.After applying for a while , Wang Ze took off her other shoe and continued to apply .

.” Is it better ?”

.Wang Ze spoke .

.Jiang Ying : ” Much better . ”

.Wang Ze raised his head to look at the sky and said , “You have to leave quickly , it’s not good if it’s dark . ”

.” Let’s go . ”

.After he finished speaking , he put on Jiang Ying’s shoes , and then squatted down with his back to her .

.Jiang Ying : ” Why ?”

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” With your back , your feet need to rest . ”

.Jiang Ying pursed her lips and stood up slowly .

.The slender arms wrapped around Wang Ze’s neck .

.Wang Ze carried Jiang Ying up and walked out of the mountain .

.Looking at Wang Ze who was close at hand , Jiang Ying couldn’t hold back and leaned over and kissed him .

.Wang Ze looked at Shan Ludao : ” I have a magic power on you again . ”

.” Hey hey . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled and hugged Wang Ze tightly .

.The two of them walked away in the forest .

.more than an hour later .

.It was not until he was about to leave the forest that Wang Zefang put Jiang Ying down .

.” Can you go ?”

.Jiang Ying tried her feet , nodded and said, ” It’s all right . ”

.Wang Ze was relieved and said , ” That’s good , let ‘s go . ”

.After saying that, he turned around and continued walking .

.Jiang Ying chased after him and hugged Wang Ze’s arm .

.” Do you know what was the best decision I’ve ever made as an adult ? ”

?(chfe)?Jiang Ying laughed .

.Wang Ze : ” Ghost knows . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” It was the day I went to the mental hospital . ”

.Wang Ze : “…”

.Whoops !

.This girl is definitely having some trouble lately .

.What about making idol dramas ?

.” Really really . ”

.” Come on, let me kiss again . ”

.Jiang Ying came over again .

.Wang Ze said in disgust, ” It’s all sweat, don’t make trouble !”

.Jiang Ying : ” I don’t care . ”

.Wang Ze grabbed her hair and said , ” Your hormones are a bit strong today . ”

.While making a fuss , the two finally returned to the forestry station .

.After saying hello to Liu Jitong , they drove away .

.It was getting dark .

.It’s time for dinner .

.The two were really hungry .

.” Where to eat ?”

.The co-pilot Jiang Ying rubbed her feet for a while and asked .

.Wang Ze scratched his forehead and said , ” I don’t know either . ”

.” What do you want to eat ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” You can eat anything , as long as you eat it . ”

.” Why don’t you just go for a buffet ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Is this simple ?”

.” Okay , what self-help ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Barbecue buffet , wait for me to search . ”

.After speaking , she took out her mobile phone and opened the food group purchase .

.” Let’s go to this one in the city , you can be there in half an hour . ”

.She opens the navigation .

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.It’s getting darker .

.The neon lights of the city are flickering .

.The vehicle drove slowly on the slightly congested street, and the two chatted .

.” Tomorrow , go to the village that captain Pang said . ”

.” What do you think ?”

.Wang Ze said indifferently : ” Yes , I have nothing to do . ”

.” But you have to let me sleep in . ”

.It ‘s been a busy few days and I really don’t get enough sleep .

.Jiang Ying said : ” Of course , I know you are very tired . ”

.” You can go after lunch . ”

.Wang Ze : ” That’s a good feeling . ”

.The red light comes on and the vehicle starts .

.At this moment , not far from the right front , there was a small-scale commotion .

.Wang Ze turned to look .

.A middle-aged man forced another young man in a suit into the corner .

.Use a knife !

.Lots of onlookers .

.” Quickly call the police !!”

.” Don’t be impulsive ! Put down the knife first !”

.The middle-aged man roared : ” Go away ! Today I’m going to kill this scum !”

.The opponent has a knife .

.No one dared to approach .

.” What’s the situation ?!”

.Jiang Ying’s eyes widened .

.It was the first time she had seen someone commit a murder on the street with a knife !

.It’s too bold !

.Seeing this , Wang Ze slammed the steering wheel and braked suddenly to the side of the road .

.He got out of the car quickly .

.The middle-aged man’s vigilance was low , and he didn’t pay attention to what was behind him .

.Wang Ze rushed over , grabbed his wrist like lightning , and twisted it hard .

.” Ouch !!”

.The middle-aged man was in pain and the knife slipped .

.” Who ?!”

.He turned back angrily .

.Wang Ze frowned : ” This big brother , what can’t you think about ?”

.” Have your knives been used ?”

Chapter 230 _ Defense attorney ? 1 ?

.He did not take coercive measures against the man .

.The most impulsive factor is the most impulsive factor when carrying a knife on the street .

.I guess there is some dispute .

.If you really want to kill people , you can’t choose this way .

.Wouldn’t it be better to have a corner .

.Wang Ze’s law enforcement has its own yardstick , depending on the situation .

.I didn’t understand anything , and I wouldn’t press this person directly to the ground and torture him away .

.” Let go of me !”

.The middle-aged man glared at Wang Ze .

.Seeing that some people are brave and good at righteousness , the onlookers are relieved and at the same time they don’t forget to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos .

.A certain blogger even thought of a title .

[ Knife-wielding perpetrators were found on the street , and the handsome boy took the knife bravely . ?

.this title .

.It’s attractive at first sight .

.On the other side , Jiang Ying also came over , but didn’t get too close .

.Wang Ze held the middle-aged man’s hand tightly and said , ” Brother , if you have something to say , I’m a policeman . ”

.” You are now suspected of breaking the law . ”

.” Don’t be impulsive , think about your family . ”

.” Police ?”

.Hearing that the other party was a police officer , the people watching the video quickly put down their mobile phones .

.It seems that it is not allowed to distribute police videos without permission .

.Still don’t look for trouble .

.Wang Ze’s identity as a policeman made the middle-aged man stunned for a moment , and his anger continued : ” Family ?”

.” Do I still have family ?!”

.” My only daughter has been killed !”

.This sentence immediately caused an uproar .

.” Damn , was … killed ?”

.” It can’t be this young man, right ? He looks like a dog , so he ‘s a murderer ?”

.” Impossible . If it was a murderer , the police would have caught it long ago , and they would have waited until the family members took revenge with knives . ”

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