.” He wants to strike , there is no possibility . ”

.” Wang Ze , the whole city is wanted , and he must not be allowed to leave the city !”

.Wang Ze raised his hand : ” Wait . ”

.Pang Qun : ” What ‘s wrong ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes shone brightly , and he said , ” Yu Xiangjie is an extremely smart person with hatred in his heart . ”

.” Especially , his mother also passed away . ”

.” I’m afraid he also counted the death of his mother on Yuan Shengqiang’s head . ”

.” Such a person will not give up easily . ”

.” Even if Fan Youcai has been protected , he will not run away. He must have the courage to confront us . ”

.” If I were him, I would find that I couldn’t attack Fan Youcai …”

.Speaking of which , his expression changed slightly .

.” Fan Youcai’s family ?!”


.Just when the criminal investigation team rushed to the forestry station to carry out the arrest operation .

.the other side .

.Fan Youcai stayed at home .

.There are experienced detectives who are protecting it .

.As long as Yu Xiangjie dares to come .

.Or arrest on the spot .

.Or kill on the spot .

.Pang Qun has already given an order to shoot directly if the other party is really tough .

.At the moment .

.Fan Youcai, who was sitting on the sofa very anxious , received a text message .

.He subconsciously picked up the phone .

.The message content is :

[ I know there are policemen around you , don’t make a sound , relax , or you will be killed immediately . ?

[ You , your son , your grandson , I allow two to live . ?

[ Give you a chance to choose . ?

? Who dies , you choose . ?

…. wide .

Chapter 211 _ Game ? 1 ?

.Seeing this text message , Fan Youcai was stunned for five seconds .

.The anxious mood that had gradually calmed down turned into panic again .

.This time , it was different from before .

.The level of panic is far greater than before .

.A person’s life spans decades .

.Sometimes your life is not the most important thing at all .

.For now .

.Is Fan Youcai afraid that Yu Zhenyao’s son will come to him ?

.Of course afraid .

.But don’t panic .

.They all carry their heads on their shoulders , the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken !

.However .

.If the life of a loved one is involved , that is the real fear .

.son ?

.grandson ?

.No matter who died , he couldn’t accept it .

.Fan Youcai would not doubt the authenticity of this text message .

.Nor will he go to ” Zero Four Seven ” to think whether the other party is scaring him .

.Three people have been killed .

.Would you care about one more ?

.Therefore, Fan Youcai , who reacted , immediately controlled his expression .

.As the other said .

.take it easy …

.take it easy …

.After a while , Fan Youcai secretly glanced at a few detectives not far away and began to pretend to play with his cell phone .

.Silent mode , on .

? Don’t hurt them ! ! ?

.He sent a text message .

.The other party : [ I only give you half an hour to think about it . ?

.Fan Youcai stared at the phone for a while, then slowly closed his eyes .

.A full minute passed .

.When he opened his eyes again , his gaze became firm .

.He edits text messages .

[ Don’t think about it , I’m dead , please don’t hurt them . ?

.Opponent :

[ Very good , from now on , do as I say , keep the original state . ?

[ There is a policeman named Wang Ze who will come to you soon . ?

[ He will check your phone . ?

[ Delete all the text messages as if nothing happened . ?

[ In front of him , don’t deliberately hide your fear and tension , don’t deliberately control your expression , relax , and do whatever you want . ?

[ When you see him , ask whatever you need to ask , just like not seeing a text message . ?

[ After that, he will search for my location , and when he leaves , you will contact me . ?

[ Dare to talk nonsense , be careful of their lives . ?

[ Don’t reply to the text message , delete it now ]

.After reading the content , Fan Youcai took a breath and deleted all text messages .

.Then , put down the phone .

.The criminal police not far away found nothing unusual .

.It can also be said that he did not pay attention to Fan Youcai at all .

.Their mission is to protect , not to monitor .

.This is the sixth floor .

.Unless Yu Xiangjie had the skills of a secret agent , it would be impossible for him to break through the window .

.So , focus on the front door .


.Let’s talk about Wang Ze’s side .

.After judging that Xiang Jie was likely to attack Fan Youcai’s family , they immediately set out to lock the position of Fan Youcai’s family .

.It coincides with the closing time of kindergarten .

.Fan Youcai’s son has gone to the kindergarten to pick up his son .

.However , did not go home .

.The phone does not work .

.It disappeared so inexplicably .

.A kindergarten gate .

.Pang Qun hit the car with a fist and said angrily, ” This Yu Xiangjie , there is no bottom line for revenge, right ?”

.” How old are the children ?!”

.Wang Ze put out the cigarette and said , ” His purpose is only Fan Youcai , and he should not implicate his relatives . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Then why did he arrest the child ?”

.Wang Ze opened the car door and said, ” It’s very simple , threatening . ”

.” Let Fan Youcai do the multiple-choice questions . ”

.” Only one of the two sides can survive , let Fan Youcai choose by himself . ”

.” In this case , it is impossible for him to kill Fan Youcai himself . ”

.” It ‘s the only way to let the other party commit suicide . ”

.Pang Qun was shocked : ” Let Fan Youcai commit suicide ?!”

.” This Yu Xiangjie has done everything he can to get revenge !”

.Wang Ze : ” Go , go see Fan Youcai immediately . ”

.” Let those who protect him watch and don’t let him do anything . ”

.Pang Qun took out his phone : ” Okay . ”

.The vehicle is on the road .

.Pang Qun, who had arranged everything, said , ” It’s only an hour since we left from Fan Youcai , right ?”

.” How did he do it in such a short time ?”

.” Didn’t he just know Fan Youcai’s position ?”

.Must have just found out …

.Otherwise , it would have been done a long time ago , and it would be worth waiting until now .

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s very simple , ask the people around you . ”

.” After we left , we immediately asked the neighbors about Fan Youcai’s situation . ”

.” For example, his new mobile phone number , how many people in the family , which kindergarten his grandson is in , his son’s license plate number, etc. ”

.” From the results , he asked about the kindergarten . ”

.” When we went to the forestry station , he went straight to the kindergarten . ”

.” It was my mistake to underestimate him . ”

.Pang Qun hurriedly said : ” How can this be called your mistake . ”

.”The identity of the murderer has been determined , and he must be arrested as soon as possible . ”

.” Who can think so much in a short period of time . ”

.Wang Ze did not speak .

.A mistake is a mistake .

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