.Wang Ze has always been very important in Liu Bureau’s heart , and the other party will definitely consider it seriously .

.Li Xiangbin glanced at everyone , and roughly repeated Wang Ze’s previous inferences and the inquiry to Chen Li .

.After listening , everyone frowned .

.In this way , the eight suicide cases are indeed very strange .

.Especially after the overall substitution into the serial murder case , it is more obvious .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” So what we are looking for is likely to be a person who specially picks people with suicidal tendencies and leaves a suicide note every time . ”

.” But how the murderer did it , we don’t know yet . ”

.The crowd nodded .

.The change was so great that they couldn’t fully react for a while .

.After speaking , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” Go ahead and talk . ”

.” Good . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” I just wanted to say that maybe someone deliberately promoted these eight suicide cases . ”

.” And the eight victims did n’t actually know it . ”

.” Deliberately push ?” Li Xiangbin’s eyes narrowed slightly , ” How do you say it ?”

.Wang Ze pondered for a while and said , ” It’s hard to say now , there are still many possibilities . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Hypnosis ?”

.Wang Ze hesitated , and finally shook his head and said , ” I don’t know , this is one of the possibilities . ”

.” There are too few clues , and we need to continue to investigate . ”

.” I’ll talk about this after I ‘ve read all the files . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” Okay , I’ll get it for you later . ”

.” Next , is there a clear direction for the investigation ?”

.Wang Ze : ” What do you think ?”

.Li Xiangbin : ” I’m asking you . ”

.Wang Ze was speechless : ” You are the captain of the criminal investigation , you ask me . ”

.Seeing this , everyone in the conference room looked at each other .

.Want to laugh , but dare not laugh .

.Song Ting said in a low voice , ” You don’t need to be the captain , you are the captain . ”

.Li Xiangbin glared at Song Ting , then pressed Wang Ze’s shoulder and said , ” Can you be happy ?”

.” Eh ? I said , after coming out of the mental hospital , I found that your kid has failed in his studies . ”

.” What’s the matter , the dual personality is disordered again ?”

.”The other personality is the [ Bloody Water ] personality, right ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” What did the doctor tell you ?”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze said mysteriously : ” It’s more than a stomach full of bad water , it’s terribly bad . ”

.” If I commit a crime in the future , you have to show mercy . ”

.Li Xiangbin was startled , and quickly took a serious look at Wang Ze , and said, ” I have a bad heart , don’t scare me !”

Chapter 15 _ Huh ? Paranoia ?

.This sentence is really scary .

.Especially from Wang Ze’s mouth .

.In the past, he often chatted with Wang Ze’s teacher Zhou Weiyan : Fortunately, Wang Ze belongs to the police academy .

.If this goes the wrong way , that’s a big deal .

.Who can catch it .

.Not to mention arrest , it would be good to find evidence .

.Seeing Li Xiangbin’s serious look , Wang Ze laughed and said , ” Just kidding , why are you so excited . ”

.” Stinky boy !”

.Li Xiangbin looked angry .

.” Don’t talk nonsense , is there a clear direction for the investigation ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No. ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze added : ” Although there is no clear direction of investigation , there are still general directions of investigation . ”

.Li Xiangbin rolled up his sleeves and said , ” If you talk like this again in the future , I’ll really flatter you !”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” I’m telling the truth . ”

.” It is impossible to conduct a targeted investigation in a relatively special case like this . ”

.” Only from the side , peeling the cocoon and slowly exploring the truth , there is no rush . ”

.” Even if there is a ninth dead person waiting ahead , there is no rush . ”

.Li Xiangbin was silent for a while, then said, ” You say it . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” Thoroughly investigate all the written traces of the eight deceased , including Weibo , Moments , short video software, etc. ”

.” And be careful not to let any clues go . ”

.” Even if it has been deleted , let the technicians restore it as much as possible . ”

.” The same sentence , what we need to do now is to fully understand the victim . ”

.After listening , Li Xiangbin frowned and asked , ” What’s the purpose ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Media . ”

.” Media ?” Li Xiangbin was surprised , ” What do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze explained : ” The connection between people requires a medium . ”

.” For example , why do we all know each other ?”

.” Because of the case . ”

.”The case is the medium . ”

.” College classmates know each other because of what ? Because of the university . ”

.” University is the medium . ”

.”The truth is the same , between the murderer and the victim , where is the medium ?”

.Hearing this , Bao Qu said: ” Wang Ze , do you want to say that the murderer chooses the way to commit the crime ? ”

.Wang Ze looked at Bao Qu and said with a smile , ” Brother Bao’s reaction is fast , that ‘s right . ”

.” From the current investigation , the possibility that the murderer knew eight victims at the same time is very low . ”

.”That’s why I ‘m talking about random killings within range . ”

.” Since it was a random killing , how did the murderer target the victim ?”

.” In other words , how did the killer know that the victim was suicidal ?”

.” We’re going to find the medium . ”

.Now , everyone understands .

.Li Xiangbin’s eyes lit up , and he glanced at Wang Ze with admiration , then turned his head and said, ” Have you heard it ?”

.” After the meeting , everyone went to check . ”

.” You are responsible for the division of labor . ”

.Bao Qu nodded : ” Okay . ”

.After giving the order , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” Is there any more ?”

.Wang Ze rubbed his forehead and said , ” Captain Li , just let me tell you the name of the murderer . ”

.The crowd laughed .

.Li Xiangbin seems to be a little too dependent on Wang Ze .

.And he likes being tough .

.People just arrived not long ago , where can they give multiple directions for investigation .

.Having one would be nice .

.Li Xiangbin raised his hand : ” Well, I’m not right , check slowly , check slowly . ”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Then you can check , and call me after checking . ”

.Li Xiangbin wondered : ” Where are you going ? I have n’t read the file yet . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Come back and see , I will go to the mental hospital to pack up . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” What else do you need to pack? It’s unlucky , do n’t do it , buy a new one . ”

.Wang Ze waved his hand : ” That won’t work , it ‘s all personal belongings . ”

.” I promise , I will be back before ten o’clock at night . ”

.Since this case is a serial murder case , the entire criminal investigation team will inevitably have to work overtime all night .

.The pressure doesn’t just come from solving crimes .

.Most importantly , from the possible new dead .

.This is why all the captains of the criminal investigation team have such a headache about serial murders .

.Catch the murderer , sooner or later .

.But preventing the new deceased from appearing is not a matter of sooner or later .

.is a pressing issue .

.Seeing Wang Ze insist , Li Xiangbin nodded and said, ” Okay , I’ll take you off . ”

.Wang Ze stopped Li Xiangbin : ” No , I’ll take a taxi , you can do it . ”

.” Wang Ze . ”

.At this moment , Song Ting suddenly spoke .

.Wang Ze turned his head and said , ” What’s wrong with Sister Song ?”

.Song Ting said , ” Do you have a criminal profile for this case ?”

.When this question came out , everyone looked at Wang Ze .

.Li Xiangbin also almost forgot about it .

.Wang Ze , but a genius in criminal psychology profiling, has a terrible accuracy rate .

.They have all met before .

.Wang Ze hesitated for a moment and said , ” Wait a little longer . ”

.Song Ting didn’t ask any further , nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Let’s go . ”

.After speaking , he turned and left the conference room .

.All that should be known has been known .

.Now need to wait for the results of the investigation .

.Investigating a case is a step-by-step process , and it cannot be done overnight , and it will only help the seedlings grow .

.City Hall gate .

.” Brother Zhao , go . ”

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