.Wang Ze pointed to the girl’s hand , expressing his innocence .

.Jiang Ying turned to look at the girl in pink and said , ” Classmate , let go of him quickly , what are you doing in broad daylight? ”

.The girl in pink quickly released her hand , looked at Wang Ze , and then at Jiang Ying .

.this sister …

.The face value is so high .

.” Who is she ?”

.The girl asked Wang Ze .

.Without waiting for Wang Ze to speak , Jiang Ying said, ” I’m his girlfriend !”

.Beside him , Ruan Zinan looked at Jiang Ying , who seemed to be declaring his sovereignty, and snickered to himself .

.Do you like it ?

.Why didn’t I see it .

.” Girlfriend ?”

.The girl in pink was stunned for a moment , and then said embarrassedly, ” I’m sorry, I’m sorry . ”

.After speaking , he quickly pulled his friend and slipped away .

.No wonder people don’t want to add WeChat to ” Nine Zero Seven ” .

.It turned out to have such a beautiful girlfriend .

.It just looks a little more mature .

.Like a graduate student or a Ph.D.

.After the two girls walked away , Jiang Ying turned to stare at Wang Ze .

.The fire in his eyes almost burst out .

.Seeing that the situation was not good , Wang Ze hurriedly said, ” Stop ! Don’t be impulsive !”

.” I’m working !”

.” Find the disappearance case !”

.In order to prevent Jiang Ying from breaking out , he quickly explained why he appeared here .

.” Missing case ?”

.Jiang Ying narrowed her eyes and looked at Wang Ze suspiciously .

.” Urban Criminal Investigation Team , when did you start investigating disappearances ?”

.City Bureau Criminal Investigation Team ?

.Ruan Zinan looked at Wang Ze in surprise .

.This guy is from the Criminal Investigation Team of the City Bureau .

.I really didn’t see it .

.Wang Ze said : ” You said that . ”

.” As long as it’s a case , we’ll investigate it . ”

.Jiang Ying stared at Wang Ze for a while, as if considering the authenticity of the other party’s words .

.After a while , she asked , ” Who is missing and needs to go to the school to check ?”

.Wang Ze pointed at Ruan Zinan and said , ” Ask your cousin ! She must know . ”

.” I’m looking for Bai Zhenghao !”

.Ruan Zinan wondered , ” How do you know I’m a cousin ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” I had dinner with your sister two months ago . She mentioned it . ”

.” Oh . ” Ruan Zinan nodded , then said : ” I know Bai Zhenghao , he is a god of learning . ”

.Jiang Ying looked at Ruan Zinan : ” This Bai Zhenghao is from your school ?”

.Ruan Zinan said : ” Yes , I heard others say it . ”

.”A full scholarship every year , and I ‘m going to study abroad soon . ”

.” Has he disappeared ?”

.The last sentence was addressed to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s a loss of contact . ”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” What’s so strange about an adult man who lost contact ?”

.” Maybe it’s too much pressure , I found a place to get up and drink . ”

.” Do you still need to look for it ?”

.” It won’t take a few days , it is estimated that it will appear on its own . ”

.Wang Ze said helplessly : ” What you said is similar to what I told the captain . ”

.” I am invincible and handsome, Brother Ze , who came out to find an adult male who had been out of contact for 30 hours. Is he wronged ?”

.Ruan Zinan was amused : ” Brother-in -law in the future , you are quite narcissistic . ”

.Wang Ze : ” I … eh ? What do you call me ?”

.Ruan Zinan : ” Future brother-in-law . ”

.” Is there a problem ?”

.Wang Ze thought about it for a while and said , ” I think it’s very problematic . ”

.” Look …”

.I wanted to make two high and low words , but after seeing Jiang Ying’s warning eyes, she quickly shut up .

.Jiang Ying raised her finger and pointed at Wang Ze’s nose : ” Wang Ze !”

.” If you dare to mess with flowers , I will castrate you !”

.” You know ?!”

.Wang Ze suddenly felt a chill in a certain part , and quickly said, ” Don’t worry !”

.” Before the money arrives , I am Liuxia Hui ! Monk !”

.Ruan Zinan was surprised : ” What kind of money ?”

.Mentioning this , Wang Ze got excited : ” Seven figures ! One step to the sky ! Forget the troubles !”

.Ruan Zinan : “..”

.Is this guy sick ?

.Say what ?

.Jiang Ying coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject : ” What , my cousin is a student of this school and knows everything very well . ”

.” Well , we’ll accompany you to check . ”

.” Isn’t it just looking for someone ?”

.” Take him out in minutes . ”

.” Is there a bar near the school or something ?”

.Seeing that Jiang Ying also wanted to go to the bar , Wang Ze moved forward excitedly , holding her hand and not letting go .

.” Oh ! Heroes see the same thing !”

.” I said that this kid is likely to go clubbing !”

.” We are a couple with one heart , and the profit will break the gold !”

.” Zhiyin , darling !”

.” We must shake hands !”

.Ruan Zinan : “..”

.No …

.This guy is definitely sick ! !

.Jiang Ying , who had been holding hands by Wang Ze and was a little bit of a deer , instantly exploded when she heard a few words .

.She threw Wang Ze over and said angrily, ” What nonsense are you talking about ?”

.” Ca n’t find someone yet ?”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly and said seriously : ” Look , look , go to the boys’ dormitory first to find out the situation . ”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” Didn’t you go to a nearby bar ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Miss , the parents must have set up the school and its vicinity before calling the police . ”

.” They can’t find it, and it’s no use if we go . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying thought for a while , then nodded and said, ” Oh , that’s right , let’s listen to you . ”

.” Eh ? No !!”

.She almost didn’t respond .

.” If that’s the case , what nonsense did you just say ? What is poor ?”

.Wang Ze turned around and said, ” I mainly want to touch your hand . ”

.” Hey , I haven’t touched a girl’s hand in years . ”

.Jiang Ying : “…”

.Ruan Zinan whispered , ” Sister , is your boyfriend in good spirits ?”

.” Want someone to take a look ?”

.Jiang Ying gritted her teeth and said, ” Do you think the people from the criminal investigation team will have mental problems after undergoing strict psychological screening ?”

?5.3?Ruan Zinan : ” Uh , this is also true . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Now you know why I want to strangle him . ”

.Ruan Zinan looked strange : ” It seems … I know . ”

.” It’s okay, sister , I support you , we are two-on-one . ”

.The three quickly came to the boys’ dormitory , downstairs on the fifth floor .

.There were three middle – aged people standing at the door discussing something .

.Two men and one woman .

.One of them appears to be a married couple .

.” Director Cheng ?”

.Ruan Zinan seemed to know one of them .

.Hearing the voice , one of the middle-aged men stopped talking and turned to look .

.” Hello Director Cheng . ”

.Ruan Zinan smiled and waved .

.The man nodded as a response , and then continued talking to the two of them .

Chapter 82 _ Good friend , back to back ? 4 ?

.Cheng Yuanliang , director of Yuncheng University of Science and Technology .

.It ‘s normal for students to greet him when they meet him , so they don’t care .

.” Mr. Bai , Ms. Zhang , don’t worry , the city bureau will be here soon . ”

.” Besides, Bai Zhenghao is a big boy , what can happen ? Isn’t it ?”

.Hearing these two sentences , Ruan Zinan said, ” Huh ? They are Bai Zhenghao’s parents , just right . ”

.Cheng Yuanliang looked over again and wondered, ” Who are you ?”

.Wang Ze stepped forward and said, ” Hello , the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau . ”

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