In the meeting room, the atmosphere was very quiet.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Ze.

Just because of what he said just now: I roughly know who the murderer is.

No need to wait for Wang Ze's next words.

This sentence alone was enough to surprise everyone.

You know, the investigation of this case is still in the dark.

All everyone can do is to follow the general direction given by Wang Ze and grope forward.

Who would have thought that after only one night, Wang Ze actually knew who the murderer was?

Of course, they understood that what Wang Ze was referring to should be the characteristics of the murderer.

But characteristics are already very important.

"Wang Ze, what do you think? Tell me now."

Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze who was sitting there smoking and asked impatiently.

His face was full of expectation.

Wang Ze said:"Originally, I thought that I could find clues about the murderer from the deceased's personal information."

"But now it seems impossible"

"The murderer was very cautious and almost cut off all our possibilities to trace Papaya."

"For example, deleted WeChat, emptied mailbox, etc."

"She made two preparations. Even if the data was restored, she would not be able to continue the investigation based on it."

He had just finished reading all the information.

The deleted WeChat account could not trace the real information of the owner. The anonymous email was also doubly insured and had a public network address.

In other words, the murderer had already prepared for the police to file a case.

At the same time, he was also prepared for the police to thoroughly investigate the victim's online information.

Having said that, he looked at Li Xiangbin and said,"Captain Li, do you see any problems with those emails?"

Li Xiangbin said,"I felt something was wrong early this morning."

"The content of the email is very negative, and the writing is deeply rooted in people's hearts."

"Not to mention the victims who are in a bad mood, even I feel uncomfortable watching it"

"Yes." Wang Ze nodded and said,"The email is incomplete and there are gaps in the content, so the ways of contact between the murderer and the victim are definitely diverse."

Li Xiangbin:"Do we need to continue the investigation?"

"The little girl said that they could try to dig out some more, but it would take time."

Hearing this, Wang Ze turned his head and looked at one of the girls.

The girl wore glasses and although she looked ordinary, she was a well-known academic master in the school.

Wang Xiaotong is a police officer in the Network Information Department of Yuncheng City Bureau. She is currently working on the front line of the Criminal Investigation Team.

The school that Wang Xiaotong graduated from was not a police academy.

She was specially recruited after passing the exam.

Talents will be needed everywhere.

Seeing Wang Ze's gaze, Wang Xiaotong nodded, indicating that Li Xiangbin was right.

Wang Ze pondered for a while and said,"No need, it's a waste of time."

"Even if we find all the channels of communication between the victim and the murderer, all we can get is the method of killing."

"This is not very useful for solving the case."

"And at present, we don’t need to investigate to know how the murderer completed these eight cases of incitement to suicide."

Li Xiangbin’s eyes narrowed:"Incitement to suicide?"

"Wang Ze, did the murderer kill by inciting suicide?"

Wang Ze nodded:"There is only this possibility."

Li Xiangbin asked:"What method? Is it hypnosis?"

He asked Wang Ze this question before, but the other party gave an ambiguous answer.

In short, it was uncertain.

So is it certain now?

Wang Ze said:"It's not hypnosis, it's psychological suggestion"

"Psychological suggestion?"

Everyone in the meeting room looked at each other in bewilderment.

So powerful?

Just by talking and writing, can a living person give up life and commit suicide?

Li Xiangbin said with a serious expression:"Explain it clearly."

Wang Ze stood up and picked up the whiteboard pen.

"It is extremely difficult, time-consuming and laborious to track down the murderer through clues."

"The murderer can waste time, but we can't"

"Therefore, we need criminal profiling"

"Now, I have a very clear outline."

After these words came out, the conference room fell silent, waiting for Wang Ze's next words.

Then, while Wang Ze was speaking, he quickly wrote on the whiteboard.

"First, women"

"Second, between fifty and sixty years old"

"Third, postgraduate degree or above"

"Fourth, the major is psychology or a psychology-derived subject"

"Fifth, have a stable source of income and currently work as a psychologist or in a psychology-related job"

"Sixth, they appear to be non-aggressive, even friendly and helpful."

"Seventh, he suffers from a serious disease that is incurable or has not yet been cured."

After that, he pointed to the information on the whiteboard and said,"These are all the characteristics of the murderer that we know so far."

Everyone stared at the whiteboard in a daze.

No one cared about the flowing and graceful handwriting.

What they cared about was the content.

Wang Ze's psychological profile had exposed the murderer thoroughly.

How many people in the city meet the seven characteristics?

One check and one is accurate!

Isn't this equivalent to... solving the case?!

The meeting room was very quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

After a while, Bao Qu coughed lightly, breaking the silence and said,"Well, I can understand the first six, but why the seventh?"

The murderer suffers from a serious disease?

Where did you analyze this?

Wang Ze chuckled,"This is the motive for the murder in this case."


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