Looking at Wang Ye with a shocked face, Yubihama Yui's impression of Wang Ye collapsed, and he actually said such a thing in front of the two girls, even if everyone knows, don't say it!?

She and Yukinoshita Yukino are girls! How can you say it to your face?!

"It's you, Wang Ye. This kind of words are also said, call the police for sexual harassment! "

Glancing at Wang Ye, Yukinoshita Yukino joined Yubihama Yui's lineup without hesitation, she would not let go of the opportunity to open a group for Wang Ye, who let Wang Ye ignore her just now.

And Yukishita Yuki is a girl, there is no one who says so between girls, even if there are boys on the side, there is no problem, but if the boy says it, it's really not good, right?!

"Call the police. So should I go through the procedure, really sexually harass it, and then continue to go through the procedure and see us in court? "

Rolled her eyes at Yukishita Yukino, she was making something out of nothing, Wang just said some facts, why was it sexual harassment? Did you say anything about it all the time? No!

Is it a crime? If Yukishita Xue Nai really called the police, he may be taught a lesson because of the false police, and Wang did not panic at all, Yuki Xue Nai is simply doing things, and wants to start today's formal mouth war.

But Wang Ye didn't want to do as Xue Nai wished, the commission has already been sent to the door, and he is still thinking about mixing his mouth here, after solving the commission at that time, he is completely idle and then mixing his mouth?

"So, is there any commission from Yui Hihama?"

"Ahhh As a matter of fact... I commissioned you to teach me how to make cookies. "

Yubihama Yui, who was suddenly changed the topic by Wang Bu according to the routine, thought that the two would continue to fight against each other for a while, was slightly stunned, but quickly reacted back, lowered his head a little shyly, and Yui Hihama stumbled and said.

Yamato Autonomous Region has a special custom, that is, there will be home economics classes in schools, and cookies have been taught I don't know how many times, but Yui Hihama has not learned it, so it is still a little embarrassing.


Sure enough, when Yui Hihama said his commission, he immediately met Wang Ye's strange gaze. Suddenly even more shy.

Wang Ye really didn't expect that Yui Hihama's culinary talent would not even solve his butterfly wings and the fusion of the world. Thinking of the cookies made by Yui Hihama in the original book, Wang also began to hesitate whether he should follow him to carry out club activities.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino and Hichiya did not know, although they were surprised by Yui Hihama's commission, after all, the school had taught many times, but they decided to accept the commission, and Yui Hihama and Wang also walked to the home economics classroom together.

Yes, in the end, Wang also decided to participate in this club activity, Wang is ready to accept the poison of dark cuisine, mainly if he wants to teach Yuki Hihama, Yukinoshita Yukino will make a copy himself, if he makes it... The king can also take it and eat it.

Yukinoshita Yukino's cooking skills are still wrong, but she basically doesn't come to the club in making pastries and the like, and she has had it once in her memory, and then she has never had it again, which is a good opportunity to remember delicious!

After arriving at the home economics classroom and communicating with the teacher to obtain the right to use it, I started making cookies by Hijiya Hachiman.

First, mix the almond flour, medium flour, cinnamon, cloves, and salt. Then beat the eggs, add water and mix slightly. Mix the butter and sugar and beat until smooth, about 3 minutes. Add the egg water mixture and beat for 1 minute. Then divide the dough into 2 portions, each part is rolled out into 0.3cm 0.5cm thin slices between two layers of plastic wrap....

Hijiya Hachiman said that he made a copy by himself, and then stood on the side and watched Yui Hihama, while verbally instructing how to make it, and once shared the cookies he made with Wang and others.

"It tastes good."

"It's delicious~"

The cookies made by Hachiman Kiya really surprised Wang Ye, although they were not as good as Yukinoshita Yukino, but they were better than what he made! Yes, Wang Ye is actually not very good at making dim sum, but he can make it and eat it.

"I didn't expect that the squat family still has such a hand, and the squat family has improved."

He also tasted the cookies made by Hichiya Hachiman, and Yui Hihama praised him in surprise.

Obviously a gloomy guy, and a very unpopular person in the class cup, the cookie turned out to be surprisingly delicious, better than her female friends! Yui Hihama is really a change in comparison with Ketani Hachiman.

But... And what kind of cookies made by Yui Hama look like?

A lump..... Pieces of lacquered coal? How the hell is this done? The ingredients are made from the same material and are made under the eyes of Hichiya Hachiman, and the time of the oven is set at the same time, how do you bake cookies into coal?

"I knew it would look like this..."

Looking at the masterpiece she made, Yui Hihama sighed in disappointment, she knew that she was not so easy to succeed, otherwise she would not have come specifically to find the Ministry of Service.

"It seems that I am still coming~ Biqigu, you better admit defeat as soon as possible."

Reaching out and holding her forehead, she shook her head, Yuki Hihama's masterpiece she couldn't bear to see, it was too miserable. But I started my guidance confidently.

If the measurement of the materials used by Hijiya Hachiman to make cookies is based on the accurate feeling, that's right. Then the snow under the snow is the rigorous use of electronic scales, accurate to the slightest difference, and then just in time to make cookies.

The result is a cookie that is made in a golden and seductive and fragrant way. The taste is very good, of course, this is not the accurate measurement of the material can be successful.

For example, while everyone was enjoying the cookies made by Yukino Yukinoshita and quietly enjoying the feast on the taste buds, Yui Hihama's cookies were ready...

No accident, it was still made into black coal! It is bitter in one bite, and the taste that does not taste a little sweetness is even more subtly touching.

"It is clear that everything is according to the standard, why is this still the case...."

PS: Book set sail: ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for tips!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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