.” He Bin will be arrested , and Yinfeng Real Estate will also be involved in the investigation by economic investigators . ”

.”What the outcome will be , one can imagine . ”

.Jiang Hongtian snorted coldly : ” I don’t mind beating the underdogs . ”

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then said , ” Whatever . ”

.He can’t control what happens next .

.It’s okay to have a degree .

.In his heart , of course, he would turn towards the Jiang Group .

.Humans have feelings and there is no absolute balance .

.Jiang Hongtian said: ” Don’t worry , I won’t cause you trouble . ”

.Wang Ze nodded with a smile : ” I know . ”

.” Come on, I’ll take you off . ”

.The two left the lounge and went to the entrance of the city bureau .

.” Don’t forget to tell Jiang Ying , she is very worried now . ”

.Wang Ze said .

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Okay , let’s go . ”

.He waved at Wang Ze .

.After Jiang Hongtian left , Wang Ze’s phone rang .

.It was from Pang Qun .

.The call is connected .

.” Hello ?”

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.Pang Qun : ” Wang Ze , the matter is over , He Bin is at the city bureau now , but his lawyer is also there, we need evidence . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Feng Bai has already admitted everything , and he has a record of making money , so he can’t deny it . ”

.” Has the economic investigation acted ?”

.Pang Qun : ” Silverwind Real Estate has been reviewed . ”

.Intervention by economic investigation is a matter of course .

.Still that sentence .

.As long as you don’t do anything wrong , you won’t check your company for no reason .

.But if you do something wrong .

.I’m sorry , but your company will also be under investigation .

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.” A copy of the confession will be sent to you in a moment, let’s bring someone to Yuncheng . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Okay, I know , I’ll discuss it with Bureau Wei . ”


.Wang Ze : ” Well . ”

.” By the way , Feng Bai’s home , what is the search result ? ”

.Pang Qun : ” Nothing found , just a new phone . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” New mobile phone ? What kind of new mobile phone ?”

.Pang Qun : “The latest mid-to-high-end mobile phones cost more than 7,000 . The pink ones should be bought for girls . ”

.Wang Ze : ” When did you buy it ?”

.Pang Qun : ” There is an invoice in the bag, it was more than a month ago . ”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” It’s for his daughter , I know , it ‘s hard work . ”

.Pang Qun smiled and said , “You ‘re welcome , who are we ? ”

.” When you go to Yuncheng this time , remember to treat me to a good meal . ”

.Wang Ze said in surprise, ” Are you escorting it yourself ?”

.Pang Qun : ” I don’t miss you anymore . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Don’t be so disgusting, old Pang . ”

.After the serial murder case last year , the two seem to have had a good relationship with each other .

.Pang Qun : ” Haha , see you in Yuncheng . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , I’ll be waiting for you . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.Wang Ze stood there for a while , then turned and walked into the city bureau .

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.reception room .

.Wang Ze pushed open the door and entered .

.Feng Ying , who had been waiting anxiously , stood up immediately .

.” Officer Wang , what about him ?!”

.Wang Ze walked over slowly and said , ” Who are you talking about ? ”

.Feng Ying looked angry and said solemnly, ” Feng Bai !”

.She called her by her first name .

.Wang Ze sat on the sofa and looked up at her slightly .

.” Why do you think he ‘s here with me . ”

…. wide .

Chapter 341 _ This mobile phone was bought by Feng Bai [ 1 ]

.reception room .

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette .

.He had a hunch that Feng Ying might have to talk for a long time .

.Feng Ying waited for Wang Ze to take a sip before she said , ” Isn’t it ?”

.” It’s not normal for a criminal police captain to go to a coffee shop to drink coffee by himself . ”

.” There must be a purpose . ”

.Wang Ze turned to look at her : ” What purpose ?”

.Feng Ying opened her mouth and fell silent .

.After a while , he said , ” Arrest people . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Oh, I understand . ”

.” You mean , I went to the cafe today to catch your dad . ”

.” Right ?”

.Feng Ying nodded lightly and stared at Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze looked at her , raised his hand and took a cigarette , and said , ” It ‘s very smart . ”

.After being confirmed , Feng Ying stood up abruptly , ” One, three, three “, and said angrily, ” Where is he ?! I want to see him !”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Don’t be so excited , sit down and talk . ”

.” I’m afraid it’s unlikely to see him now . ”

.” But we can talk . ”

.Feng Ying frowned : ” Talk to you ? It’s okay . ”

.She sat back and said , ” What was he arrested for ? ”

.Wang Ze : ” Listening to your tone , it seems that you have some opinions on me . ”

.Feng Ying said, ” You guys are hiding from me , of course I have an opinion on you !”

.She has figured it out .

.When in the cafe at that time , Wang Ze did not catch Feng Bai , but pretended to say hello .

.It was obvious that he wanted to deceive her .

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” You are so smart , don’t you know why I did this ?”

.Feng Ying : ” It can’t be for me, okay ?”

.Wang Ze : ” This is one of the reasons . ”

.” I have surrounded the coffee shop with people , and I can rush in and arrest Feng Bai on the spot . ”

.” But , I didn’t do that. ”

.” In that case , it will have a bad effect on your psychology . ”

.” There is a second reason . ”

.” Your father has accomplices , and I’m afraid they’re waiting for an opportunity to escape nearby . ”

.Feng Ying fell silent .

.She listened to the other party’s words .

.That’s right .

.If Feng Bai was arrested in front of her, it would definitely have an impact on her .

.For a long time in the future, or even a lifetime , I am afraid that this scene will not be forgotten .

.” I’m sorry , I didn’t have a good attitude just now . ”

.Feng Ying lowered her head slightly and said .

.Wang Ze’s smile remained unchanged : ” It’s okay , I can understand . ”

.It is impossible for any young girl to remain calm going through this kind of thing .

.He wouldn’t care , he just wanted the other party’s emotions to stabilize and listen to her .

.Emotional stability , in order to listen to good words .

.At this time , Feng Ying seemed to be looking at Wang Ze seriously for the first time and said , ” Are you really the captain ?”

.Wang Ze was slightly stunned : ” This topic has changed a bit quickly . ”

.” Is there a fake captain ?”

.Feng Ying said : ” I just didn’t expect that there would be such a young criminal investigation captain . ”

.” And it’s from the City Council . ”

.If you want to say that you are a team leader in the district office , it is acceptable .

.It’s a bit exaggerated to be the captain of the city bureau at such a young age .

.I don’t know if I know too little …

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” I’ll take you as a compliment to me . ”

.After speaking , he flicked the ashtray into the ashtray .

.The cigarette is half burnt .

.Feng Ying hesitated for a moment and said , ” Then … can you tell me now why he was arrested ?”

.Wang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said , ” Just talking about the crime …”

.” Steal , frame , spread rumors . ”

.Hearing this , Feng Ying’s face changed : ” So many ? What’s the situation ?”

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