good evening, I'm Connor."

"Good evening, I'm Rukoya. Thor's friend. "

The smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to expand, and Lukoya did not debunk Wang Ye's statement, and greeted Ying Li Li according to the script given by Wang Ye.

I said, it's not normal that there are few girls around the genius, and now the first one has finally appeared, is it really just friends? It seems that you can see a good show, Thor... Probably wouldn't care, would you?

"Ying Li Pear, have you had dinner?"

Thor, who just came out of the kitchen, was also a little surprised when he saw Yingli, but he didn't show anything, and naturally asked Yingli.

"Already eaten, Thor, where was my drawing board placed?"

"Please follow me."

PS: The new book sets sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!!

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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