"Well, this manga is very good, and it is also very in line with Shiwa's light novel, plus the relationship between the two is friends. Steady, Shiyu's light novel manga version, it's none other than you, even if you change a pseudonym, there is no problem, next, as long as you two are firm enough, and then I return with the drawing to the immortal river, we succeed! "

In a café, Tingtian Yuanko looked at the manga draft in his hand and nodded with satisfaction, the Kashiwagi Hideri chosen by Shiwa Kasumigaoka really has strength, and the painting style is completely unrecognizable to be the masterpiece of the book painter Hideri Kashiwagi.

But when Eiri drew an essay in front of her, Tingda Yuko believed that this was not Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Kashiwagi Hideri to fool him, Kashiwagi Eiri did have this weight, even if it was a pen name.

Tingtian Yuanzi believes that as long as this comic is brought back to the middle of the Immortal River, after handing it over to the upper level, she is making a certain maneuver, then they will be stable!

Yingli pear only needs to change a pen name, this 'love metronome' caricature, it is none other than Yingli pear!

"Really?! Then ask the editor of Tingtian to help you deal with it, I believe that the comic version of the 'Love Metronome' will definitely succeed! "、

Looking at Tingtian Yuanzi with joy, Yingli Li never thought that she didn't need Kasumigaoka Shiyu to say something good to her, Tingtianyuanzi just read the drawing, and determined that it was Yingtianli herself's painting, and then directly stood in their camp!

Sure enough, just like Shiyu said, Editor Ting Tian is a good editor, a very good editor. There is no need to say anything good, if they can be like the eyes of editor Tingtian, then they will be absolutely stable!

"Needless to say, this is the treatment you won by strength, and the comic version of the love metronome fire, in my opinion, is already inevitable!"

Chuckled and shook her head, editor Ting Tian is definitely a dedicated editor, not only for the good of the author, but also for the sake of the library, Ying Li's painting skills are too much in line with her expectations, and even far exceed her expectations.

At the same time, she also believes that when the people of the Immortal River Bunko have seen this manga version, they will definitely be able to make the right decision, even if someone has a private message, has Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiwa know each other, and lives nearby, her winning rate is as high as several ninety-nine percent!

"Then I have to write about Sister Tingtian, if it weren't for Sister Tingtian, I would still be a writer on the street, and I might have even given up writing, and Ying Li would not have gotten this opportunity."

"Haha, then I will accept the thanks of the two, these are what I should do as an editor~"

Reached out and scratched his head, so Ting Tian Yuanzi admired Kasumigaoka Shiyu, although Kasumigaoka Shiyu occasionally poisoned his tongue after becoming familiar, but most of the time he was still very polite and knew how to advance and retreat.

Compared to those guys with wolf hearts and dog lungs, I don't know how much!

After forming a thank you for Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yingli, there is still a lot of time now, and Tingtian Yuanzi simply stole a little laziness, and chatted with Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Ying.

On the other side, the battle continues!

"Eight doors to move!"

Looking at the dragon breath that greeted him, Wang Ye once again used the eight doors to carry it!

The eight-door porter can open up to eight for handling, but it is just a dragon breath, and the king also directly carried it to the side of Thor and Connor!

This time, because Thor and Connor were pestering each other to prevent each other from escaping, the two resisted Lukoya's breath, although it was not wrong to say that, but thought that Lukoya and the others had suppressed themselves to the level of humans, and did not break out with full strength, Connor and Thor were not injured.

It's just a little gray-headed and a messy hairstyle.

"Lord Thor?"


Looking at each other, Connor and Thor let go of each other at the same time, all looked at Lukoya, small mouth, two dragon breaths attacked towards Lukoya!

"Wang Ye, you calculate me

Looking at Connor and Thor, who suddenly began to gather their own fire, Lukoya knew that he was also calculated by the king, but it was harmless. Lukoya is definitely the strongest one. Even if everyone is set on fire, Rukoya can win!

A mouth with the same dragon breath erupted, and Rukoya, Thor, and Connor spat at each other.

A flash of essence flashed in his eyes, this was a very good opportunity, Th and Connor teamed up to attack Lukoya, and he took advantage of the situation to directly eliminate Lukoya

"Off the word - Chilian"

A wide fire snake shot out from Wang Ye's hand, thinking of Lukoya's attack against Thor and Connor, and first eliminated the strongest before defeating Thor and Connor!!

Facing Wang Ye's fire snake, Lukoya opened her right hand, and a pillar of energy met Wang Ye's fire snake! Whether it's the breath of the dragon or the energy bomb, it is just a way to use energy, as long as it is skilled enough, the hand can also be used with the same move as the breath!

However, Lukoya underestimated the king! At this time, Wang Ye was standing in his favor, the flame attack doubled, although Lukoya's energy had no attributes, but it was still restrained by the direction where Wang Ye was, and the power was doubled!

And Lukoya can't help but compete with Wang Ye alone, but also with the position of Thor and Connor, under the heart of the two, the energy pillar sent out by Lukoya's hand is simply no match for Wang Ye's red practice fire snake!

In the end, Lukoya regretfully withdrew, returned to Xiao Ai's side, glanced at Xiao Ai, who was already asleep, and then looked at Wang Ye formed by the phantom, with a gentle smile on her face, slowly sat on the ground and gave Xiao Ai a knee pillow, looked up and looked at the sky, she had been eliminated, so she didn't pay attention to the movements in the battlefield, just like that, she enjoyed the quiet.

"Lukoya is out, so what's next is... Thor! Kun Zi - Tuhe Che~! "

His gaze swept over Thor and Connor, and Wang pinched his hand again, and the Tuhe Che attacked Thor in the past. After blocking Thor's view, Wang also revealed his ambition!

Eight-door porting! Bang Jin, move and beat!

Through the eight doors, he crossed the space in the blink of an eye and came to Connor's body, and before Connor could react, Wang was greeted by a broken mover.

Connor was careless, Wang Ye's goal was not Thor, it was Connor from the beginning!


PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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