.” It doesn’t matter , Yuan Shengqiang has already been slaughtered by me , it’s all the same . ”

.” He needs to be held accountable for this . ”

.Having said that , he looked at Wang Ze and said, ” Captain Wang , do you think I should kill them ? ”

.Wang Ze said : ” This question , you should ask the law . ”

.Yu Xiangjie said : ” But it tells me that my father can only die in vain . ”

.” My father’s death indirectly led to my mother’s death . ”

.” Then what shall I do . ”

Chapter 223 _ The painstaking efforts in the past have become in vain [ 1 ]

.Do not persuade others to be generous without suffering others .

.That’s right .

.Wang Ze is a justice detective who fights crime .

.In the future , we will continue to work hard in this direction .

.But .

.His heart is hot , not a legal machine .

.Consider it from an emotional point of view .

.Yu Xiangjie lost his father at a young age , and the family lost a pillar and an important source of income .

.This directly led to Xiangjie’s home becoming unprecedentedly difficult .

.And the death of Yu Xiangjie’s mother was somewhat related to this matter .

.If Yu Xiangjie’s father hadn’t died , he would have been able to help Xiangjie’s mother both in therapy and in spirit .

.Perhaps , the other party can still live in peace now .

.Therefore .

.It is not surprising that the four people involved in the incident were brutally retaliated by Yu Xiangjie .

.Consider it from a rational point of view .

.Yu Xiangjie burned three people alive in a tragic way out of his own hatred .

.This is a serious contempt for the law .

.This is a very selfish act of taking their lives .

.others .

.Don’t have a family ?

.Think from the point of view of the beginning of the event .

.If Yu Zhenyao didn’t have a crooked mind and intended to poach and poach illegally .

.There is nothing after that .

.Don’t be excusable .

.the world .

.There are many people who have a hard life .

.But the people who end up on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes are actually only a small number .

.If the heart is right , then the body is right .

.Speaking in many ways .

.Wang Ze did not want to stand on the commanding heights of morality and law to criticize Yu Xiangjie’s behavior .

.And .

.Judging from his relaxed demeanor and unrepentant tone .

.It is impossible for him to listen .

.It’s useless to say .

.After being silent for a while , Wang Ze said, ” Everyone’s choice is different . ”

.” Since you’ve chosen this path , be prepared to pay the price . ”

.What path did Yu Xiangjie choose ?

.Obviously .

.And the so-called ” enemy ? ~ people “, the road to perish together .

.Yu Xiangjie smiled slightly : ” From the moment my mother died , I have been ready . ”

.” It’s a pity . ”

.” I thought I could leave Xicheng safely after doing this . ”

.” Unexpectedly , you came to this city . ”

.” If I could have started earlier , maybe you haven’t graduated yet ?”

.He really didn’t expect it .

.In Dongzhou’s criminal investigation team , there are people like Wang Ze .

.Such a young detective captain .

.It’s hard to imagine how many cases he solved to get this seat .

.Wang Ze said quietly : ” This has nothing to do with the investigator . ”

.” In the world , there are not so many ifs . ”

.”The result is the most important thing . ”

.Yu Xiangjie was silent for a while and said , ” Okay , I agree with what you said . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where’s your father’s body? Have you found it ?”

.Since the other party has found Yuan Shengqiang , he will inevitably be questioned .

.Including what happened that year , and who else was with him .

.And the whereabouts of Yu Zhenyao’s body must be one of the problems .

.He is not afraid of Yuan Shengqiang lying .

.Burning people can be done , it can be imagined by Xiang Jie’s means .

.He has countless ways to make Yuan Shengqiang dare not lie .

.Yu Xiangjie nodded and said , “I found it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where ?”

.Yu Xiangjie : ” They threw my father’s body into a valley . ”

.” Fortunately , the bones are all there . ”

.” I’ve buried him in the mountains , it ‘s … the fallen leaves return to their roots . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.He knew that Yu Zhenyao’s body was probably complete .

.Neither ligers nor wolfdogs are very interested in hard bones .

.They gnaw on food and patiently separate tendons and ligaments and other remnants from the bones .

.As for the bones , they won’t die .

.It is an exaggeration to say that there are no bones left by the beasts .

.” You’re very smart , why did it take so long to find them . ”

.Wang Ze spoke .

.a three-year period .

.One or two years .

.Not really short .

.They deduced before that they should be hiding .

.Mentioning this matter , Yu Xiangjie snorted coldly : ” These old fellows are not very active , but they are quite careful . ”

.” After that incident , everyone except Yuan Shengqiang hid . ”

.” Xicheng is so big , it took some effort to find them . ”

.” Humph !”

.” They probably know in their hearts that something will happen to them sooner or later !”

.” What’s the difference between this and intentional murder ?”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Everyone is selfish , your father is willing to take risks , there is no way . ”

.Yu Xiangjie : ” He is for this family !”

.Wang Ze : ” Is it possible to commit crimes for the sake of this family ?”

.Yu Xiangjie opened his mouth , snorted coldly , and gave up discussing this issue with Wang Ze .

.Anyway .

.He would not regret putting the death of his parents on Yuan Shengqiang’s head .

.Wang Ze said: “� “The reason why I can chat with you calmly here is because you didn’t kill innocent people indiscriminately . ”

.” Yu Xiangjie , you know what crime you committed yourself . ”

.” Prepare for trial . ”

.Yu Xiangjie : ” Wait . ”

.” How did you find out what happened back then ?”

.He was a little curious .

.He learned of what happened back then by forcing him to question Yuan Shengqiang .

.The other party’s eyes were darkened , how did they check so quickly ?

.Wang Ze said: ” Existence must leave traces . ”

.” As long as a small clue is found , it can be enlarged infinitely . ”

.” You know a little about anti-reconnaissance , but you don’t know about criminal investigation . ”

.The two looked at each other .

.In the end , Yu Xiangjie lowered his head and did not speak .

.Wang Ze said: ” Yu Xiangjie , ask a question . ”

.” If your mother hadn’t died six years ago , would you still have thought of avenging your father ?” ( Li Hao )

.Yu Xiangjie shook his head : ” There is no such if . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” What do you mean ?”

.Yu Xiangjie said : ” My mother told me about the public driver before she died . ”

.” If she is usually awake , she won’t say it . ”

.” So if she hadn’t died , there’s no way I would have known about it . ”

.Wang Ze fell silent .

.After a while , he sighed .

.Really fate .

.There is even a slight deviation in the middle .

.This case will not happen .

.Yu Xiangjie’s mother really wanted to know the truth .

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