.Xu Shuang nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” Actually, I’m more realistic . ”

.”I like Jiarui because of his honesty, stability , and single-mindedness . ”

.” Secondly , he has no children . ”

.” Am I being too selfish ?”

.Jiang Ying said : ” No. ”

.” Everyone has their own criteria for choosing a mate , and there is no right or wrong . ”

.Xu Shuangruo :! Water ;!, Material !, Source ‘: Group ;?”6?’?5,6;6.1.:8!.;8’9,6; Preparation .:: Use :.’ Go to ‘ group “!7’;6:6.’0.;:1,,8..3:.?2″?0 sighed : ” Anyway , I dragged him down for so long . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” But Big Brother Xie doesn’t think so . ”

.” He thinks it ‘s good to be by your side . ”

.Xu Shuang nodded slightly , and a happy smile appeared on his face .

.The two went farther and farther .


.The day goes by quickly .

.The four of them walked together for half the time .

.Xie Jiarui and Xu Shuang like each other’s youth and authenticity .

.Wang Ze and Jiang Ying respect each other’s mutual affection .

.be .

.Let’s forget the fate of the friendship .

.At night , the resort has outdoor barbecues , which is very lively .

.With the lights and music , Wang Ze and Jiang Ying played for a long time .

.It was n’t until eleven o’clock that I dragged my tired body back to the room .

.But Xie Jiarui and his wife left very early .

.” Hey , I found that Sister Xu’s condition is getting worse and worse . ”

.” You just said it was cancer ?”

.Jiang Ying said while changing slippers .

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Brother Xie said so . ”

.Jiang Ying was helpless : ” It’s really a pity . ”

.” They were supposed to be a happy couple and not short of money . ”

.” If it wasn’t for a terminal illness , how good would the future be . ”

.Wang Ze was pulling the curtains , when he heard the words, he turned around and said, ” Are n’t you short of money ?”

.”� ” How do you know you’re not short of money ?”

.” Is Brother Xie not short of money , or is Sister Xu not short of money ?”

.Jiang Ying said : ” Sister Xu said it . ”

.” She sells cars and has several stores . ”

.” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze raised his brows thoughtfully .

.” Have you noticed that Sister Xu drank more water today ? ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying thought for a while , nodded and said, ” It’s really a bit too much . ”

.” More than last night . ”

.” Brother Xie has been delivering water non-stop . ”

.” She seems very thirsty . ”

.Wang Ze drew the curtains and said , “I haven’t heard of cancer , so I need to drink so much water . ”

.” It’s strange . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled and said , ” You really have an occupational disease . ”

.” What’s so strange about drinking water . ”

.Wang Ze also smiled and shook his head : ” Maybe I’m too sensitive . ”

.” When something goes wrong, I always want to figure it out . ”

.” You said if I asked her why she drank water , would she hit me ?”

.Jiang Ying said seriously : ” It will definitely be , and It’s a fight to the death . ”

.” I won’t help you then . ”

.” But the medical bills , I can help you pay . ”

.Wang Ze sighed : ” It’s good to have money . ”

.” Sleep !”


.Two in the morning .

.The sleeping Wang Zejiangying was awakened by the sudden noise .

.” What’s the matter ?”

.Jiang Ying rubbed her eyes and looked at the flickering lights outside the window .

.Curtains are opaque .

.So , there will be light coming in .

.He heard footsteps coming from the corridor .

.Wang Ze quickly got up from the bed and opened the curtain factory .

.Flashing lights , belonging to the ambulance .

.Seeing the ambulance , Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed slightly .

.” Isn’t something wrong with Sister Xu ?”

.He immediately thought of Xu Shuang .

.Jiang Ying was also refreshed and got out of bed quickly .

.” Go , go and see !”

Chapter 174 _ No one is allowed to touch the body ? 4 ?

.The two came to the corridor .

.There were other tourists who were awakened and stopped at the door of the room , not knowing what was going on .

.You can see a nurse entering and leaving the room of Xie Jiarui and his wife .

.The fat boss also came and stood beside Wang Ze .

.He was a little confused .

.” What’s the matter ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head , expressing that he did not know .

.” Xu Shuang !”

.” Xu Shuang !”

.” Don’t scare me !”

.Xie Jiarui’s panicked voice echoed in the corridor .

.A doctor said, ” Don’t be so loud !”

.Wang Ze frowned slightly and walked to the door of the room .

.Jiang Ying also followed .

.The bed is not visible from the door .

.However , doctors and nurses seem to be doing tests or rescue .

.Wang Ze and Jiang Ying walked in quickly .

.No one stopped .

.Seeing the pale Xu Shuang lying on the bed with her eyes closed , Jiang Ying subconsciously covered her mouth .

.In his eyes, there was a strong look of surprise .

.This is …

.Did you die ? !

.” Doctor ! You save her !!”

.Xie Jiarui kept urging , his face was full of panic .

.Tears welled up in his eyes .

.” Don’t talk yet !”

.The doctor said coldly .

.After examining it carefully for a while , he asked , ” Why didn’t you call the ambulance earlier ?”

.Xie Jiarui said in a panic, ” I, I, I … I don’t know , I fell asleep !”

.Doctor 013 took off the mask and sighed : “The body is cool , it’s too late . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze frowned even more deeply .

.The body has cooled down .

.On behalf of the time of death , it has exceeded three hours .

.He took a step forward and observed Xu Shuang closely .

.The opponent’s skin is drier than normal at the time of death .

.” Impossible !”

.Xie Jiarui yelled .

.” She was fine before going to bed , how could she be dead ?!”

.” Doctor , I beg you , save her !”

.With his legs bent , he was about to kneel before the doctor .

.The doctor quickly grabbed him and sighed, ” I understand your mood , but it’s really too late . ”

.” She has been dead for several hours , all bodily functions have ceased . ”

.” In this case , it’s useless even if Hua Tuo is alive . ”

.Xie Jiarui was stunned .

.” How could …”

.” How could …”

.He muttered to himself .

.” She was fine during the day , how could she …”

.The doctor said : ” Sir , take the liberty to ask , did your wife suffer from a serious illness before her death ?”

.Xie Jiarui nodded subconsciously : “I have … advanced cancer . ”

?(chfe)?Doctor : ” How long has it been ?”

.Xie Jiarui : ” Okay … for several years . ”

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