.Her education level is not high , so I don’t think much about it .

.But fingerprints, footprints, etc. , can still be understood .

.As for that DNA…


.Wang Ze said: “DNA, you can understand it as identity information . ”

.” This kind of information is left by you and the deceased in the process of fighting . ”

.” We have professional technology that can compare your identity information with the identity information left on the spot . ”

.”The results are exactly the same . ”

.” As a reminder , this is hard evidence in court . ”

.Huang Lanying was immediately dumbfounded .

.Bang !

.Wang Ze slammed the table and said angrily, ” Speak !”

.” How did you kill Hu Guixia ! Why did you kill her !”

.Huang Lanying was startled and stammered, ” She … she died ?”

.” I-I-I … I didn’t want to kill her !”

.” It’s her !”

.” It’s her who is pestering me !”

.” She asked for it herself !”

.Wang Ze said coldly, ” Why does she keep pestering you ?”

.” It’s not because of you that you are hitting on her grandson’s idea !”

.” That’s her grandson !”

.” You want to rob her grandson , she must not fight with you ?!”

.Huang Lanying’s mouth trembled .

.was frightened .

.She may have thought about her future fate .

.This time , it ‘s not as simple as shutting down for a few years .

.” You … how do you know ?”

.Wang Ze said coldly , ” You have too many questions . ”

.” Speak !”

.” What the hell is going on !”

.Huang Lanying swallowed her saliva and said , ” I am … I confess !”

.” Leader , confess and be lenient, right ?”

.” I won’t be sentenced to death ?!”

.Wang Ze : ” Don’t talk nonsense . ”

.Huang Lanying said quickly : ” Okay, okay …”

.” I have lived in Mingjing Garden for over a year . ”

.” The grandfather and grandson , I have often met recently . ”

.” Once I took the initiative to talk to her and chatted , only then did I know that only their grandparents lived at home . ”

.”The children’s parents are usually very busy and usually do not come here , but only occasionally come back to see . ”

.” After nine o’clock , it ‘s almost impossible to come . ”

.” I … I’ve almost spent the money in my hand , thinking … thinking about making some extra money . ”

.” I didn’t want to hurt that kid !”

.” Just … just …”

.” Just trying to change his family . ”

.Ma Haoyu looked up at her .

.These words , Sanguan do not know where to go .

.Children are abducted and sold to make money .

.It’s actually said to be a family change for others .

.This woman does n’t know what to think .

.can only say .

.It ‘s really different from us normal people .

.Wonderful .

.Wang Ze looked stern and said , ” Go ahead !”

.Huang Lanying : ” Okay, okay …”

.” That night , I quietly came to the corridor of their house and heard someone arguing . ”

.” Only when I walked up, I found out that it was the old lady and her daughter-in-law . ”

.” I just hid and waited until after her daughter-in-law had left, and knocked on the door . ”

.” After opening the door , I pushed her to the ground and went to the bedroom to grab the child . ”

.” But she …”

.” She chased after me and held on to me . ”

.” We got into a fight . ”

.” Later … Then I don’t know what happened , I picked up the cup next to me and hit her …”

.Wang Ze : ” You went empty-handed ?”

.Huang Lanying : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Yes ?”

.” You were empty-handed when you robbed children before ? Are n’t you afraid of children yelling ?”

.Huang Lanying : ” Oh … I’m holding tape to seal the child’s mouth . ”

.Wang Ze took a deep breath and said , ” Then what ?”

.Huang Lanying : ” Then ? No more . I saw her head was covered in blood , so I ran away . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Why didn’t you take the child Ruo : water ! Resources :’! Source ? Group ” 6′:5’6”’6?1:,8..?8?9:?6:?, Prepare ; Use , zhong “;? turn :, group ,!7,’6!?6″.0?1:8:3:”?2,.0 . ”

.Huang Lanying said , ” I was scared when I saw that she didn’t move . ”

.” It’s my first time, leader !”

.” Never dare again next time !”

.Wang Ze snorted coldly : ” Do you still want to have a next time ?”

.” Okay , wait for the next life . ”

.After speaking , he got up and left the interrogation room .

.Behind him, Huang Lanying shouted , ” I’ve confessed ! Confess and be lenient, leader !”


.On the other side , Wang Ze , Li Xiangbin and others came to the interrogation room .

.Lu Hao and Liu Junning have been waiting here .

.” Officer , has the murderer caught ?”

.Lu Hao asked quickly .

.Wang Ze sat down and briefly explained the matter to the other party .

.After listening to Wang Ze’s narration , Lu Hao stayed there .

.Liu Junning was also shocked .

.” Human traffickers ?!”

.She was very scared .

.” I’ll just say it ! Hong Rui shouldn’t be sent here !”

.She looked at Lu Hao and said angrily .

.Lu Hao just wanted to speak .

.Wang Ze said , ” Miss Liu . 070″

.Liu Junning turned his head .

.Wang Ze continued : ” There is something you need to know . ”

.” Family conflicts are actually the smallest conflicts in the world . ”

.” How can there be any overnight feud between relatives ?”

.” Your mother-in-law is very brave . ”

.” She used her weak body to stop the suspect’s actions again and again , and prevented your son from being taken away . ”

.” She , until the very last moment of her life , was protecting your son . ”

.” This is the family . ”

.” Is the conflict between relatives called a conflict ?”

.” How many people in the world want to have a conflict with their relatives , but never have the chance . ”

.” They will grow old and die . ”

.” However , even if there is only one breath left , I will always protect you . ”

.” Now think about it, is the fight with her before , is it a problem ?”

.These words moved everyone present .

.Liu Junning was the first to bear the brunt .

.Her lips trembled , and her eyes were wet .

.Tears , could not stop left .

.The next moment , she covered her face and cried bitterly .

.” Mom , I’m sorry …”

.Lu Hao also slowly closed his eyes and tears fell .

.Wang Ze and the others looked at each other and sighed .

.This case allowed them to meet a great mother and a great grandma .

.At the same time , I also met a hateful human trafficker .

.” Organize the file as soon as possible and hand it over for review . ”

.Wang Zedao .

.” Yes !”

Chapter 243 _ I go to ? 4 ?

.Nine o’clock in the morning the next day .

.Cloud City Bureau .

.case hall .

.Last night’s case can be said to be the case that has been investigated relatively quickly in recent years .

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